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New flatbed model with orange lights


Newcastle, UK
It can be quite dangerous carrying out mechanic jobs as people don't often see you at the side of the road. 

My suggestion is to implement a new model for the flatbed, such as an AA themed one, or adding the ability for flatbeds to have orange flashing lights. 

The ability to add a high viz to your character would also be helpful. 


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+1 from me.

Makes sense to have becons. 

You can however get hi-vis vests from the clothing shops. 

It can be quite dangerous carrying out mechanic jobs as people don't often see you at the side of the road. 

My suggestion is to implement a new model for the flatbed, such as an AA themed one, or adding the ability for flatbeds to have orange flashing lights. 

The ability to add a high viz to your character would also be helpful.
AA is a copyrighted business, adding that into the server is asking for a DMCA, there used to be a towtruck with orange beacons that could be enabled with 'Q' but has since been removed/sidelined, there are high visibility vests already equipable within the clothing store (Undershirts specifically, several yellow, dirty yellow and orange vests)

AA is a copyrighted business, adding that into the server is asking for a DMCA, there used to be a towtruck with orange beacons that could be enabled with 'Q' but has since been removed/sidelined, there are high visibility vests already equipable within the clothing store (Undershirts specifically, several yellow, dirty yellow and orange vests)
Doesn't need to be AA themed, can just be a flatbed with a beacon 🙂 Thanks for the tip ref the high viz, I'll take a look. 
