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Opposite of "Recommend a Player"?


Dear community, 

At numerous times you encounter a dude or a dudess (Though I'd like more of them to really feel the realistic roleplay as the proportion of male/female in real life is different than what i encounter in our RP server) which is far from a good RPer or a rule follower. 

Sometimes, you either do not have the proof to report them for breaking rules OR, you do not want to get them banned and simply want them to just learn the got dam rules & learn how to RP in an rp server. In all honesty, I would love a section where we have something opposite to "Recommend a Player". Where its not about bans but its more about "player rapport" / "player reputation" which is at stake. Thus, when we want to see how are the best RPers/ player on the server we can simply just look at that particular KPI (key performance indicator)/measure and see well this is either a very good or a long running bad player (with several "Bad gameplay" type of threads to his name). 

Perhaps, I do not know if something like that already exists OR a certain section of forums which is meant for this (e.g. Report a Player) but my perception of that section is incorrect, kindly point me in the right direction. 

At the end of the day, I don't want normal players, new players, people in their learning curve to be banned due to my reports. I just want them to "Care" about their reputation and have the motivation to go and learn how to RP / follow rules and become a good part of this community.

My post is triggered by few incidents in past few weeks and one recently from this morning.

Please advise. 

Kind Regards, 


Just seems like a place that would cause a hell of a lot of unnecessary crying, whining, drama and arguments.  Someone posts something about whoever purely because they don't like them then wait for the shitstorm to occur.

So yea, -1 from me.

With regards to your comment about not wanting to report people as they'd get banned, you just want them to learn the rules.  Quite frankly, the longer they get away with it because people "don't want to report them" the less likely they're gonna bother to read the rules anyway regardless of how many people tell them

Just seems like a place that would cause a hell of a lot of unnecessary crying, whining, drama and arguments.  Someone posts something about whoever purely because they don't like them then wait for the shitstorm to occur.

So yea, -1 from me.

With regards to your comment about not wanting to report people as they'd get banned, you just want them to learn the rules.  Quite frankly, the longer they get away with it because people "don't want to report them" the less likely they're gonna bother to read the rules anyway regardless of how many people tell them
Fair enough. I understand your point.

Not a good idea there's already enough drama going without things like this. -1

I can see where you are coming from but I think it would just cause a lot of drama and a bunch of he said that he said otherwise situations. If you feel like someone needs to step there RP up askm them to come to teamspeak and just explain what they could've done better. If they don't want to talk to you about it they will eventually learn the hard way.

-1 Too much drama and argument will present itself. Just stick to report a player 

if you don't want to report someone to get him banned then don't report him, and if you don't then don't cry about how he breaks the rules, and try to explain it to him instead.  " you are not reporting a player to get him banned, but to get him to follow the rules and learn his lesson"

i personly don't think its a good idea to have a section on the forum where you can say bad things about "X" Players.

At the end of the day, I don't want normal players, new players, people in their learning curve to be banned due to my reports. I just want them to "Care" about their reputation and have the motivation to go and learn how to RP / follow rules and become a good part of this community.
-1 for all the reasons previously stated.

Be the change you want to see in the world - There's nothing stopping you from taking the time yourself to:

  • speak to a player OOC and show them the ropes if they're new
  • Speak to the player you feel wronged you on TS, maybe they dont know what they did wrong
  • Contact staff through the mobile and ask them to keep a watchful eye over a player if you think they're a persistent offender or skirting the rules.
  • Contact staff in the support TS channel and see if someone can watch over the player.
There are a myriad of applications out there such as PlaysTV, nVidia Shadowplay, AMD Raptr, OBS etc. that can capture highlights or snippets of video, or a whole recording itself either of the incident or your attempts to contact the player to help them be a better community member.

Imagine you worked at a job and there people rated the other staff on a KPI, but didn't want them fired, just wanted to apply some subjective metric, and every month those with the lowest score were paraded out and publicly shamed. Now imagine that month it's you and you have everyone telling you how shit you are. Maybe the first month you try to better yourself, but there's a cadre of people with a vendetta against you and they constantly rate you a poor score, so you get paraded and shit upon again. Would you want to keep trying to 'prove yourself' to this group of people who keep shitting on you, or would you rather just leave that workplace and find somewhere that doesnt publicly shit over you?

So, you basically want a forum which... encourages shitposting against players? No thanks.

If they break a rule, report a player is your best friend. Not let's shame them in front of the whole community. How would you feel being exposed to everyone and then them shittalking, shitposting, whinging etc. Exactly.

Although I see the intention of it being a place to tarnish a players reputation which I can understand to an extent, this is extremely flawed.

What if the player posting has a genuine hate for the player they're posting about? They will lie and exaggerate the event to make it seem worse. People that barely know each other will be slated, or will slate the wrong person.

There is no need to 'shame' someone into changing their roleplay/standards as it is belittleing, embarrassing and white toxic. 
