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My Life


Smooth Criminal
Glasgow, Scotland
How I got here.

I've decided today to make a short story on how I arrived on this Island and how I've gotten to where I am today. I hope you guys enjoy it.. (PS: Its all tied in with what actually happened when I arrived)


[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 1:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]All is not well here in Stratis, I’ve been sleepless for nights. My troubles have only gotten worse over these couple weeks. Although the republic of Stratis is a small island it's certainly big for danger. It turns out NATO Has been forced into Stratis to liberate the Island from any danger but it hasn’t helped a bit, All it has done is make this Island a hell storm. The Rebels fighting on this island don’t have this type of gear, All we hear at night is huge crackles and explosions. Titan Launchers, Helicopters, Tanks and even Jets. I don’t know how we will live in this island anymore.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 2: [/SIZE]


[SIZE=18.6667px]Me, My Brother and My Mother haven’t slept for nights. My Mother is trying to get us out of here as soon as possible, our Neighbours think we caused this mess in Stratis but they don’t know the true story. When we left for school me and my younger brother tried to walk through short lanes and alleyways to get to school, We were bullied on the street because of what we had done to this Island, when we arrived at our school kids surrounded us, took everything from us, punched us and kicked us until we felt the pain shoot through our spine from our legs. Everything was worse because of what we done. When we got back to the house my mum had gotten news, when she was out shopping she met a man who was able to give us a plane ride out of Stratis. It was extremely risky due to the fact that NATO Had taken over the island. She said that we’d be leaving immediately at the break of midnight tonight. I packed my stuff and ate a sandwich before waiting at the door for another 3 hours until the clock reached 12am. When it did we heard a offroad pull up to our front door, My mum said that it was the man who was taking us. We got in the truck whilst me and my brother slept for around an hour and a half. We were woken up after hitting the Stratis Airbase.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]The man who was giving us a ride told us that we would be flying with no lights, no electronics and no communications until we got out of the Stratis NATO controlled radius. When we got aboard this small plane we noticed our pilot was only using Night vision goggles and that was when we realised that this could be a bad idea.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 3:[/SIZE]


[SIZE=18.6667px]We’re still onboard this small plane, it’s dark and we’re unable to see anything, It turns out that the Pilot had an extra pair of Night Vision Goggles which he gave to me so I could write all this down. He said we’re going to a small island, apparently it's bigger than Stratis and more home-like, this island was called Altis. He said he was not going to be landing at the main airport but he was going to land somewhere risky, a town called Neri. Nobody lived in Neri after a Rebel shootout so he thought it would be a smart idea to land there. This man wasn’t going to come with us but instead he was going to fly to Athens for a better life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 4: [/SIZE]


[SIZE=18.6667px]I’ve decided to talk about what our family done to the island of Stratis. Me and My father were on a road trip down the roads of Stratis to reach the bottom, at the time we were being followed by 2 tempest transports. We decided to wait up ahead and see where they were going and if they were really following us, when we did it turned out they were not. They were in-fact turning into a small compound. When we entered this compound my dad snooped around a little and was checking crates, at the time these guys were unloading stuff off the trucks. When he was snooping around and checking the crates he found something pretty big, it was a huge box of rifles! Most of them 5.56 rifles and 7.62 snipers. All of a sudden a man came behind my dad and took him.. I ran for my life and all of a sudden I could hear a crackle of a pistol back at the compound, I picked up my cellphone and called the Police. When the police arrived many people were killed and short story this group declared war on the people of Stratis.. And everybody knew it was us when the police confirmed the body to be one of our family members, my dad. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 6:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]25/03/2017 [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]The lights just turned on inside of the plane and it turns out that we were coming in for a landing on a field, the deal was that he was going to keep moving at around 13km/hr when on the ground and we’re supposed to get out of the plane and crawl to cover while he takes off. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=18.6667px]We’re currently in a little shot up house and I’ve decided to leave my diary here until one day I stumble upon it. Hope to see you in the Future![/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Entry 7:[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]So me and my group were looking around and driving around in Neri when I noticed the house me and my family camped out in, When I walked in I noticed that the diary is still here! I’m going to give you guys a little SITREP on what has happened in my life.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]I don’t remember a lot but when we got to Neri an Officer picked us up and took us to a Town called Kavala. It was the safest place alive! I got a job in Copper trading, I helped local civilians sell their copper and gave them prices for it, It was great fun until a group of people robbed my customers all I could remember was me picking up the PO7 9mm from under the Counter and shooting them both. People were after me, Good and Bad people. Police, Rebels you name it.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]Soon after I was driving along in my friends car when I saw 2 guys at the Weapon Cache trying to open it, Morgan and Jack, Everything changed when I met them., All I remember from that was we all left together and formed a friendship. Anyway we met more people along the way, some got deported and some we’re still friends until this day. I met a guy called Tommy! Me and my friend that I met at the Weapon Cache was talking to him and he gave us an TRG 5.56 for no reason! It was a great day, we eventually used that gun too play cowboys and cops. Then a Day turned, Everything changed, the British Army forced their way into Altis and Liberated the whole Island in control of Queen Elizabeth everything changed after that so me and my new friends made a gang called the BoxTrolls. We robbed the smaller people and the people we hated, We kept a grudge. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]We then formed into a business, Critical Investments that went well, We used to do Clams in our Company Hummingbird. Then we got split up. Some joined other gangs!, Some Got Deported. Me and another Gang Member decided to apply for a gang, so we joined the National Liberation Army, Everything changed after that. We done the bigger things, We were classed as rebels at that time. When the police was recruiting they took people out of Gangs as well to join them under the Government Protection Program, They’d change your name and clear your crimes, Now this is a Personal diary so I've decided to share my name on this. I used to be called Adam Jones but I changed it too Sanders due to this Confidentiality thing that the Government has put in place. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=18.6667px]That's all I have to say. I’m going to keep this book safe until a day when I’m fully ready to add some more…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21.3333px]To Be Continued[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21.3333px]OORP: I hope you guys enjoyed this short story, It only came [/SIZE]up to.[SIZE=21.3333px] 1322 words when I counted it up (Sorry if some of the grammar during it was bad)[/SIZE]

I suggest reading it even if its a lot of words, I put a lot of work into making and deciding the plot in a 30 minute radius. Thanks guys!

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Ooh good, This was actually great and I enjoyed reading this you're an artist! All the good for you in future!

Dude this is fantastic I should write this down and use it in an English lesson! but anyway well done you are an artist!


I've decided today to make a short story
This was NOT short!

Nice story bud! Think we got ourself a new "UnluckyGeorge", but on the paper!

What happened to your mother, is she still in kavala? (A)

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This was NOT short!

Nice story bud! Think we got ourself a new "UnluckyGeorge", but on the paper!

What happened to your mother, is she still in kavala? (A)
Answer: I don't know, When this Government Protection plan Happened we were different people.
