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NPAS Thermals

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It is fairly well known that the thermal camera on NPAS is a extreme asset that the police can use.
But from recent experiences and understanding it is far too powerful and shouldn't be allowed under the "discretion of the office using it correctly".

For those who don't know thermal cameras from NPAS (in RPUK) are essential x-ray cameras that have the capability of seeing through walls, bridges and even tunnels. Now I understand police are not allowed to use that knowledge if obtained in those circumstances but its unfortunate human habit when you've obtained the information most people will not just leave it.

Although they will not relay the information in prevention of breaking a rule they can easily hint or suggest locations for police to check which covers their tracks.

Police should have to work as hard as crims in tracking and locating. The camera on NPAS is already a ridiculous tool with a crazy zoom. I believe thermal are unnecessary and most definitely shouldn't be allowed to be used under the discretion of using it correctly. It would be no different to giving somebody a tool that can be used for exploiting and tell them not to exploit with it. Unfortunately not everyone can be trusted.
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Its a very finaky thing, If you remove thermals that then makes NPAS more useless than a drone. So you would see a lot more drones about as NPAS will lose one of its main things that is the deciding factor between drone or npas.

At the end of the day NPAS should always be the one recording evidence so if they miss use thermals it should be easy to see. Take me as camera when we found you at the docks after ryan kray died.
I saw thermals from a distance. But i refused to call it until we got closer then i realised the building had no ground floor roof and that thermal spotting was acceptable. IF it did have a ground floor wall. I would have flew off because all we saw was one guy.

But ultimately NPAS should always be the one with evidence. So it should show them spotting you with thermals.

Also I know NPAS rules regarding uses of thermals is pretty straight forward for anyone to understand because I wrote them and im dumb.
Its a very finaky thing, If you remove thermals that then makes NPAS more useless than a drone. So you would see a lot more drones about as NPAS will lose one of its main things that is the deciding factor between drone or npas.

At the end of the day NPAS should always be the one recording evidence so if they miss use thermals it should be easy to see. Take me as camera when we found you at the docks after ryan kray died.
I saw thermals from a distance. But i refused to call it until we got closer then i realised the building had no ground floor roof and that thermal spotting was acceptable. IF it did have a ground floor wall. I would have flew off because all we saw was one guy.

But ultimately NPAS should always be the one with evidence. So it should show them spotting you with thermals.

Also I know NPAS rules regarding uses of thermals is pretty straight forward for anyone to understand because I wrote them and im dumb.
Isn't that a prime example of what I just said?

You've used thermals. Spotted something you don't know if it is allowed or not. Your curiosity made you go closer and expose the situation.

It shouldn't be a question of was I allowed to use it or not.

In my opinion that would be like exploiting (knowing that you're exploting) then questioning afterwards if it was allowed and justifying it
Isn't that a prime example of what I just said?

You've used thermals. Spotted something you don't know if it is allowed or not. Your curiosity made you go closer and expose the situation.
And thats how anything works. Curiosity. If it was something that couldnt be seen move on with life.
+1 After discovering how op thermal is and seeing the effect it has on recent roleplay scenarios as an occult member, this 100% needs to change. If not, level out the playing field for crims.

Personally, I've always wanted a Patriot battery system to counter npas... 😜
At the end of the day - the reason Occult get seen by NPAS all the time is because you all gather in huge groups in public places. The thermal camera is a tool we don't only use in hunting for criminals but also in MISPERs and a vital part of NPAS. Now if there is a way to make it so the camera cant see through building etc then great - I'm all for it, however, removing it completely would render NPAS almost completely useless compared to a drone etc and I think we can both see that's unlikely to happen.
All I’m seeing is that without thermal that NPAS is being compared to a drone. I would’ve thought the main role for NPAS would be aiding in pursuits hence the ability to lock on to vehicles (even that ability I don’t like).

If you do like to compare it do a drone and can actively pursure a vehicle and give comms at the same time then I would like to think about reducing the range of a drone from its pilot.

At the end of the day it’s still a fast helicopter with multiple roles such as pursuing as mentioned, intelligence gathering and many more it’s down to yourself to figure that out.

Thermals also tend to be used during the day as that’s the majority of the server so if you really want the technicalities then all road surfaces and buildings should be glowing white from the sun but they don’t. Remember it’s just a game not real life :)
At the end of the day - the reason Occult get seen by NPAS all the time is because you all gather in huge groups in public places. The thermal camera is a tool we don't only use in hunting for criminals but also in MISPERs and a vital part of NPAS. Now if there is a way to make it so the camera cant see through building etc then great - I'm all for it, however, removing it completely would render NPAS almost completely useless compared to a drone etc and I think we can both see that's unlikely to happen.
The post is not a back and forth of occult perspective but rather criminal perspective in the balancing of unfair circumstances if a unrealistic thermal camera under the use of "discretion"
How about I get the permissions to kick players off the server but use it with "discretion" (extreme example but one non the less)

NPAS is far from a useless tool without thermal cameras. For example and not limited to information on pursuits, chasing boats, locating of criminals (without thermals), reconing of areas to check if safe for ground units.

On the defence of your first sense the Occult has never held a gathering in a "public space" expemtion being one time inside of mrpd during Halloween.

Drones are utilised as a completely separate tool and should be used for their purpose of gathering intel.

