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New Setup


So I'm getting a new PC. I was thinking of these specs:

AMD FX-8350 Processor

Asus M5A97 LE R2.0 Motherboard

Kingston 4GB Memory (x2)

GTX 760 4GB

Samsung 1TB HDD

DVD-RW Drive

TP-Link TL-WN781ND

AeroCool Integrator 500W

Corsair Carbide 200R

What do you guys think? It's about £630-£650.

I don't want to seem like a broken record but before you buy anything invest £6.00 in a copy of Custom PC .

They have a section dedicated to the best kit on the face of it an AMD chip looks good with 8 cores but they don't always perform that well. Now they are closing the gap & with their newer chips that will be available shortly you may even be able to dispense with a separate graphics card as they will have a dedicated hi spec GPU built in.

Don't get me wrong I would really love AMD to stick it to Intel but for now pound for pound you get more gaming power for your money.

Below is a recent review of the chip you have chosen.

  • PROS
    Improved performance and power consumption over previous generation products.
  • CONS
    Still lags Intel in important areas like gaming.
    The AMD FX-8350 CPU improves company's standing against Intel but doesn't rewrite the rules of the game.
 The complete review can be found here

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Unless there are plans for multi threaded applications only, I would not go with the 8350, take an i5 and it'll destroy it, roughly same price.

Avoid the 4gb 760. 4GB is too much to be utilized on a 256-bit memory bus (essentially not fast enough to deal with that amount of VRAM). Better going with a 2gb 770 or 2gb 760 and putting money elsewhere.

Unless you have a direct need for a DVD drive, I wouldn't bother tbh. DVD's are becoming a bit obsolete.

I presume you picked the Wi-Fi card as you can not wire your computer directly. Cue powerline adapters. Essentially use your internal power cabling as ethernet cables. They have little to none performance hit. I'm getting 75 down/16 up on a 76 down/18 up line. Definitely worth it for the slightly extra cost. Plus my ping is kept at around 15 on a speed checker.

Power supply, haven't heard anything bad about aerocool, but also nothing good. If you can arrange to go with a more reputable brand like corsair/coolermaster you will not regret it!

Final notes: 

1. I don't know if you already have an OS, but they are not free (unless you look hard enough)! Factor it into your budget if you need to.

2. If a small amount can be extended, an SSD would be an amazing option. Prices are going down, and you could pick up (I would recommend not going lower than 64gb) for around £30-40. One of the best purchases I have made.

Just some thoughts from someone who has become a bit more savvy in the past few years.

Just thrown together in 2 mins to illustrate a point. This build still gets you the case you want, 8gb ram etc, but you also get an i5, SSD, 770 and corsair PSU. or course more thought should be put on, but just an idea :p


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Thanks for that. Really helpful. I assume that set up can arma 3 on high? I will have a play around with it and see what I can do, but that is probably top of my budget.

I have a msdn licence so os's aren't a problem :p

Arma 3 on high, most likely, Altis Life on High, no chance :p I'm running i7 4770K and a GTX 780 3GB and cant get 30FPS most of the time in Kavala haha. Not a hardware throttle, but on the server side with all the addons etc. It is likely you will also get 25-30.

One thing I highly suggest reviewing is the motherboard. Most things you can't really go wrong with, but it is recommended that you evaluate your needs and pick one that is suitable. I would not recommend going for the one I suggested, purely because I did not really look indepth about it, just picked it as a placeholder atm. PM me on the forums or message me in TS and I would be more than willing to go through things with you if you need any more help :p

Some ideas for decent core component set up

Gigabyte Z97x-SLI £106.00

With i5-4670k £169.00

8gb skill trident x2 400 mhz ram £69

This will give you the start of a decent future proof system

I completely understand paying any amount of cash for the machine you want, I'm all for that and support it. However do not think for one second that you need those specs to run current AAA releases such as ArmA 3.

My build cost me about £450 at the time, which isn't a lot at all for a machine that runs everything (a few exceptions) I throw at it on Ultra with above 60FPS.

  • Intel Pentium G3220 @ 3GHz (1150 4th Gen Haswell)
  • 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600 MHz
  • 2GB EVGA GTX 660 Superclocked
She's a cheap little beauty that runs almost anything I throw at her on the highest possible settings. Admittedly for the next generation of video-games and ArmA 3 you should really be looking at a Quad core at least since games are finally going to utilize more than 2 cores. Going with something like an i5 would be ideal, even grab an unlocked version and over-clock that thing if your cooling will support the extra heat. 

I myself will eventually upgrade to an i5 or i7, however I haven't needed to yet, ArmA 3 is the first game I've played in a while that it can't run on the maximum settings, however on Altis Life with lots of players I'm getting above 60FPS and that's with most settings on high, textures and terrain on ultra and a few other settings that I tinkered with in order to achieve a stable 60FPS.

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