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New Desk Setup

Jack Gregerson

Well-known member
United Kingdom, Staffordshire
Well today I spent my day to organize a new room to hold my desk and my computer insted of being inside on a bedroom I've got a few pictures of my new setup not the best taken on a HTC so bad qualty but here they are.



Dont know how to insert them into the post - Good thing I do! - Mr. Bread

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The best thing about your setup is the Bear alike thing under your desk? I love that xD


GPU: GTX 950

CPU: Intel i5-4690k 3.50GHz

RAM: Corsair Vengence 8gb

Mother Board: ASUS H81-Gamer

PSU: Dont know

Doing a Benchmark soon

The best thing about your setup is the Bear alike thing under your desk? I love that xD
Ohh that thing thats for the winter when my feet get cold you know.
