I can tell you this much, making it their own framework opens up for more possibilities due to some restrictions in the current framework (Tonics)
This includes, easier scripting for Ciaran since he knows what everything within the framework does and so on and so forth and Also the ability for a more stable and Lag & Desync-free (As the current Arma patch allows it)
Don't forget a whitelisted hobo faction
You know, cuz being a hobo requires something 'special'
Will there be cheaper ifrits for Puppy? Cuz I have spend alot of millions on ifrits already and I would like to get a discount. Perhapa, buy 3 pay for 2? You know, cuz yoy buy multiple and such.
Also, random vehicle discounts could be a thing? This seems amazing
I nominate myself as King Hobo, or Hoboking (I will accept a slight deviation of pronunciation: Hoboken). All in favor (Aye), all opposed can go jump into C'thulu's mouth.