After many conversations with people it is clear to me that the new player experience is hard, confusing and not engaging. This frustration leads to a new player retention problem.
All of these issues were highlighted on a stream some people and I watched this morning. In this stream we saw the first few hours of a new player on the server. He was clueless and clearly struggling. If he did not receive the help he did in his twitch chat he would have most likely not figured out what to do. Find the stream in question here:
Many people have complained about the UX issues in the past, however, no real solution has been put forward. After a chat on teamspeak with quite a few people this is what we concluded:
[*]Inside the car you find a magazine --> something like "Los Santos Tourist Brochure"
All of these issues were highlighted on a stream some people and I watched this morning. In this stream we saw the first few hours of a new player on the server. He was clueless and clearly struggling. If he did not receive the help he did in his twitch chat he would have most likely not figured out what to do. Find the stream in question here:
Many people have complained about the UX issues in the past, however, no real solution has been put forward. After a chat on teamspeak with quite a few people this is what we concluded:
- New starting area for new players
- New player meets an NPC labelled as Uncle or something
- This NPC offers him a shitty car (Something like this:
- The car is broken
- You go back to the NPC
- The NPC gives you a repair kit saying "ah I am not handy with this stuff, if you fix it the car is yours"
This introduces the player to the inventory system and how to use certain items
[*]Inside the car you find a magazine --> something like "Los Santos Tourist Brochure"
This magazine will outline exactly how to work towards your first 20/30k on the server through the basic starting jobs (These guides need to be more explicit than the wiki).