Unfortunately it would require a disgusting amount of work for thermals cameras to be fixed due to it being a base game feature. I believe (and correct me if I'm wrong) devs would have to map every single tunnel, building and bridge for it to work how you suggest.

Ultimately I am all for fairness, give criminals a counter measure for the extremely overpowered "discrection" devise otherwise take it away. It is far too powerful of a tool that can be manipulated and used in rule breaking ways with little to non features of catching if a rule was broken.

Just because you see a gathering on thermals should not give you insight to investigate and then find they're actually under cover. You've already taken the information into rp and affected the course of events with your action.

But what if it had a cool down and it overheated ? maybe it can only be used for 30 seconds and there is a 3 minute cooldown! this would prevent the police knowing every single position of the "Bad guys" and allow people to escape!

But what if it had a cool down and it overheated ? maybe it can only be used for 30 seconds and there is a 3 minute cooldown! this would prevent the police knowing every single position of the "Bad guys" and allow people to escape!
That wouldn't fix much. Thermals has the ability to see everyone everywhere. 30 seconds of use would cause a hell of a lot more confusion for the operator if its usable information or not (if the information obtained was through a wall or not) ultimately leading to a lot more rule breaks because of having less time to act in the information.
It's basically like using /sessionheads to find people in bushes but on a larger scale (exploiting). If it can't be fixed due to being a base game issue, then it should be removed. You can't trust people not to abuse it and bring the knowledge within RP. I'd hate to think how many scenarios this has been abused in due to the lack of knowledge from the crim side.
The reality is a bunch of police will down vote this suggestion.

I'm not an occult member, and think this is a great suggestion.

Worried that NPAS would be useless and would just use drones? There's something called RP.

@Eden Nallebjorn pretended for months that the motel was functional, when in fact it was useless, why? RP.

How about you roleplay that NPAS is just as useful as a drone? As after all, we're here for the roleplay right?
How about if you want to truly be "unseen" we don't gather cars at ground level buildings like shacks and open hangars.
Considering the passive aggressive with this comment I'll match your vibe.

How about if you want to truly do it right you spot the cars before you spot the thermals from miles away?

This is the problem I am having. You have to find ways to justify using the thermals in ridiculous impossible measures. You cannot accept the fact that you've most likely used the thermals in a exploting kind of way and left it alone. That is not using a tool with "discretion".
+1 This suggestion but at the end of the day its probably not just going to get flat out removed, I mean what happened earlier NPAS or no NPAS, you was getting found, You tried to do a ritual at Stab city a place we always check when officers are missing, especially with it being a closer location to where the person was taken from and also housing a dodgy doctor location, If you know people are abusing the cameras then report it, Like for example if you are in an underground car park and somehow NPAS is calling you out well that's clearly not supposed to happen, But where there's a thin line that a lot of people are unclear of when using the camera which I do think needs to be shouted at them so they do know.

I'm all for the Thermals getting tweaked but I mean, like Jack Wiltshire said "There's something called RP" and in RP we have a helicopter, and when people go missing we use it to search for them, Most of the time we don't find them actually its pretty rare Imo that we do find an officer that's been kidnapped, I don't want to sound passive aggressive or sound like a prick but I mean, find better spots for the rituals, I know you mentioned before you have tried other spots and have been found Idk what's happened in those situations but in the situation earlier if NPAS wasn't up there was going to be a car there to look at stab city, where they would have found people walking around outside, cars parked outside and then probably soon after the officer.

This is the only post I'm going to make on this but yeah, It for sure needs tweaking cause that shit can be seen from a longgggg way away.
+1 This suggestion but at the end of the day its probably not just going to get flat out removed, I mean what happened earlier NPAS or no NPAS, you was getting found, You tried to do a ritual at Stab city a place we always check when officers are missing, especially with it being a closer location to where the person was taken from and also housing a dodgy doctor location, If you know people are abusing the cameras then report it, Like for example if you are in an underground car park and somehow NPAS is calling you out well that's clearly not supposed to happen, But where there's a thin line that a lot of people are unclear of when using the camera which I do think needs to be shouted at them so they do know.

I'm all for the Thermals getting tweaked but I mean, like Jack Wiltshire said "There's something called RP" and in RP we have a helicopter, and when people go missing we use it to search for them, Most of the time we don't find them actually its pretty rare Imo that we do find an officer that's been kidnapped, I don't want to sound passive aggressive or sound like a prick but I mean, find better spots for the rituals, I know you mentioned before you have tried other spots and have been found Idk what's happened in those situations but in the situation earlier if NPAS wasn't up there was going to be a car there to look at stab city, where they would have found people walking around outside, cars parked outside and then probably soon after the officer.

This is the only post I'm going to make on this but yeah, It for sure needs tweaking cause that shit can be seen from a longgggg way away.
Respectfully again. This is not about 1 scenario or occult vs police.

There are numerous occasions where npas thermals have been used and I can't unfortunately dictate if they were used correctly or incorrectly. My debate stands at the fact a tool that can be so easily exploited is being used and if somebody truly wanted to hide the fact they used it incorrectly they can very easily cover their tracks by suggesting someone checks the location.
Considering the passive aggressive with this comment I'll match your vibe.

How about if you want to truly do it right you spot the cars before you spot the thermals from miles away?
Just seems silly to me, being on both sides if I've ever wanted to not be seen by the NPAS take them underground somewhere, you do you chief.

Also a bit of a wild assumption about NPAS pilots in general.
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