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Much needed Civilian overhaul

Astrid Belski

Farmer Land
After a suggestion was closed due to veering off topic I decided to start a new thread with lots of suggestions on how to improve the quality of life and general well being of civs on the server. This is including the suggestions made by @MartinShipman11

I'd like to preface this by saying I don't particularly think EVERY idea that's about to be listed is a good one, however I'm just providing what the Devs are looking for - a big list of things to pick and choose from which they think is best.

Currently, you can buy a house on the server and use it for storage and a personal garage. It's a lot of money for something that in my eyes is a wasted opportunity.
  • Being able to cook inside your home - Restaurants and businesses should still be able to sell the best foods to benefit them and the player. However, it does seem a bit of a missed opportunity that you can't cook inside the home. This would open up pathways for those people who like the 'domesticated' side of life - You could purchase a taco truck and cook on your driveway sure but it takes away any 'realism'. If you can cook in a taco van outside your front door, you should be able to cook on your cooker top inside your £2mil mansion.
  • Usable sinks - Again much like above
  • A cleaning system - Houses should over time get gradually more dirty - much like the cars we drive outside. A cleaning system could be implemented to keep houses spick and span *
  • Working TV's - Nothing complicated, just a simple set of pictures rotating on the tv screen to give the illusion of a working TV.
  • Fire alarm and fuse box furniture prop - These can tie into giving more job opportunities to the fire service and for electricians *
  • Introducing a degradation system to personal houses/businesses that over time could have an effect on those belongings being uninhabitable/unusable. Then people can call out to other players to come and repair those businesses. This could be done by creating a meter that goes down over time, once it reaches certain markers on that meter things like water leaks happen, you can't access your garage anymore, cant access storage anymore, it sounds like a punishment sure, but it makes people interact and also will weed out people whocome in and hog houses and not use them.
Welfare System
The current welfare system pays you £20 per tick. In 1 24hour period that's a total of around £4,100. I think it should be increased to be more in line with the city's current economy but not so much so that it demotivates players from finding actual jobs. This is a good safety net for people starting their own businesses and will provide more opportunities to those just mentioned as well as brand new players.

  • Replace the system with a collection of payment - Remove the automatic payment by tick and replace it with people needing to go to the post office* Job Center* or Credit Union*. The total 24 hour payment should be divided into 3 and collectable from these places at every restart. If you want your welfare, you need to 'sign on' and collect it. People can do a lot more with a lump sum than they can with £20 every 7 minutes, especially if some can only play for a few hours a day.
  • Bank & Union Loans - Introduce a official loan system where players can borrow money from the state. Players can already borrow money from friends or other people in the city which creates more RP opportunities (especially if not paid back) but this should also be a feasible option. Players can take out loans with higher interest rates and should be able to use assets as collateral e.g their car or house. If you fail to make X number of payments, it gets repo.
General life improvement/enjoyment
Currently, there is very little for civs to do to enhance civilian life. A good number of players tend to migrate towards standing around looking at their phones in a group and essentially the server becomes a VR chat.

  • Bowling- This is a popular idea that's been suggested many times over the years. Having a working bowling alley would make for a great addition.
  • Laser tag - Another activity that's quite popular on a lot of FiveM servers and seems to go down a treat.
  • Working Ferris Wheel
  • Working Rollercoaster
  • Introduce a glass bottom boat*
  • Beauty salons*
  • Firing range
  • A overhaul on the fitness system - You need to be active in the gyms to stay healthy!
  • Pets! Long requested and would be hugely positively received.
While there are a few jobs that exist for legal players I believe that there is plenty of space to introduce more to add more variety and some that will enhance and provide much much more RP opportunities.

