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New Interface - Mining

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I wanted to make a suggestion because as a frequent miner up in the mines I feel like this interface change has really hurt the mining community who benefit off of mining in the mines.

Now you have to press "button" and then click the right option which to me is so much for one piece of mineral, before you could just press E over and over and get minerals that way but now it's adding more complications.

The de-buffs of this are more than just extra clicking, I'll explain below what else causes problems.

(1): When the mine is packed which 90% of the time it is, you have to keep pressing alt to mine, but when you hover over a player it will give you suggestions to give keys etc

(2): Miss clicking and accidentally punching someone or punching the wall this can start unwanted drama in the mines or anywhere like smeltery.

These are just a few I have thought of as it's been less than a day and it's already made me and some others demotivated to mine because it's just extra work for one mineral each time.

The interaction menu is a good idea I just think for certain things it should be removed from them because it's just extra work to have to alt move mouse to the right and click for certain things unless we got more out of it like instead of one mineral it's 5 minerals but takes longer to mine y'know instead of one every time.

I love certain things about the interaction menu for cars and houses etc but this I think is a bit of a stretch what are you thoughts on this?


I wanted to make a suggestion because as a frequent miner up in the mines I feel like this interface change has really hurt the mining community who benefit off of mining in the mines.

Now you have to press "button" and then click the right option which to me is so much for one piece of mineral, before you could just press E over and over and get minerals that way but now it's adding more complications.

The de-buffs of this are more than just extra clicking, I'll explain below what else causes problems.

(1): When the mine is packed which 90% of the time it is, you have to keep pressing alt to mine, but when you hover over a player it will give you suggestions to give keys etc

(2): Miss clicking and accidentally punching someone or punching the wall this can start unwanted drama in the mines or anywhere like smeltery.

These are just a few I have thought of as it's been less than a day and it's already made me and some others demotivated to mine because it's just extra work for one mineral each time.

The interaction menu is a good idea I just think for certain things it should be removed from them because it's just extra work to have to alt move mouse to the right and click for certain things unless we got more out of it like instead of one mineral it's 5 minerals but takes longer to mine y'know instead of one every time.

I love certain things about the interaction menu for cars and houses etc but this I think is a bit of a stretch what are you thoughts on this?
I strongly agree as of far it is amazing but for the mining i feel the old way of just pressing E was better for miners and less complicated , further with the new system for mining you can misclick and end up giving someone keys or hitting someone and then them killing you for hitting them

A better option would be to start the drill once and then let it fill up your back pack.

Additional features would be adding minerals like stone or what not to have a chance to be mined as you're using the drill. This would change the way mining is done and make it more intresting. Like for example if there was a very slight chance that u get a diamond or gold when you're mining for iron etc but more likely than not u will end up with the minerals you're going for or stones (Could be anything, stones is only an example). Could also be a way to controll the influx of guns being crafted by civillians that are un-affeliated since it seemed to be a problem, hence people were complaining about that beforehand. Personally, i dont see a problem with freshly formed groups in the city, to get the chance to eventually craft pistols with the knowledge they have aquired. I dont promote no gate keeping, since we have enough of that already. However this could be a solution to things if the management deems it necessary. 

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A better option would be to start the drill once and then let it fill up your back pack.

Additional features would be adding minerals like stone or what not to have a chance to be mined as you're using the drill. This would change the way mining is done and make it more intresting. Like for example if there was a very slight chance that u get a diamond or gold when you're mining for iron etc but more likely than not u will end up with the minerals you're going for or stones (Could be anything, stones is only an example). Could also be a way to controll the influx of guns being crafted by civillians that are un-affeliated since it seemed to be a problem, hence people were complaining about that beforehand. Personally, i dont see a problem with freshly formed groups in the city, to get the chance to eventually craft pistols with the knowledge they have aquired. I dont promote no gate keeping, since we have enough of that already. However this could be a solution to things if the management deems it necessary. 
See I don't know I just prefer the simple E mechanic of it and I've spoken with others and they agree it's a lot to do for mining, also imagine doing all that work just to get robbed which happens a lot at mines so it's just a massive demotivator.

