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My Take On The Server


I think the rust server is way less popular on this new map, there is less than half the population on at peak times on Hapis where as on the Procedural Map the server was nearly always full and I think people had a lot more fun on it compared to this.

I understand the map should be getting changed back after the next wipe but I think the server should be reset and changed back to procedural sooner before the amount of players become even lower. I would love to see the server booming again like when I first joined.

I also have some other changes that I would like to see implemented;

  • Decrease the gather of materials - 5x gather makes it way too easy and it would make the game more challenging.
  • Remove TP's - When raiding others bases people have been tp'ing out valuable items which defeats the point of the game.
  • Create a rule-set for the server - It will give the players clarity on what they can and can't do and it will make them think twice about their actions.
  • Whenever the server gets wiped, it should be stated in the server title - This could bring in a new wave of players to the server.
This is just my opinion on the server right now, feel free to discuss your opinions.

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Currently meow is the top dog in the server ranked at number one, and he needs more people to kill so I think we need the old map.

I mean top cat.

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I would love the server activity to increase, we haven't helped to be honest as we do have around 20 people online at the same time and are quite ruthless.

Hpkns made good points and I did mention in the other thread that lower gather rates would be decent.

  • Procedural map.
  • TPs I think at least 1 TP per day should be allowed as that is one of the perks that brings people to a modded server.
  • More incentive for people to come back, loyalty bonuses?
  • 2x / 3x gather.
  • Remove home TP completely, this feature has been abused by multiple people by setting their home location inside of someone else's base then raiding them from the inside out after an initial raid.
  • Add a side chat cooldown, 2 messages every minute? right now in side chat there is silly amounts of flame, hate and arguing.
i agree that the old map was alot more fun but i think we should wait now until the official wipe before starting again after all it was you guys who called for this wipe when me and my gang wanted to stay on the old map.

As for the 5x gathering leave it as it is some of us only have limited playing time as we work( were not all lucky enough to be young and have unlimited playing time)

As for server population like ben said this is mostly down to your gang, ive seen you make at least 3 decent size groups quit in the last few days and this is not down to your play style as raiding and blowing up bases is part of the game its the way you act like complete idiots in side chat(not all rc members do this by the way) . when you,ve taken someones base theres no need to troll them in side chat just enjoy the victory lol


Fair points, I personally wanted a wipe due to the server having poor performance but wanted it to stay on the same map.

Regarding your last point, I agree various members of RC including myself have been using side chat to annoy others. This isn't just the members of RC though a lot of the server use side chat to abuse others, hence why I said a rule-set needs to be created.

Also I think that one of the reasons why RC is so powerful at the minute is down to the numbers. When 10+ people come to your base with multiple C4 there is not much you can do. Maybe they should limit the maximum members in a team? Could make the game a lot more enjoyable for the whole community.

I understand that various members have limited time to play but I personally think if the gather was lowered these members would still have time to get their resources together. Crafting and building would be more of an achievement with lower gather as at the minute it is way too easy to build huge armoured bases and craft mass amounts of C4. Like I said this is just my opinion.

You could limit the maximum numbers in a team but people will still team up and raid / kill together. It's not easy to enforce rules in rust.
I would agree that gather should be decreased in order to prevent people from building large armoured bases. Even so, it isn't easy to make armoured bases in a small group as when you're in a large group it is a lot easier to get materials.. If it was you would see more of them about. 

There is always something going on in rust and chat is disgusting. The biggest complaint from the rust community to rust is the community itself. the reason is that the raiders have a huge advantage on people who want to play the game in a more casual manner. 95% of the community play to kill others, raid and piss people off. This is fine but you cannot complain about the side chat arguments when you're involved in them. If a rule is created to stop hostility in sidechat then all that will happen is people getting banned, the server numbers decreasing and rage posts on the forums.

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I remember there being about 70 people usually, when I first joined this server, back when procedural map was on, now theres 20-40 usually


Exactly my point I'm sure the majority of the population would be down to switch the map back ASAP. There was never any need to change the map, the server just needed clearing due to performance issues. I think a switch would get the server back to the numbers that I remember. It's a great server and the admins need to prevent the players losing interest.


I understand there may be a few members not wanting to switch back right away but I think a sooner wipe should be at least discussed between the admins. I think if the map stays on Hapis the numbers will only drop. I know I personally and most of my team wouldn't care about the loss of our materials and gear (a lot) as we just want there to be more players in the server.

EDIT: The image below shows the players on the server over the past 30 days, you can see where it was very popular on the procedural map, being nearly always full. Over time the total players has just kept decreasing and I think that it will follow this trend unless something is done.

View attachment 317

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The problem is guys its not the map that is causing the drop in players its your gang dozens of players have declared they wont play on this server again all because of your gang , now ive said before i dont give a shit how you guys play thats up to you but the racism abuse and bullying that certain members of your gang do in side chat needs to stop asap before you sink the server

ive been in your teamspeak room and the people doing the abusing would run a mile if they came face to face with the people they are abusing in real life so why do it whilst hidden behind  a keyboard its not clever and it makes you look like dickheads, so i ask you nicely stop it now please as i have at least 10 screenshots of certain members of rc being racist and i will have no hesitation to show them to an admin if it carries on. Im not gonna let a minority of children ruin this server for people who want to play and have fun

