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New server


New member
Today i come here and see that there will be a 3rd server. But is it rally necessary. Now dont get me wrong i am all for it but when there is max of 2 medics on second server and those medics are complete garbage it makes me just wonder what will happen to third server

those medics are complete garbage
I am absolutely sick and tired of seeing this. Go on side chat on server 1 and in the first 10 minutes, you see 1 or more people moaning saying 'Why aren't the NHS coming to me' or 'NHS COME HERE' or 'OMG MEDICS ARE SO SLOW'. 
  RP = Roleplay = fun = not rushing. 

If you think what the medics does is easy and you want to rush the roleplay then you will not get far in the NHS at all. The medics roleplay - which makes the NHS great. Either don't get involved in gunfights, drive better or go to somewhere quiet.
I don't think server 3 will get removed, it is good incase S1 & S2 are full.

FYI, I hope you apply for the NHS since you think you are so good. https://www.roleplay.co.uk/forms/6-altis-nhs-application/

Medics are here to role play and in the process of that revive people here and there, if you die.. well it's your choice whether YOU choose to WAIT or RESPAWN. If you want to keep your items do not complain there is a waiting process because of this.

We have had a third server for over a year and a half, It only went offline to the public for 2 months after the Tanoa DLC wasn't so popular.

It will only be turned on if there is demand for it, Just like S2 so worry yourself not :)

eyy.. eyy you can't change people's perspective on Medics. They will still complain no matter what.. Just let it be

Why does everyone knock down on people who are naive, let them continue to bicker as you can't change it as it'll always be their naive ways of thinking that Independent can see chat.

Considering you are fresh here to the community, you obviously dont know how neccessary S3 can be. During prime time, when S1 and S2 fills up, where shall the rest of the community play? Sit and wait for a spot to open? Thats where S3 comes in. Its and extremely neccessary addition to have, was deeply missed when it was down. 

The medics on this server is simply great. Quality over quantity, not the other way around. The medics here provide top notch roleplay - its the only thing NHS really is here for, and the primary reason this server is here; Roleplay. I'd happily sit and wait for 30 minutes while the medics roleplays with another person, because when its my turn, I know I get genuine good roleplay. However, more people could join the NHS so that wait time could be reduces, but still maintain the great RP. Many members are set back from joining the NHS because they dont think its fun and that you are only limited to one thing - drive around and ressurect people. But no, NHS is where you can encounter all types of different people and situations. As a medic its not the usual gunfight roleplay, not the countdowns before you get shot.. You get what I mean. NHS is really fun, if you just do an effort of providing roleplay to the people you encounter. Dont want the opportunity to roleplay with some of the best roleplayer? Then press respawn and go gear up yourself. You play here for the roleplay, dont you? So why care to loose 300k in gear?


NHS is for roleplay, not mass ressurecting. Stop complaining.

And on top of that all. If you crach your car and your lucky and left your car unlocked, I'll drive by  as arac. I all ways carry a defibrillator with me. Ever since they added that I alway carry one if I roll as arac. 

But most people lock there cars and if they crach I can't help them.
