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Nerf police dispatches in relation to shootings


Well-known member
In the bushes
Brief Summary:
Delay the time in which it takes for a shooting dispatch to display on the police alerts system and instead of giving an exact location to the incidents it would alert you to a general area around the incident.

Detailed Suggestion:
Currently the time in which it takes for a shooting dispatch to alert the police is instant. A few shots are fired anywhere on a road or near a local and the police get an alert that gives them an exact location of the shooting. I think a lot of people would like to see this nerfed as it is massively overpowered especially given the current state of the police and the equipment they already have in their possession. What I suggest is that a delay is put into place from the time that a shot has been fired to when it reaches the police's alert system. A random interval of 2-5mins before an alert pops up would be best in terms of balance. I also think that instead of being given an exact location of the incident the police should be alerted to an area rather than an exact street and position. The system I am suggesting should be similar to how tweedle tracking works. I also think that anywhere that there isn't a phone signal, should not be possible for an alert to be sent to the police as the roleplay justification for these alerts is that locals have contacted the authorities. 

I'd like to hear what other groups think of the suggestion and the police themselves as this is something that has been talked about between us in the past and I think most would agree that a change like this would be beneficial.

The Pros: 
Nice QoL change.
More realistic.
Adds a further element of investigative work for the police to take part in.
Give criminal groups more opportunity to be a "smart criminal".

The Cons:
Minor nerf to police.
No cons in terms of overall balance.

Does this suggestion change balance on the server?:

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I am a huge fan of the idea of having a general area which police have to search. In my opinion, it would narrow down if shots continued (for example, a gangfight) because in theory, more ‘civilians’ (locals) would be reporting the gunshots. Alternatively, it would be a larger after it was let’s say <5 shots. This makes it a bit more engaging for the police as they have to search for the potentially injured parties or any evidence linking people to a crime.

I must say I don’t think the timer of 2-5 minutes is at all realistic. If we were to think about it, the location of the gunshots would rely heavily on the time in which police receive a dispatch. 

Scenario 1, Person A shoots a singular shot on top of a random mountain. 
In my opinion, the police shouldn’t receive any dispatches because there wouldn’t be any ‘civilians’ that would be around the area to see/hear the gunshot. 

Scenario 2, Person A, B, and C fired multiple shots in the Vinewood Hills (the expensive houses in the hills). 
In this scenario, the police should receive a rather accurate (but not 100%) because we can safely assume there would be ‘civilians’ in their homes that report these gunshots. The dispatch would come in quickly (<10 seconds) as people have quick access to their phones at home, but they wouldn’t be able to see the exact location of the shots. This would be because the houses restrict the views from windows and the fact there are lots of windy roads.

Scenario 3, Person A shoots 2 rounds, but in Legion Square this time. 
For this, the police should receive a dispatch very quickly, and have an exact location, because there would be numerous people reporting the shot, and it is in a fairly open space.  The only thing slowing the dispatch down, hypothetically speaking, would be people dialling the number. 

These are just 3 scenarios (hopefully different enough) to allow a general idea of how different dispatches should come in! Let me know if you agree/disagree :).

Never really made sense in far away locations and I know its been mentioned before with cops and stuff but no real change had been decided yet. Would be good to see something in motion following this suggestion regarding the frequency of alerts as well maybe the areas from which police receive alerts. Could also add the size of the ping so that its not very specific and allows for cops to have to search the whole area

A few shots are fired anywhere on a road or near a local and the police get an alert that gives them an exact location of the shooting
Doesn't this make sense though? (Shooting near people, who would call on their phone, which would give an exact location)

This system only works when NPCs are nearby. (Like IRL)

This system has a lot of things which alter the chance of an alert being sent. @richarddiassituations are actually incredibly likely (with the exception of the delay). 

People = Alerts

No People = No Alerts

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There's a lot of people commenting how powerful police are atm, I notice it's goes to absolute chaos the moment all our Firearms officers go offline. Where is the mark for balance?

Police main here, 

Inb4 police mains mass down vote 
If you are in the middle of the desert or away from population centers I agree police should get very limited information or none at all which I'm sure is already a thing. However if its in the middle of the city, on a main road / motorway then the current system I feel is fair, 20 on 20 car fights on the motorway should be auto reported or reported with very short delay of upto 30 seconds(time for a person to run away and feel safe enough to call) I agree with general area idea in principle as it will force more thought and deployment of helicopters,  drones and forensics. How would you handle the fact if gunshots where reported in the area of ballas turf and they are currently engaged in a "war" everyone would just rush the turf and 9/10 times find the gun fight anyway? Or the 10 gang coloured cars that always seem to drive in convoy just before and after these shootings.

I feel the issue here is about how gangs go about fighting not necessarily how the police respond to it, a drive by shooting, molotov throw, a couple of shots then moving away is what gun fights between gangs should be, not these rocket league matches or turf pushes that reassemble an armed assault by a milita, I think everyone knows the risks and if you engage in those activities you accept that, 

The tone of this also comes across  like we want to RP gun fights without the police getting involved at all. it's not fun for police unless you are in firearms to show up to a situation like that and spend 30 minutes dealing with injuries and people who have already had their fun and are generally disinterested with arrest or the RP with the police (I understand helmet armour makes firearms officers more like juggernauts then other players and getting killed by one feels like you've been cheated.)

Shootings on whole on the server are very stale and are overused the format is almost always the same, a year ago gun shooting dispatches where rare compared to now. The police's response to these incidents and firearms always having a primary weapon on them is only due to the threat level, if these events weren't nightly the risk would reduce so firearms have to keep their big guns in a locker and not wear PPE all the time, that would make the time it takes for officers to respond longer as it would make them stop gear up and move in. However with current gun epidemic that's just not possible.

I'm not trying to stir just offer a different view on this as I think it lies deeper then just dispatches to the police 

This system only works when NPCs are nearby. (Like IRL)
Never seen any NPCs on the drug island but police still get the dispatches... 

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I like the idea.

30-45 seconds would be more realistic. By the time you have dialed 999 asked for police and information taken I would say 1 minute max should be good enough and realistic.

general area is an interesting one. Would be intrigued to see how it works.

The problem a lot of people don’t realise is that 99% of the time we arrive too late to the gunshots and nothing happens. A delay would mean that the police would stop 0 gunfights. We don’t have the ability to ask locals for witness statements, and I have never been told by a civilian about a crime unless they were the victim. Unless we are already there and see the crime, or you are standing on the spot you just shot from, we can’t do anything. 

Not sure about the delay, I think if any delay, 2-5 is probably too long - could shoot in the city and be in Paleto by the time Police get the dispatch. 

I’d say 30-45 seconds delay would be fairer and more realistic, by the time people get safe and call or whatever. 

That said, I am a big fan of the radius idea, would be good to see this but without the radius being too big. 

Overall +1 but slightly more limited than you’ve said.  

+1 believe up to a minute would be more realistic but the general idea as a whole i like as it will bring more investigation work for the police and also the crim would need to work also to get away smartly etc

Never seen any NPCs on the drug island but police still get the dispatches... 

I shot on top of Mount chilliad and the Blackhawk came to the shots fired

This is interesting, the code specifically looks for NPCs near to you... Odd

Just checked again, I stand corrected. There is a small chance that it could alert without an NPC very close to you

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This is interesting, the code specifically looks for NPCs near to you... Odd

Just checked again, I stand corrected. There is a small chance that it could alert without an NPC very close to you
Would it be possible to change it to like phone signal areas instead of NPC based ? Because there is hikers everywhere and if its NPC based i am guessing hikers will just notify police so there is barely any places with no NPC around the entire map.

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