I think a change back or something around that would be better like you suggested filling up the inventory space.

I would like to add that, special drills. With "diamond tip" could be given to white listed mining companies to promote the legal side of the server. Mining companies would hold a big role in the city, despite being solely a legal business. 

This special drill will never collect stones and with the increased chances of getting diamonds/gold compared to "normal mining drills". (Perhaps collecting more ore but I'd say that might be too strong and most likely abused if left unchecked. 

This would give mining companies an edge over gangs/groups in the mining industry which would lead to them being able to give better prices if necessary for trading

The stones can also be replaced with   ore fragments, so 1x iron fragment counts for 1/2 of an iron ore for miners to smelt into a iron bar. But will cost more for other players to smelt. So if people are just mining all day they will yield less iron ore, but do have a significant amount of fragments eventually. This would promote a better relation with gangs and miners rp wise. How? 

Well if mining companies get to have a custom smelter, that can specifically smelt iron "(x)" fragments into bars. Then gangs/groups would be given the incentive to work with the companies, I'd also like to say that there should at least be 2 mining companies active for this to be healthy. No one likes a monopoly on such an important resource gathering.

Perhaps even the groups can smelt the fragments, but at a greater cost. For example at the rate of 1/6, instead of 1/2. This would allow the miners to get some extra profit from the increase of customers and yield from fragments. Also relation improvement possibilities in the contracted deals with groups/establishments. This could potentially decrease the amount of time a gang/group could beneficially hold a war against group/s. Due to the potentially higher miner smelting costs caused by the imense amount of orders by all parties involved. Would produce a sense of a living and breathing city. Instead of a vr chatt induced with ego flexing of wealth/power. Jokes aside, there's a lot of potential here. Like,

Booking of orders: reported to goverment. (Last 14-28 days) if granted by judge in court. Would also allow for potentiall CID investigations with enough intuitive. Up to them how to aproach that.  Will also increase the rp of companies needing to book orders/amount mined due to tax or law and only to be submitted if that is validated by judge.  To make it so that it isn't abused. Since it is a white listed legal company you'd have higher expectations RP wise. 

I believe this will promote a bunch of RP, everything from licking mining companies ass for profit.. to trying to work with companies and influencing who/how they work with certain groups during special occasions or due to self intrestests.

TLDR: I want a diamond tip drill 

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I 100% agree with Vibeon, I think the new interaction menu is great for a number of features such as parking vehicles, shops however mining and selling drugs is painful.

While selling locals are often walking or driving vehicles making them difficult to interact with using the new interaction system. When locals are moving they move out of your third eye interaction window meaning you either need to find locals standing still or push them over to interact with them whilst they are not moving on the floor. However, this often causes locals to become aggressive or other locals in the area to run away making it a continuous cycle which is a long winded process.

I feel for both mining and selling the interaction features where both simple and effective. I believe a change back to the old system for these features would be the best option in my opinion. 

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*deleted* bc already said above 🙂

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A better option would be to start the drill once and then let it fill up your back pack.

Additional features would be adding minerals like stone or what not to have a chance to be mined as you're using the drill. This would change the way mining is done and make it more intresting. Like for example if there was a very slight chance that u get a diamond or gold when you're mining for iron etc but more likely than not u will end up with the minerals you're going for or stones (Could be anything, stones is only an example). Could also be a way to controll the influx of guns being crafted by civillians that are un-affeliated since it seemed to be a problem, hence people were complaining about that beforehand. Personally, i dont see a problem with freshly formed groups in the city, to get the chance to eventually craft pistols with the knowledge they have aquired. I dont promote no gate keeping, since we have enough of that already. However this could be a solution to things if the management deems it necessary. 
I'd love for it to be a one time interaction until your inventory or set pick up amount was filled as this would make most activities the same such as smelting or crafting would make mining alot more enjoyable whilst still using the archies eye  feature as mining with it is more of a chore than an activity now.

