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"Out of roleplay"


The King
Legendary Donator
I keep hearing this "Out of roleplay" in the middle of role play on the server and it makes me cringe...

Can i point everyone to http://www.altislife.co.uk/topic/2548-altis-life-rules-updated-october-2014/ (Rule 3C/3D)

The same applies to "your going to get reported"... or "your going to be banned"

I haven't banned anyone for this rule yet but its getting to the point where I will start as it just kills RP and its getting so common.

If you want to talk out of roleplay then go on our teamspeak and discuss.

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If i have to give the other person out of roleplay information i use the ingame chat function like "Out of roleplay: You're amazing"

Yup. I use the direct chat for OOC matters (out of character), because it is rareky used in an RP matter and is easily overlooked.

I think even saying it in the chat is the same thing. The best roleplayers are always in character and bypass some trolls etc. keep in roleplay the whole time, if you feel it necessary use the mobile at a later date. This comes from alot of experience with people like this.

As a medic we occasionally have to go out of roleplay, some people have absolutely no idea what to do our what is happening, I always try in direct chat first though, but it is rarely successful :/

It is annoying though

I hear this probably 10+ times a day and 99% of the time I ignore it, it needs to stop it ruin the flow of the RP and basically annoys the crap out of me, from this point on the moment I hear out of RP I am going to read you your rights and send you to prison no frills attached, personally sick to death of it, I personally lose all respect for the people doing it, Do everyone a favour if you can not follow simple rules go find another community that does not take RP seriously.


DI Fuel

Yesterday I had someone say: "I didnot VDM, I ran people over to prevent a collision. Yiure getting reported!" He combatlogged straight after :(

TBH I have done this in the past but only as something has come up IRL that I can't find a reason where I would need to stand still for 5 min... phonecall/doorbell... 

If I need to leave for toilet etc I say 'excuse me why I medicate'

Forums 'I call the newspaper'

Youtube = TV

Accidental meta gaming = name tag or wanted poster

Noise in Side chat interfering with rp = excuse me as I take my medication as I hear voices in my head

RDM = I turn of everything and cry in the corner with the lights off

If all else fails I say 'imagine if we were playing a game with roll play....' gives plausible deniability to say anything - only used this one once! I call it rp within rp just like Inception taught us :D

I tried but I didn't find the guys on TS Wilco. I asked them several times for where can find them on TS they didn't hear me or something thats because of they didn't answer me. And I said: "Okay guys, I'm talking with you out of RP let me pass because..." bla bla bla. 

Then you message them or report them for breaking whatever rule..

In the server there is no "out of roleplay" ... From today im going to start banning in-game for anyone that says this because its got to the point where its so common now and just annoys people as well as completely breaking RP.

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Of course we have to stick to the rules especially RP line. This is a total RP server but sometimes communication are useless. Almost 1 year playing on this server for the first time I did that yesterday night.

Next time I'll be more careful. 

Then you message them or report them for breaking whatever rule..

In the server there is no "out of roleplay" ... From today im going to start banning in-game for anyone that says this because its got to the point where its so common now and just annoys people as well as completely breaking RP.
What if you need to poop real bad, is it OK to type it?
Yes puppy that is fine, but you could say that in game just say I need to poop real bad run into a house and you could even leave your mic on for realism but that's optional

Yes puppy that is fine, but you could say that in game just say I need to poop real bad run into a house and you could even leave your mic on for realism but that's optional
I did this once. I have a wireless headset. My bathroom is really close to my desk. Lets just say it wasnt THAT appreciated.
