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op Armour or.... ?

Make the video "unlisted" the obly the people who press the link will see it

Multiple shots was of the body and those which hit seems to have struck the arms. when you stoped aiming you seem to have been alot of target aswell. I would not say that the ''bullet proof'' vest it OP, you just need to hit the chest or head and not the arms or the gun, which is very common.
Since the officer is running his arms are crossed over the chest holding the gun, slightly protecting the chest. If you were hitting the arms the damage will be dramaticly decreased.

I think it's just depending on the vest they wear and where you hit.

I'd recommend you guys to use the VR Training. Equip yourself with what ever you want to test (the AI will get the same gear) and try it.

Vests can take more hits, also depending on the gun you use. When shooting arms or legs they will survive longer ofcourse.

And I would never ever recommend shooting without 1st person like he does here. I think that's why he got away, the redicule (I think that's what you call it) also changes slightly between 1st and 3rd person. Just try it out (VR training)

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Their armor is no different afaik, 6.5 placed squarely in the upper chest region is insta kill till around 300m. 7.62.. well any body shot to the chest would do.

I do however notice bullet reg is not exactly how it is in other mp fps such as csgo. Its feels much more server dependant. Probable took him to below 30% with a couple arm shots.

I'm going to agree here, it certainly feels like there's an increase in armour, a lot of my guys have reported that they have needed more shots to kill police recently.

their is multiple factors that are involved, one of which was your shooting it is absolutely terrible, most of your shots actually missed but there was 2  rounds possibly 3 that hit him, their is also issues with the connection I will show you something that happened to me a while back with similar problems, i put enough bullets into someone to kill them 10 times over.

We have also been issued with a new vest which is armour 5 rated, similar to the UNMC but theirs gives slight better protection in the groin area.

their is multiple reason why he did not die but mostly it was your shooting.

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their is multiple factors that are involved, one of which was your shooting it is absolutely terrible, most of your shots actually missed but there was 2 rounds possibly 3 that hit him, their is also issues with the connection I will show you something that happened to me a while back with similar problems, i put enough bullets into someone to kill them 10 times over.

We have also been issued with a new vest which is armour 5 rated, similar to the UNMC but theirs gives slight better protection in the groin area.

their is multiple reason why he did not die but mostly it was your shooting.
Haven't seen this for a long time haha!

I'm going to agree here, it certainly feels like there's an increase in armour, a lot of my guys have reported that they have needed more shots to kill police recently.
If that is true it sucks. Because I cannot see why they are supposed to be able to get hold of better arsenal than we are. It's just unfair aswell, since they probably get it for free? Or?

They're police. They're meant to have better gear than standard gangs. You may not like it and I can understand why but it doesn't change the fact that it wont change. +1 for police having better body armor btw, should help with the waves of hobos in kavala too haha

Both the UNMC and the Police have armour 5 vests, the UNMC is more military so covers a higher percentage of their body.

And the reason why we get better protection than you is very simple, the government provides us with it, you would have to go down illegal routes to gain equipment.

Info is the CTRG Plate carrier available at all Rebel Shops is Armor five, But is missing the Armor in the back plate and is a little smaller, So the coverage is less around the upper chest,

I really need to find them armor tables i had laying around.