I'd love for it to be a one time interaction until your inventory or set pick up amount was filled as this would make most activities the same such as smelting or crafting would make mining alot more enjoyable whilst still using the archies eye  feature as mining with it is more of a chore than an activity now.
I agree it's more of a chore now, I feel like the developers need to focus on fixing more bugs and implementing stuff for gangs instead of trying to copy other servers like nopixel.

(This isn't shade to the devs)

Ummm my bad I wanted to delete this post

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To the people following this I have spoken with a developer about this issue and I wont post screenshots but they said personally they don't see a problem however if this got enough traction they wont have a problem reverting it back, so if you really want this changed back, inform everyone, tell everyone in city about it especially miners.

The more attention this gets the more likely it will be implemented back into the city, thank you all for your support keep on spreading the word!

Actual conversation below this vvv

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To the people following this I have spoken with a developer about this issue and I wont post screenshots but they said personally they don't see a problem however if this got enough traction they wont have a problem reverting it back, so if you really want this changed back, inform everyone, tell everyone in city about it especially miners.

The more attention this gets the more likely it will be implemented back into the city, thank you all for your support keep on spreading the word!
In regards to this update I would like to clarify that this quote has been very much paraphrased. When asked about the suggestion I responded that as one of the devs that closely worked on the system along side @Archiespecifically on creating the interactions for the mine I do not personally see an issue with this as I spent a lot of time testing the eye in the mines and did not encounter too many issues. At the end of the day the final decision is made by the entire dev team along with Management not myself, this was just my opinion on the suggestion as one of the devs that worked on the system.

if this got enough traction they wont have a problem reverting it back
It is key to note that my final response was "if there is continued support I'm sure a dev will make an official response" not that it would instantly be reverted back.

Here are the message logs for those curious.

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In regards to this update I would like to clarify that this quote has been very much paraphrased. When asked about the suggestion I responded that as one of the devs that closely worked on the system along side @Archiespecifically on creating the interactions for the mine I do not personally see an issue with this as I spent a lot of time testing the eye in the mines and did not encounter too many issues. At the end of the day the final decision is made by the entire dev team along with Management not myself, this was just my opinion on the suggestion as one of the devs that worked on the system.

It is key to note that my final response was "if there is continued support I'm sure a dev will make an official response" not that it would instantly be reverted back.

Here are the message logs for those curious.
TBH I did get too excited in my wording - but yes I didn't wanna share the actual DMs because I didn't want to share without your consent - but yeah this is the actual answer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Personally, I don't see an issue with the system itself. However, I  am in full agreeance, that it has made certain activity's a painful experience. Mining and wood gathering being the main affected. I feel that the system would be best served with a random number of items added per action. So each time you attempt to mine, you could receive 1ore or up to 5 ores. In the case of cutting wood, you'd receive 1-5 pieces of wood per tree.  That way the reason for implementation are still abided, but the players involved don't feel as put out by the update.

Does put you off a bit, I thought of  picking up mining again, but the fact that I need  to mash ALT then mouse click and then mouse click again is just way too much

I'll break my keyboard (laptop) haha

needs a change, the rest is fine.

Yeah i think the ALT thing staying but it fills your inv or maybe gives like 5 or 10 would be really nice

I wanted to thank everyone who has supported this suggestion it really does mean a lot to me and probably other frequent miners in the city, however I do not have any solid updates on the situation, if anything this will be my last message until a question or staff member responds to this with an update whether it's been denied, accepted or implemented.

Again thank you all for the contribution to making this suggestion one of the top suggestions upvoted, it's nice to know other people are relating on a subject.

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This suggestion was implemented a few weeks ago. This moved mining to the eye for starting mining then pressing E to actually mine.

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