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My CH49 Mohawk

So I was doing some drug runs before I had to go to my maths tutor and then eat my dinner, obviously I had to go store the drugs so I landed in Agios and deposited my drugs. When I came on about and hour and thirty minutes later my chopper wasn't there so I assumed it was stolen or impounded naturally I went to the airfield to check my hangar but it wasn't in there so I then looked at my key chain and it wasn't on there either. When the server came back up I checked the hangar again still wasn't there so I went on to the website looked at my stats and the helicopter isn't on my vehicle list. Does anyone know what happened and if a cop is even allowed to scrap my helicopter when it had nothing inside of it and had not been used for ages. 

Cops can scrap your heli for being landed in city or someone could have used it for illegal activity and it was not reported stolen so cops have scrapped it.

What about trucks or any other kind of car 
Tucks and cars are fine, however landing a helicopter in a residential town... Well that's slightly different.

If you want to read into what you can be arrested for etc. on Altis, look at the public police handbook and go to page 30, fines & punishments.

Good Luck!
