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New Weapon system with safes

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Simon MacMillan

Los Santos Police
Los Santos Police
Over there
So, if you already have a primary weapon and try to take another primary weapon from a safe, you will lose the second primary weapon. I took a shotgun out of one of our safes which took up my primary slot and then tried to take a PLR out whilst having the shotgun and the PLR has now vanished into nothing. 

I thought I'd just add that this doesn't seem to occur when picking up weapons dropped on the floor, only when taking weapons out of storage containers (and safes according to Greg). Also when taking weapons out of a storage container it shows 2 notifications instead of one as shown below:


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Excellent news! This has now been fixed by the development team and will be released in a future server update.
Thanks for doing your bit to help us keep the servers bug free!​


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