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New Forum Backgrounds?


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Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
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Gruppe 6
In Gordon's Cardboard Box

Time for some new forum backgrounds?
Some of you may remember, I ran a thread a while back to look at getting some new forum backgrounds added... But its been a while... So shall we get some new ones in? Our current forum systems limit us to 10 backgrounds to pick between, so if you've got some cool screenshots that you think would make great backgrounds, reply with them here!

Please only submit images that don't have any HUD elements on display (You may edit pictures if you wish) and also consider that the centre portion of the image will be hidden, so ideally we're looking for backgrounds with detail on the sides. Here's a quick set of templates to assist, 1920x1080 -- 2560x1440

Disclaimer: If you submit an image for use as a forum background, you accept that it may be used, edited and stored indefinitely.

i will bribe anyone with a genuine submission to not submit i want that as the background

The state of RPUK in 2022 …

”Orange Cap Gang”
when the cats away the mice will play a member even wormed his way into ur staff team!
