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New Range Rover SVR car sound

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Well-known member
The range rover svr doesn't actually produce any noises in the city. Since all SVRs, regardless of which one they are, create a roaring sound in real life, it would be wonderful for SVR to make that sound in the city. 


It makes a sound yes. But what I’m saying is it would be better if it makes the actual SVR sound irl 

It makes a sound yes. But what I’m saying is it would be better if it makes the actual SVR sound irl 
As far as I can see, there aren't many SVR engine sound mod out there.
Will have to make it from scratch - which is a bit challenging.

The Range Rover used to sound better with the old sound,  The new high pitched sound is dreadful to listen too.  As such I don't use my Range anymore

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