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Nile [MSF] - Unnecessary shooting (Not enough evidence)

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This happened on 22nd February, 23:06 GMT. In game name Nile [MSF] Altislife.co.uk #1

Me and my friend Yesui flew to the Black Market to buy some rebel outfits. We had around 20k cash and M900. Some weapons on us as well. We landed and meet by MSF guys who were arriving to the scene with a red hatchback. To not lose the items we have we surrendered and put our hands up and let them rob us. Then one of the guys, i couldnt hear correctly went next to my friend and start talking. I was not able to hear correctly so i typed please type what you want, i cant hear you. Multiple times then after some seconds we got shot.

I am cooperating on every level and i still get killed. If this is how we proceed then it is bloody wild west. Instead of robbing people we should just shot them and rob them.

Here is the screenshot i take just after the incident.


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I know im not OP or person reported but please use the proper format when reporting someone. as well as what server was this on?

Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Description of what happened:
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)
Right, we told you to put your hands up, which you did. We then robbed your money and told you to put your hands down drop everything you have and put your hands back up. We gave you plenty of warnings to do so but you were just wasting time and not responding. I think got a bit cautious and counted down from five for your last chance to drop your stuff, you failed to comply which led to me shooting you both. P.S next time use the right format and shown above and have some valid evidence.

I did write the template, not like it is shown but written nontheless.  Also as i said, we did put our hands up and did everything you asked for, then as i mentioned i was not able to hear you clearly, if you were so patient, you could have written it. We surrendered. 

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In a situation like that, im not gunna break RP and type in chat, you obviously could hear me since you put your hands up when we asked you. I also repeated myself multiple times saying put your hands down and drop everything you had. If you couldn't hear me then turn your volume up, it said it loud and clear.

sorry to interrupt again but it it was on server 1 then typing isn't allowed to be used in rp you must do everything threw voice chat in order to keep rp seamless. 

Django you moan about people just shooting people and robbing with no rp yet you did it yourself after this which i recorded and have put up here. Don't come here moaning about crap rp when you killed me with a rifle really far away from me without even talking to me then getting your friend Yesui to pick up my cash and after speaking to numerous people i wasn't the only person you did it to.

Format not used and we require video evidence for RDM or poor roleplay.

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