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NHS Application Age Notice

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Well-known member
Head Psychologist Office, Kavala Hospital
As most people are currently aware there has been a rule put out so that you have to be 16+ to join a whitelisted faction.

So the issue I would like to report is that there is nothing on the NHS Application that says you need to be 16+ to join. I have had a few occasions in the interview channel people were complaining about not knowing about this new rule.

CST Ayrton

Ask them if they’ve ever read the NHS/server rules then. It says it right there. Their fault for not reading the rules of the faction they’re wanting to join. (Do your research)

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Ask them if they’ve ever read the NHS/server rules then. It says it right there. Their fault for not reading the rules of the faction they’re wanting to join. (Do your research)
This is an old post, but the response is relevant nonetheless.

As others have mentioned, it's a server rule which they should read, if they complain about it they most likely haven't!

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