The problem is guys its not the map that is causing the drop in players its your gang dozens of players have declared they wont play on this server again all because of your gang , now ive said before i dont give a shit how you guys play thats up to you but the racism abuse and bullying that certain members of your gang do in side chat needs to stop asap before you sink the server

ive been in your teamspeak room and the people doing the abusing would run a mile if they came face to face with the people they are abusing in real life so why do it whilst hidden behind  a keyboard its not clever and it makes you look like dickheads, so i ask you nicely stop it now please as i have at least 10 screenshots of certain members of rc being racist and i will have no hesitation to show them to an admin if it carries on. Im not gonna let a minority of children ruin this server for people who want to play and have fun
I must admit i have been bragging about raiding and typing when i shouldn't but a few big gangs simply just left because we took their bases, like Mordor we used around 150 c4 on the base and they left after we claimed the tunnel and we wasn't even talking to them about it. 2nd i really doubt anyone from RC has been racist because that is just stuff you do not do and everyone knows that racism is not accepted anywhere.


I have never experienced anyone in my team being racist at all would love to see these screenshots. Don't make it out to be all RC's fault that that the server is sinking. We admit that we may be the reason some people stop playing but seriously don't pin it down to be all us, the change of map is what decreased the population to start and that is shown on the graph.

I would also love to see these screenshots of this so called racism, I can pretty much hold my hand up and say I haven't seen or heard about anyone being racist and if they have they deserve to have it publicized so go ahead and post it on this thread please or in the report a player section.

look guys ive spoke to most of you and ive said its only 1 or 2 who are spoiling it for the rest and i even asked ben to ask them to stop after a certain member said something not so kind about german people, but you know me i never report people as i much prefer to sort it out in person, and like i said i have no problems with you guys infact i enjoy the challenge

look guys ive spoke to most of you and ive said its only 1 or 2 who are spoiling it for the rest and i even asked ben to ask them to stop after a certain member said something not so kind about german people, but you know me i never report people as i much prefer to sort it out in person, and like i said i have no problems with you guys infact i enjoy the challenge
If that's what you're perceiving as racism I can say that Max said in side chat after yet another argument happened with someone over something I had no idea about as i'd only just logged in, "nobody likes german guys" in a sarcastic way because the guy in side chat was angry with him over something so it certainly wasn't racism as he is German himself.

I see no reason to continue the constant bickering that is happening on the server on the forums can I ask that all people from RC stop posting here as there is no need to continue the flame war unless it is something constructive in regards to the points that Hpkns made on the server in his main post.

that would be 

I think the rust server is way less popular on this new map, there is less than half the population on at peak times on Hapis where as on the Procedural Map the server was nearly always full and I think people had a lot more fun on it compared to this.

I understand the map should be getting changed back after the next wipe but I think the server should be reset and changed back to procedural sooner before the amount of players become even lower. I would love to see the server booming again like when I first joined.

I also have some other changes that I would like to see implemented;

  • Decrease the gather of materials - 5x gather makes it way too easy and it would make the game more challenging.
  • Remove TP's - When raiding others bases people have been tp'ing out valuable items which defeats the point of the game.
  • Create a rule-set for the server - It will give the players clarity on what they can and can't do and it will make them think twice about their actions.
  • Whenever the server gets wiped, it should be stated in the server title - This could bring in a new wave of players to the server.
This is just my opinion on the server right now, feel free to discuss your opinions.
now let's all stop being children and actually talk about what can be done to save the server and prevent more people from leaving.

I can start by telling everyone to stop being so fucking stupid on side chat and think before you say things, if you can't handle yourself turn it off the drama is mainly inflamed by the same individuals however there are other parties that get involved and they need to nip it in the bud as well.

Let's start using side chat for what it is meant to be used for which is for discussing the game, trading, looking for people to play with and helping other players that might not be as experienced in the game as yourselves, this is a community server and people from this community should not have to leave because of certain individuals, now I can say that the server population is not going to increase until the next wipe at least which is going to be on either the 1-2 of next month so that leaves everyone just over a week to enjoy play between the people that are left playing on the server, let's try and communicate a bit more and plan some events we could take part in ourselves on the server without the unfriendliness.

I would also like to take a line here to apologize to @AEGIS for some peoples attitude yesterday during the raid on you, one thing is asking for taxes but there's a line that is crossed when people start attacking other members and it needs to stop.

-TI / RC Ben

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Just thought of another feature that should be implemented, that being;

Only allow the original owner of the authorisation box be able to use the feature /remove.

The issue is when bases are being raided people get access and just tear down the base, this means that persons whole progress has been destroyed. If this was to be implemented it would give the players a chance to rebuild their base and may lead them to staying on the server after being raided.

I like Rust and I like the whole raiding thing, don't get me wrong.

But the whole hostile feeling on the server simply ruins it for me.

Yes the map isn't the best one, but the amount of bitching or whatever you want to call it is so unnecessary. Ofcourse a bit messing around is fun, but this has gotten to a point where people start swearing to each other. At the end of the day we are an adult community, I'm not saying that we should all hold hands and be best friends, but if the whole hostile talk in side chat would stop than the player amount will go up.

I got alot of complains about RC every day and the gangs leaving the server. I guess people don't have "friendly wars" anymore and they just cuss each other. That will change in the next wipe.

Bans are coming as well for some stuff i keep hearing.

Can we get rules on having signs full of the hardcore porn

I'm all for having nice looking ladies (or men if that's your thing) on signs but there's a time and place for most of the stuff I've seen on these signs and usually that's an  incognito tab with the sound on mute not the front entrance of someone base for the world to see
