Changing the way we deal with bans
The community recently voted on how Roleplay UK deals with bans and the community overwhelmingly voted 206 to 32 for a new approach and today we the staff team are proud to bring change as per your votes!
We have just updated the rules page hereView attachment 13613
Our ban system has transitioned from a permanent ban system to an automated timed ban system where the ban length and rule number will be listed in the ban reason. These bans will automatically expire at the time given in the ban reason, for that reason we will not be accepting ban appeals for any timed ban. You should be aware however that some rules still carry permanent bans. The length of your ban are the following:
1st Ban - 24 hour ban
2nd Ban - 48 hour ban
3rd Ban - 1 Week Ban
4th Ban - Permanent Ban (Requires Appeal)
This will reset every six months from your last ban to give players a clean slate for continued good behaviour, it should be recognised however that staff may use their discretion to determine if players are using this system to their advantage to facilitate their breaking of rules. Repeated offences of the same rulebreak will escalate up the scale faster. If you receive a 24 hour ban for 2.2 RDM, get unbanned and RDM a second time within 6 months you will move to a 1 week ban.
Please have a good read and update yourself on what rules do not result in temporary bans if breached, The rules are referenced on the rule page with "permanent ban" in bold after the rule, These will need to be appealed as normal, To be clear all other rules are temporary bans as per above.
With this change we will be saying goodbye to the permanent ban appeal forum by the end of October and all appeals will be dealt with in one appeal forum going forward as temporary appeals cannot be appealed the only appeals going forward will be Perm bans either breaching one of the permanent ban rules or reaching your 4th ban within a six month period.
We now operate a more lenient system, and one that is more fairer to players who accidentally break a rule, There is no need for long winded appeals which means your friends will be back with you in a given time and hopefully refreshed and now aware of the rule they broke.
However and sorry to lower the tone with this exciting new change, I want to be clear that this system should not be abused, We will now be using an internal flag system where staff will be flagging players who they suspect breaking rules on purpose for whatever reason so please don't!
The staff team have worked incredibly hard to implement this vote so deserve a lot of credit! Please thank them!
I am pleased to announce this new system is now fully Implemented! You voted we listened!

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