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New Entrance Music... You Decide!

Before we have a poll looking for suggestions for opening music to replace god save the queen.

In the past my song of choice was Don Omar (that summer sounding song we had)... now we are rolling to the summer and the weather is awesome in the UK right now (Where i am anyway!)

Thinking of a new summer feel good song...

The clip needs to be 45 seconds long... 

My vote this time goes for the first 45 seconds of this or from 34.45 in! but that second one would be crazy lol

Looking forward to your ideas!
Wilco, please not Tsunami that song is so over played even in the U.K

don't know how to embed a video so here is the link

about 1:30min onwards

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Not sure what i just saw.
yup after seeing the video i was left with my mouth open staring at the blank screen for around 5mins lol


Just because its a roleplaying server :p


And because its summer ;)


(There are many great remixes in this mix video)

Subtle summer vibes, in the hazy drug fuelled underbelly of altis.

P.s Sjeft that Madloops track is sick! That and this^^^ any day.

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Or another classic and lends its self well to; well the song says it best lol   :lol:

Rush Rush Get The Yayo

How about some 70's Porn music come on admit all us older guys went round a mates house before the invention of the internet & watched a grainy fuzzy porn film that had been copied a million times as it made its way round the country.

In a strange way its kinda cool.
