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Not Valuing their life

Gc WeedWizard

Well-known member

Me and my crew have been having fun robbing taking over chekpointas and more today. So basicly my complain is that there is to many officers that do not value their life. This is something that just happend before the 4 pm restart: me and my friends are taking over this chekpoint where their was the a [PCSO] Matt and a [CSO] that i don know his name, so we where taking over this chekpoint and i went whit no gun and telling him to drop his weapon and put his hands upp. The pcso shot me and restrained me. I gave this guy a chance to release me and he wouldnt the snipers got warningshots and these guys tryed to hide. Our snipers got the cso but the pcso was alive. in the middle of the scende he put me and one of my friend and in the car. at the same time he got one of my snipers (there was 2 snipers). So now i gave him a last time to release us so he won´t get killed, he didnt and went and hided. at this time my last sniper came closer. And now a great PC came witch i  dont remember his name, the PC told us to give him a warningshot and we did, the pc released us. Now when we was released this pcso went one more time when we whit heavy weapons was threatning him and he tried to kill my last sniper. At the end we escaped. this is only one of the times this happend one of the time i got restrained and a officer threatnd me whit that he would shoot me if my sniper shot him one more time.

My point whit this is that maybe the rules modules and the interviews should be harder.

thx for reading :-D

Yeah we have the same problem, its not all but the ones that do not think they are invincible and end up getting killed. :cookiexmas:

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The other thing I forgot to mention is that cops will only ever want to RP in a blue zone so if things go wrong what the fuck are we supposed to do. As I got told off for fighting cops in Kavala yesterday as they were warned to let my friend go but no they raced to the Blue Zone but unfortunately because they can do that RP was cut short and I was told of from an ADMIN.  :angry:

So sorry again ADMIN but I will do what I need to do, But you were not there for the full situation which is unfortunate for me I guess. And Hobos running around middle of a gun fight well I will not take all the blame for them dyeing as they were running through cross fire but you have your own opinion.

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Frankly, i am sick and tired of people complaining to police about "not valuing their lives".

If the police officers didn't want to value their lives then that's their choice and it's up to their command officers whether they need disciplining or not, but how about for once you spin the camera around and stop looking at how some police officers "don't value their lives" and look at the civilians and rebels who don't value their lives.

I've been in too many firefights which could have easily been resolved by rebels / civilians valuing their lives. I've even been in a situation where i had a handcuffed rebel in custody in a service station and his friend comes along and just shoots his friend right in front of me not valuing his or his friends life! What kind of shit is that?!

Here's another example, there was one unnamed rebel surrounded by heavily armed police and 2 hunters, and what did he do?

He went out shooting. He did not value his life at all. All he did was run around the compound until he was shot. This unnamed rebel was an idiot in my opinion.

So next time, instead of pointing the camera on police officers, how about you look at a few rebels not valuing their lives. There's quite a few out there.

Frankly, i am sick and tired of people complaining to police about "not valuing their lives".

If the police officers didn't want to value their lives then that's their choice and it's up to their command officers whether they need disciplining or not, but how about for once you spin the camera around and stop looking at how some police officers "don't value their lives" and look at the civilians and rebels who don't value their lives.

I've been in too many firefights which could have easily been resolved by rebels / civilians valuing their lives. I've even been in a situation where i had a handcuffed rebel in custody in a service station and his friend comes along and just shoots his friend right in front of me not valuing his or his friends life! What kind of shit is that?!

Here's another example, there was one unnamed rebel surrounded by heavily armed police and 2 hunters, and what did he do?

He went out shooting. He did not value his life at all. All he did was run around the compound until he was shot. This unnamed rebel was an idiot in my opinion.

So next time, instead of pointing the camera on police officers, how about you look at a few rebels not valuing their lives. There's quite a few out there.
I know and i completly agre on that there is rebels and civilians that does no value their lifes. But many people joining the server dont know the rules and they do not rp. and their is people that can roleplay as a guy feeling bad and wanna die (just a example). The officers thoe must value their life and thats told from old officers and they say that it is written in the handbook.

Frankly, i am sick and tired of people complaining to police about "not valuing their lives".

If the police officers didn't want to value their lives then that's their choice and it's up to their command officers whether they need disciplining or not, but how about for once you spin the camera around and stop looking at how some police officers "don't value their lives" and look at the civilians and rebels who don't value their lives.

I've been in too many firefights which could have easily been resolved by rebels / civilians valuing their lives. I've even been in a situation where i had a handcuffed rebel in custody in a service station and his friend comes along and just shoots his friend right in front of me not valuing his or his friends life! What kind of shit is that?!

Here's another example, there was one unnamed rebel surrounded by heavily armed police and 2 hunters, and what did he do?

He went out shooting. He did not value his life at all. All he did was run around the compound until he was shot. This unnamed rebel was an idiot in my opinion.

So next time, instead of pointing the camera on police officers, how about you look at a few rebels not valuing their lives. There's quite a few out there.
But half of them do not value other people life around them they are a government contract and should be fired if they put peoples life in danger when they are supposed to protect.
