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Noob's stupid questions


Finland with polar bears and mammoths
Ok, I was wondering a few things:

1. If I ever get a gun, I can't just start shooting people. This is alright (more than just alright). If I want to put up a highway robbery can I shoot at passing-by car's tires? Or can I buy spiketrap? Or how should I go for this scenario?

2. In redzone it's ok to KOS, right?

3. Car-theft ok, if not in greenzone, yes?

4. I was in a "high-speed-chase" yesterday. Running away from cops with my lightning speed box-truck. If I would've smashed it and cops got to me, do I have to say that I'm going to shoot at them, or how do I make it clear that I won't let them take me to jail without a fight? (don't have a gun yet, but you know ;) )

That's it for this time, more to come when these get answered :)

Great server and community!

1: Spikestrips can't be bought. Shooting tires is doubtfull as it won't be clear to the peope inside the car you want them to stop. To them it might look like shoot on sight. Best thing to do is try to get hands on a spikestrip somehow, or figure out another way. ''Accidently'' crash a truck, have one guy waiting at it and you a distance away with a good shot. Someone stops to investigate and you got them

2: Yes

3: Car theft is okay, not sure about greenzone but best not do it there to be sure

4: If the chase is going on for more than 3 minutes, I think it's okay to shoot. But I will let someone else answer that one. You could always just try to get out the car ahead of them, take cover behind it and shout to them to GTFO!

Sadly rules of engagement with the police often changes from cop to cop try and RP it but they may still shoot first if you give them the upper hand by trying to RP ..Play it  situation to situation.

Always try to RP. However, if you've just ran away from police and crashed, then you will most likely be arrested ASAP. Like Khandamir said, use Direct Chat to tell us to clear off.

You can trust Khan on that: he killed me when I was a Blueberry in a similar situation!

Time for more questions:

1. I can't find a post or anything here about licenses. I was curious to know how much is everything nowadays?

2. Any other way to get rid of bounty (without BHs/cops arresting you and/or jailtime) than getting a cop to give you a 1£ ticket?

3. PCSOs and PCOs can't be taken hostage, but can I "hold them up"? E.g. to make them ticket me for said 1£?

4. Looting is ok, if not in greenzone and the subject isn't a cop? I was in the cokefield and a heli crashed next to me, didn't loot it because I wasn't sure if it was allowed (they weren't cops). Guessing i could've found a lot money there :(

5. Mobile is both used for RP and OOC?

1. Go to DVLA

2. No, need jail or ticket

3. You can hold them up, but no kidnapping

4. You can loot everything exept: Medic, Cops and UNMC

5. Both, if OOC put *Out of character* in front of the message, but dont say OOC in direct chat, you will probs find yourself banned

1. Go to DVLA

2. No, need jail or ticket

3. You can hold them up, but no kidnapping

4. You can loot everything exept: Medic, Cops and UNMC

5. Both, if OOC put *Out of character* in front of the message, but dont say OOC in direct chat, you will probs find yourself banned

About the licenses though, I meant all licenses. Gun, processing etc, but there's something I can do myself if I find the time for it :)

Yeah there's no clear distinctive answer on the shooting tires, I would suggest RP it for the safety, just simply but a road block off like maybe 2 offroads? and just shout stop or lose your tires, then after proceed to ask the gentleman to exit his car.
