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NanakaGN (Action: Ban Issued 29/01/2015)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name):
Time & Date this happened:
Which Server did this happen on:
Altislife server 1
Description of what happened:
Some of the gang was having heli fun time, hear that alot of stuff went down in kavala.
Saw this robbery at the drug dealer and we just hovered around.
Whats happening next is that one of my guys is trying to go close and speak to them when they lift off straight into his heli. Then they decided to shoot me down, no warning.
What Rule Was Broken ?:
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?:
Yes, i did. But nothing.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)


Sorry but you got right on  top of him when he tried to take off i would of started to shoot you aswell, your friend the one that's should be banned because that is blatant vdm. maybe would of shot near you to scare you away first because it was clear you was watching them and they didn't no your intentions. I don't like the way TI works and this is a clear fail post on your part because your the one that started the whole shabang and you want to report these people for shooting at you.

good luck with this report but it looks like you had it coming.

ahah this is actually funny coming here and taking a look at this. First of all u killed me and keef the other day, so we where actually pretty cool that we didnt shoot you on sight when u first arrived to the scene,second u where bouncing around with the chopper on top of us and we didnt do anything, then we try to take get up with the chopper but u decided to continue fucking with us and like is up there and fucked the chopper, so we get out and shooted you because u know what u was doing. Dont come here and make this presentation that u are a good boy, because everybody that has eyes can see what u did, and even tho u wasnt right, u tried to extort us for some fucking bullshit that u did, post the video that u killed us too 

First of all u killed me and keef the other day, so we where actually pretty cool that we didnt shoot you on sight when u first arrived to the scene
This is a problem, and you clearly show again that you dont know the rules. Or that you simply dont want to play by them.

so we get out and shooted you because u know what u was doing.
So because i know what iam doing, thats a reason for you to shoot me? Iam in this case just a witness to a bad helipilot that in fact cant  understand that he cant lift from the ground when there is a heli above him.

I kinda direct went to your TS channel and asked what rule you just broke, the response i got i similar to the post you just made. A mix of "you did nothing and it wasn't your fault because that i killed you the other day". Then you texted me, both you and keef.

The simple fact that i just wanted a answer on my question, and that of understanding the rules. You again failed to make the excuse and thats why we are here.

And here is the video of you two getting killed.


*This video is from 26/1.

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Look dude u really dont know the rules, from the moment u kill me i have permission to kill you, do you understand that? go see some videos of GEORGE in youtube, u are the one that doesnt know the rules boy

ahahah bad pilot, so you do shit and say the others are the bad pilots? People like u dont deserve respect u came into ts like a bitch thinking that u are somebody important, well u got me fucked up on that shit and we said that u can come post, because u wanted something else. Like i said before dont come here acting like u are a good boy, and you are the one with excuses and coming here with stupid reasons, because all the actions that hapened was because of your "intelligence" ... And finally u are the one that dont know the rules, first u gave us a threath in the game saiyng that u where coming to the forum, ( against the rules) 2º u where fliyng around triyng to fuck us, even your friends in the video are like fuck him, make them crash and when u got killed u tryed to extort us, (against the rules) so u are the one that doesnt know the rules, like i said for the 100º time dont act like a good boy because u arent

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I do not know if i should laugh or if i should cry.

From the moment i killed you, your dead! When your NEW LIFE begins you have no memories about me or your former body. You are NOT George! George is!

If you do wish to make a report on my gameplay, fell free to do so!

And for what you think is an extortion,  is just a promise. I rather report ppl like you, because when they simply cant say they are sorry there is nothing in an comp either. Like i said in TS, its not the money, 100k 1mil 10mil, its simply the fact that you do not realize that you are destroying gameplay for others. 

This will be my last post here.

I hope an admin can help you with the rest Nana.

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AHAHAHAHAAH u really know how to make the presentation of th " good boy". Look if u dont know the rules thats on you, and im not George,but at least im learning from someone who is real, not a fake and btw i dont even said that im george, u got me fucked up with this shit xDD you are just making shit up to make u feel good about what u did, but honestly people like you dont deserve the time that i've been putin here just to answer your shit. 

And im not a punk like you boy,I DONT REPORT FOR MY BULLSHIT ACTS, because if u where a real honest person u wouldnt come here reporting me for the bullshit u make ITS KARMA BOY... at least im honest, u are just a liar, looool tried to extort people for his bullshit, coming to ts treating people like shit thinking u are the boss... i just HOPE the admin sees this.

You didnt even knew that u cant talk on chat about going to forums so why should i spend even more time answering you? im just here to see the admin so dont think u relevant

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No, you're not allowed to remember anything from your past life when you die. 

Rule 6: The New Life Rule

A new life means that your character has lost all previous memories. It still is the character you play, i.e. it is still part of the rebels or cops and it still knows all his friends. Your character just forgets what was leading to that death. 

The only exception to this is your wanted level, In our latest release bounty levels are now persistent over deaths to enable long winded police chases and bounty hunter chases... without this we wont have police and bounty hunters tracking down the person and the person being on the run for weeks/days.

Example: Matt, John and Ben are rebels who try to rob the bank. During the shootout with the cops, Matt and Ben die, John get's arrested and spends some time in jail. When they all meet again, they all would roleplay the situation in a way that they all tried to get away, because they realized that they couldn't handle the situation. Matt and Ben got away, though John got caught. If the players want to have the deaths involved, they might tell stories of other rebels that died there, who were with them initially. 
6A) A new life starts, when
  • Your character has been killed by a cop
  • Your character has died in a RP situation.
  • Your character has been involved in an accident

6B) A new life does not start when
  • Your character has been the victim of RDM/VDM (Unless inside of the RedZone)
  • You disconnect (end of session)

6C) You are not allowed to seek revenge when you die!
6D) You are not allowed to return within 1000m of where you was killed within 15 minutes after you have been killed!
Check the rule 6C.

Approved - Awaiting Action - 29/01/15

People that act like this on Reports make me sick.

We are all adults here. No need to act like a respectless spoilt littled child.

Already banned in another report

17a5ebcd36ee35429d6b45e6161d7072 -1 NanakaGN - Forum Report 29/01/2015

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