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My Take On The Server

Am I really the only one who has a actual picture wall with pictures of friends and family in his bedroom in his base xD?

Can we get rules on having signs full of the hardcore porn

I'm all for having nice looking ladies (or men if that's your thing) on signs but there's a time and place for most of the stuff I've seen on these signs and usually that's an  incognito tab with the sound on mute not the front entrance of someone base for the world to see
Its one of the wonderful things Rust holds for us, also did you know as soon as you view the picture it saves onto your computer?

Its one of the wonderful things Rust holds for us, also did you know as soon as you view the picture it saves onto your computer?
Great, so you're telling me those disgusting nazi signs are somewhere on my pc xD? Any idea about the path?

In my humble opinion, I'd say any issues that reside on the server are two-fold. The first is the map, it lacks solid building ground, focuses people around the coast, lacks resources in some areas, bla bla bla bla. There are other servers with the map, however, and they appear to do quite well, so I'd say that indicates a further problem. To that end, I'd say one of the main problems is the size of some clans - one clan in particular, though I despise pointing fingers, so I'll leave them nameless. Unfortunately, the name tends to go without saying.

Taxes were quaint back when people were charging 20k wood and 20k stone for 'security', if five guys show up at your door, demanding taxes or they'll destroy your house. Wood and stone are easily gathered and easily provided, it causes no major issues. However, when sulphur is demanded, the situation changes. 20k sulphur is a lot, especially for a small group of 2-4 people to provide. Sulphur is power, you use it to make gunpowder, explosives and bullets. You use it for defence and offence, so losing it is a big deal. When it comes down to losing your power, and therefore your ability to enjoy the game to it's fullest, most people will fight, most people will lose and most people will leave the server when their base gets leveled for no adequate reason.

Perhaps a limit on clan size, or something of that sort may help curtail the problem, but I suppose there's a delicate balance between that and allowing people to group up with their friends. 

One group dominating an entire server, and bragging fruitlessly in side chat, despite much of the destruction happening while the 'defenders' are offline, isn't  going to breathe much life into the community.

Somewhere in your steam folder, I believe.

Holy shit he is right, my cache folder for rust is just filled with hardcore porn, swastikas, and Nigel Farage pictures.

Time to have a cheeky wank me thinks.


Holy shit he is right, my cache folder for rust is just filled with hardcore porn, swastikas, and Nigel Farage pictures.

Time to have a cheeky wank me thinks.
Nigel Fridge is one hell of a sexy frog-faced man, I must admit.

I can say i spent 5m looking at the pictures. 

People... are... weird.

Those pictures... My eyes... There was a fist... And a person.


i enjoyed looking through a vast collection of hand drawn Penis', Various racist british "politicians" and of course the ever beautiful and pleasant Jackie Chan #RIPChanMonastery 
