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Never let an Asian man drive


The Netherlands

McLovin rules, I suck at driving, but I'd make for a bloody good pimp


So last night my buddy Heroïx and I were pretty pissed off that we had a shitload of processed diamonds in a HEMTT last Tuesday, just when we were standing next to the diamond trader and then *BOOM* server DC: everything gone. So we decided we wanted to make some money fast, maybe just for one time only: doing a coke run, or.. how we call it 'Grabbin' them ol' Columbian coffee beans'.

Enter: McLovin

Heroïx had just met Coltas who also brought along a buddy, so we were already 4 guys strong. And then I ran into McLovin. I addressed him in a very deep voice, only to find he was a mute and could solely communicate using pen and paper. With my suave, deep voice I swayed him to come along with me, mainly because he asked me 'Are you my pimp or something?'. I thought to myself: *sigh* 'Why the hell not?'. McLovin could easily be lured with bacon and promises of 'the best coffee he'd ever tasted', so we grabbed my chopper and Heroïx, McLovin and I were on our way to Kavala, to get Coltas and his buddy. 

I flew that old chopper to Kavala and just as I'm about to land, my chopper gets drawn to a side, running into a tree. McLovin, Heroïx and I immediately exit the vehicle and next thing we see: a giant nuclear explosion. Music over the server channel so loud, it almost blew my ears up. A server message read 'Welcome to the fuckfest'. Bizarre.

Scarface absent balls

After the chaos blew over, we find Coltas and his buddy, Scarface. Scarface was the type that was kind of hard to take orders from, or anything, for that matter. Be it that he was easy to convince that we should do some crazy stuff or maybe because his balls hadn't sunk in yet. Heroïx and I laughed our asses off on Skype as I fed McLovin some bacon and threw 1 quid notes/coins towards Scarface asking him to dance for me. His high-pitched voice made me question my morals because actually, I was asking a 12 year old to take off his clothes for me. When I got a grip on myself and realized that I have a grown man on a leash who I call my bitch and resembles the gimp from Pulp Fiction, I was cool with the whole situation.

> Server restart

The first mistake

We meet up in Athira to go to the cocaine field, making a quick stop at the rebel outpost to gear up. The group, consisting from McLovin, Heroïx, Coltas, Scarface and myself had to make a quick stop at Pyrghos where we meet some other dude. I forgot his name. McLovin knocks the guy out, dips his balls in his mouth and runs off like the mute gimp he is. When the topic of taking the random dude with us came up, McLovin was a tad jealous. In a fit of rage he wanted to throw himself off a building, I run after him, trying to stop him, dropping myself off a building in the process. 40k worth of gear down the drain.

The second mistake

A little set back by this minor incident, we fly off to the coke field with 3 choppers, 5 men strong. Being the inexperienced Asian that I am, I park my chopper on a hill, it rolls off *BOOM* one chopper gone. Having lost the backpack from the roof incident I start stuffing my pockets full of coke and loading up the other choppers 2 coke rocks at a time. 

The 4 of us fly to processing, McLovin, the best lover a man could wish for, needed rest and logged off, shooting a salvo of bullets in the air as he wrote on a piece of paper "EVERYONE SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO PARTYYY". 

The DC's are real

Coltas, Heroïx and I flew off to a secluded place to park our chopper loaded with coke rocks, when along comes officer Arc Neon, the best damn cop on the force. He was just doing his rounds together with Charlie, when my connection starts freaking out and I get DC'ed from the server. He has a brief talk with Coltas and Heroïx, they're literally freaking out on the inside, sweating their asses off hoping they don't get caught running around with the coke. Arc Neon sees that I got DC'ed, so he impounds my chopper full of goddamn coke. Second chopper I lost today. 

The unintended last mistake

Losing almost half of our income from the impounded chopper, we start unloading the last chopper in a different spot somewhere out of town, doing runs with an offroad car driving into town, and then quickly driving back to the chopper. I do my last run into town, I gave Coltas the money, so we were on the verge of taking the chopper somewhere else, leaving the offroad vehicle and splitting the income. I drive back to the chopper, Heroïx in my car, as I draw close to the chopper I hit the breaks, insert: desync / lag spike. Offroad hits the chopper, Heroïx, Coltas and I are blown to bits from the explosion and some random bystander who just happened to walk by runs off with our suitcases full of money. FML.

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Welcome to Altis life lol   


We'll just go by truck next time. That way I won't have too much responsibility, 'cause when you put me behind the wheel, I become a fuckin' liability. 

I was thinking about you guys drive the HEMTTs, I'll take a quad (or something else that doesn't cost much and is as disposable as a can of soda) and I'll just load and unload the truck. Don't give me any other responsibilities. Just too much to handle, man.

I could probably do Sunday afternoon and Sunday evening, if that doesn't work, there's always Tuesday afternoon/evening for me.

Even though there was no profit it gets funnier the longer it sinks in. The LeDickey Coffee Co. will get their beans eventually!
