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New Year's Message 2015

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The King
Legendary Donator
To AltisLife.co.uk Members

Thank you for picking us as your Altis Life server / gaming community in 2014, We really hope you have enjoyed it as much as we have.

When I started this project in February 2014 I never ever thought it would be where it is now, All i wanted was a server that was UK themed, troll free and focused around SERIOUS roleplay, we were the first to do that and everything grew from there on-wards I remember it like it was yesterday.

We have all met some very good friends here some will be life long and that for me is the greatest achievement of this website and server.

With that being said It has been a year of hard work, we have had lots of highs and we have had unfortunate lows but we have never given up and this is what we will take into 2015 and beyond.

We are currently still growing and will continue to get stronger and I hope you are looking forward to 2015 as much as we are.

We are now the biggest Altis Life server and community in the UK and English speaking Europe and there is not a community as strong as ours in the World and we thank each and every one of you for making that possible.

Civillians we have tons of new and exciting features to bring you in 2015

Police... things are hard now but we are already working behind the scenes to make the police a fun place to be as well as something your going to want to do every evening... like it once used to be, Please bare with us and if anyone has left the police and want back in, PM me in Teamspeak.

NHS... 2015 will be your year, Mental institutions new vehicles and other features as well as the NHS getting stronger and more active is something to look forward to. 

Dontators Your so kind and without you I could not work on this full time and our server would not be funded well into 2015, Thank you very much for your contributions in 2015 

Walt The community spoke out and voted you Roleplayer of the year, you have now been given the achievement on your forum profile (please provide me your arma 3 id for VIP club activation) You are what this community is about, Your roleplay has been outstanding and everyone can enjoy more interactions with you in 2015! Keep doing what you do!

George Well done on the work you have done with your youtube channel and picking our server to feature you are very deserving of the you-tuber of the year achievement by the amount of work and effort you put in for every video which keeps us all entertained on a weekly basis, We will support your channel in anyway we can, Keep it up

Reverend What a troll!

The Admins/In-game Admins/ Forum moderators & Previous admins Without your hard work and commitment daily AltisLife.co.uk would fall apart, giving up your own time in the interests of the community goes beyond any praise and thanks I can give, your a massive part of this... sometimes it is hassle but just remember what we have built and continuing to build all together!

Ciaran, You took over from TinyBigJacko who did a brilliant job for us but unfortunately was busy in real-life in a time when an update was near completion but not quite there you finished it off and continued to make brilliant changes week in a week out, The code from the original Altis Life framework is now unrecognizable, the whole community will join me in a massive thanks for what you have done and keep continuing to do.

You have a bloody bright future ahead of you and you have in the space of 5 months made yourself the best Altis Life coder in Europe if not the best Arma 3 coder in Europe Keep your head held very high!

In 2015 We are ready to celebrate our 1 year birthday around the time of my 30th... Ekk! and in the summer time we will make sure we have a meetup so we can all put names and voices to faces and have a bloody good time!

With all that being said I would like to wish you all a very happy new year and I hope you keep enjoying your AltisLife.co.uk community

You can all be proud... and again THANKYOU! to each and everyone of you!


Founder and still committed as ever!

P.S Above the lobby there is a NEW YEARS EVE party room! come in tonight.. sing drunken songs and lets all countdown and get pissed together!


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Happy new year all! I've been here for I think 3 months active now and it was always a great experience, keep up the good work!

Happy new year everyone.

Any chances of lifting the jet flight area rules for tonight? :D @Wilco

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Many thanks to @Wilco @Ciaran @TinyBigJacko and all the mods and admins who've made this server what it is.

Keep up the amazing work guys! (and gal)

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Sadly i wont come, but i have to keep the Streets safe, so i am on Work this wonderful night Happy new year everyone!

Medic Wolf Mctavish reporting in, dont expect any stomach pumps or any medical proffesionalism ill be on your side of the bar! thank you to everyone for making this server how amazing it is! thank you to all the police for there hard work and commitment, and thank you PLF you guys! like a 2nd cybery home! if my initial home was cyber :D

Happy new year everyone, all the admins, players, all of you have a great 2015 and keep it up!

Im very druink, but much love and heppy new year from Grannez, i look forward to play with you all in 2015

thx god for spellingcontroll ayye

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Happy new year to all people playing on the server and great job its the only server that was good to play on (LOVE ALTISLIFE.CO.UK

and ADMINS and mods the most is the owner) :wub:

I've been here since early March and it has been fun in game with the RP,events,and firefights and a pain in my ass with all the drama and politics especially in the background where nobody sees me,but I keep coming back regardless and now we're at the end of the year. I feel old,but accomplished.

Happy New Year Everyone!  :wub:

Happy New year one and all! I look forward to getting back online shortly and being with you all again!

Happy new year to the best community on arma 3!

This year will be great for us as a community... we have loads to look forward to :)

Thanks all the admins etc but specifically Ciaran for developing all this :) !

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