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New Year's Message 2015

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Happy new year to all of the altislife.co.uk Community :D

Iam just here for about 2 weeks. but i allready feel at home :p

Thanks for the possibility to be here with u guys.

Best wishes for the New year!!!

Happy New Year everyone.

I first started playing here about March last year made loads of friends & a few enemies!

I helped start a gang which grew to be one of the largest at one point it then faded away after a few "ahem" rouge elements joined, but was fun whilst it lasted especially trying to keep Price on the straight & narrow. :D

I made some videos & learnt a lot when I was doing them, then BAM real life smacked me in the face & I just did not have the time to play games, although I do still lurk around these forums & it has been nice to see this community grow.

Anyway I have some new hardware & some new editing/ recording software all this old fogey needs to do is find the time & energy to get on-line then who knows what 2015 will bring.  


Thanks a lot for the server and I am looking forward to sticking arund for 2015.

I've only been around for a couple of months, but I am starting to recognise people around me. Good work!

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