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[Open] Nononsense RDM (Action: Banned on another report)

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he didnt warn anyone he asked for food if thats a new way of warning then its news to me

We have every right to put spike traps infront of an heavily armed vehicle or an ifrit, if you feel this is something you dont agree with go ask for a higher officer, 

This has nothing to do with that, you spawned an IFRIT infront of 2 police officers, we would have not reacted at all at first due it just parked there, but for some unknown reason you started it up and started to drive away and your friend was carrying an illegal gun to the ifrit and entered it.

Thirdly, you kept asking for my gear, which you frankly should already know it's against the server rules,

I personally believe this was just misscommunication on your part, you should have screamed immediatly for us to put down our guns. 

All of this wouldn't happen if you just didn't spawn a freaking ifrit infront of us, we even impounded it for you. Gourvo, apperantly you are known on this server, you must know better dude. 

I'm out. If you wish to discuss it further you are welcome to msg us on Teamspeak, would also like to speak to NoNonsensse, this isn't the first time this has happenend. 

yes he didnt finish which means we wasnt warned which means its RDM he had plenty of time to tell us but said nothing
Well in RP, if you shut him up, then expect the worst. Basically if you shoot the messenger, you don't get the message.

I was shouting from the car that we had Rebels inbound and if you didn't realise me that you'd most likely get killed.

However, you put me in the car before I could finish as I wasn't aware that one of my allies was coming to "save us" until I started saying "Sir, One more thing, one more thing ....." As Voltz stated. I'm going to be honest and say that I did leave it a little late, although some more warning would of been better - I didn't realise he was going to come in and shoot you.

I guess it does seem like RDM however, in my opinion wasn't. I'll happily comp any food/drink you had if necessary. Other than that, I wasn't told to tell you until the last minute as I didn't know there was an Ally nearby.

- Tom.

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as for the ifrit i understand as a ex cop that somtines the spikes hit the ifrit before placing them..acidenly and i apprichiate you impounding it. and we were not aware you were there when we spawned it. we asked for you gear because we did not want you to have anytinhg you could attack us with we did  not want to take any of it 
and lastly as for  the "RDM" you could understand why he did it as we were both going to go to prison and if we had left it longer they could not help as we would be at HQ. and in the vid one of you knew that we called for back-up.
a bit better coms would he been better on both sides
as for the ifrit i understand as a ex cop that somtines the spikes hit the ifrit before placing them..acidenly and i apprichiate you impounding it. and we were not aware you were there when we spawned it. we asked for you gear because we did not want you to have anytinhg you could attack us with we did  not want to take any of it 
and lastly as for  the "RDM" you could understand why he did it as we were both going to go to prison and if we had left it longer they could not help as we would be at HQ. and in the vid one of you knew that we called for back-up.
a bit better coms would he been better on both sides
I can agree with this fully. I didn't know anyone was coming in and some "Better Coms on both sides" would of been nicer.

Orc should've said something earlier.

NoNonsense should have sent a threat via an Emergency call.

Making a small remark right before your friend is about to shoot him is pretty shitty. Not labelling down as soon as possible that your friends are coming was your fault, and you relied on getting food rather than relaying the fact. Because of this I think that you were hoping to slyly tell them at the last second and then catch them off guard by NoNonsense attacking instantly. Any who, due to the fact that a warning wasn't given in brief enough time I think that this is definitely in the realm of RDM.

allright mate well thats a massive missunderstanding there :/ we can talk about it mate... me you and some guys from the group we were playing with during the combat in athira just let me know when you have some time :) i rly want to solve it mate 


so they did not even know help was coming according to the guy that was saying 1 more thing


so they did not even know help was coming according to the guy that was saying 1 more thing
No. I knew help was coming after you gave me the food and drink although it slipped my mind until I started shouting from the car.

I don't think NoNonsense should get in bother for my fuck up there. I didn't tell him I told you and he must of just assumed I had so he shot you. Coms was quite unclear at that point.

Basically I knew from when you started escorting me but was talking in TS and when I switched back to the game I started saying "one more thing".

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allright mate well thats a massive missunderstanding there :/ we can talk about it mate... me you and some guys from the group we were playing with during the combat in athira just let me know when you have some time :) i rly want to solve it mate 
I agree with NoNonsense that this needs to be discussed properly.

I'm not going to post anymore on this topic unless needed. Please feel free to PM me any questions but in my opinion NoNonsense is a good player it was just all round bad coms and RP.

- Tom

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No. I knew help was coming after you gave me the food and drink although it slipped my mind until I started shouting from the car.

I don't think NoNonsense should get in bother for my fuck up there. I didn't tell him I told you and he must of just assumed I had so he shot you. Coms was quite unclear at that point.

Basically I knew from when you started escorting me but was talking in TS and when I switched back to the game I started saying "one more thing".
he just told me you said that I was warned

I think you guys need to sit down and get your stories together before coming here

I don't think it was RDM personally, but admins decide.

This wasnt RDM, but in another report theres a clearcut VDM, moving this to action taken as member was today banned on that report

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