  • Electrician- Needing a license from City Hall players can register as an electrician. Self employed to begin with but paving the way for this to become a legitimate job on the server with a dedicated work hub. If the fuse box furniture prop is added to houses players can attend and service/inspect these. They can also carry out general checks on homes and businesses, they can provide monthly services and sign off if it's deemed safe or condemn for further works. AI Jobs could include fixing traffic lights, servicing ATMs, billboard lighting and much more.
  • Plumber- Much like the suggestion above you could also get a license to be a plumber. You can attend callouts for leaky taps and sinks, blocked toilets and burst pipes in player houses and businesses. AI jobs could include working mains water lines through the city (manhole covers), repairing fire hydrants etc.
  • Estate Agents - This one has been a very popular suggestion in the past and I still think it makes complete sense. Remove the ability to walk up to the door and buy a property and instead go through an estate agency. Players have tried to RP this in the past but it always fell flat because people weren't willing to pay extra for the service when they could just drive around aimlessly and check door to door what was available. It also made it extremely difficult for players who tried this to keep up with what they'd found to then find the next day it was sold. There 100% is a gap in the market for a legitimate estate agency.
  • Post office/Job center/credit Union- All of these places should be able to tie in with both the welfare idea AND loan idea. The Job center however can be used as a great place for RP - setting up meetings with players to help them into work, advising on buying licenses, loans to get started, offering help and advice for people starting businesses and just generally being another stepping stone in helping out newer players.
  • Glass bottom boat tours- Purely for RP purposes, introducing a glass bottom boat to the server can open a pathway of not only a job opportunity but enhance civilian life. Tours can be given around the seas where people can see dolphins, hammerhead sharks and orcas as well as the coral reefs we have in a fun and interactive RP setting rather than just swimming out and seeing it in passing any time you like.
  • Parcel deliveries- essentially work the opposite of collecting bins. Instead of collecting at determined locations, you deliver to locations instead. Opens doors for character driven jobs in that if people want to buy a certain item from a certain shop somewhere. Jimmy pays Steve money to go and collect 5 drills from sandy shores. Simple as that. There are places around the city that can be used as postal hubs to start the jobs.
  • Building jobs, there are many construction sites situated around the city that you could go to have simple interactions with, moving blocks of wood, bricks, wheelbarrows etc and earn money based off skills perhaps even use the same minigame implemented with hotwiring/repairing cars to earn a bonus. This then could later be used to fire up personal jobs, introducing a degradation system to personal houses/businesses that over time could have an effect on those belongings being uninhabitable/unusable. Then people can call out to other players to come and repair those businesses. This could be done by creating a meter that goes down over time, once it reaches certain markers on that meter things like water leaks happen, you can't access your garage anymore, cant access storage anymore, it sounds like a punishment sure, but it makes people interact and also will weed out people who as I mentioned above those who come in and hog houses and not use them. (water leaks can also be helped by the plumbing job) building animations are already provided in game and as for the building sites all that would be needed is a few markers that say "fix___" you walk over to it you interact with it and its job 1/__ complete once you reach a determined amount you get paid.
  • Landscaping- A job for people to come and landscape and mow lawns there's already scripts widely available for this kind of work.
  • Vets- Animals come in injured and the registered vets could help with seeing those animals return to full health. Could work similar to the NHS except its with NPC animals. I do already have a proposal for this as well the scripts and MLO's still saved from 2022 - If there is a dev that's interested in picking this up please do let me know and I will pass this all over to you.
Although the list is long it's barely scratching the surface. I invite anyone to add to this thread with any ideas that they have that can greatly improve the civ experience and enjoyment on the server. I want to again point out that I don't necessarily think ALL the ideas listed here are viable but it's a suggestion none less

Thank you 💜
I can happily add to this thread I have had a fair few ideas pop into my head over the last few days. I was also told to remake a thread with my previous suggestions, so I will tie them in with yours.

General: (these will sound somewhat off topic but they will tie in later on.)
  1. A slight overhaul to the housing system: Houses are mostly now just personal storage areas/garages and I'm sure by now it's no secret that there are some characters that will only login to pay their tax for the month then leave them for another time. Thus creating a bit of a housing shortage issue. A degradation system could be added to owned homes that overtime will down, once that bar reaches certain milestones homes will start to throw up some issues such as, but not limited to, storage access is restricted or completely impossible, garage become inaccessible or homes become completely inaccessible. After reaching 0 on this maintainence bar the houses automatically get returned back to the government to resell as they see fit.
  2. Vehicle Inspections/MOT: Mechanically works similar to the home degradation system. An invisible make believe countdown timer on vehicles that will go down overtime, once that timer reaches 0 the vehicle becomes unroadworthy, the police can hand out fines, points on licenses and even impound cars that are caught this way. These things can be easily countered by once every set amount of days that car needs to go to a mechanics shop and get inspected where that mechanic shop has the ability to reset the countdown timer. This gives more work/rp opportunity to mechanics, police and even recovery driver.
  3. Cigarettes/Cigars/Smoking: Quick easy quality of life feature, make smokeables purchasable items in stores with limited amounts. Could go further with this an create an addiction system that effects various things if you have an addiction ie. make you more hungry if you go without for too long, screenshakes etc. just for a bit of lols really, just thought it would be a fun addition.
  4. Dynographs for Garages: Fun little accessory for garages, allowing to host events like dyno days where people can find out how much power their car makes and can have pissing contests with their friends about who has the most power etc. could go much further with this and allow certain garages who have these to offer slightly different upgrade packages, some garages can do visual modifications other garages can provide performance modifications. Though at first it sounds like limiting certain garages in the long run this should provide benefits for all garages in the city.
  5. ATM robberies: I'm aware this isn't "civilian focussed" but this could exist in a multitude of ways, it could be as simple as the till robbery system works with somewhat of a medium pay off, to outright bonkers such as actually taking the physical ATM away, but would require having to take the ATM to a safe place in a truck, and actually being cracked to earn a larger payout.
  6. Purchasable trailers/interactive trailers: To add more RP to transport jobs and warehouses etc. allow people to purchase their own trailers for their lorrys to carry out goods transportation. This could be taken A LOT further by making warehouse workers need to physically load cargo onto those trailers with forklifts (I will explore this again down below*)
Jobs: some of these may already exist or have been mentioned in this thread, but I am just touching on them further.
  1. Dock workers*: There's definitely a supply chain of products in the city, I believe this could be expanded further by adding a dock worker role ingame. So for example if a car dealership orders in a batch of cars, those cars will come into the city via a boat, a dock worker will then unload that order either to a transport truck or it will just load directly into a distribution centre or warehouses at the docks, those products will then be collected at the warehouse and distributed to either the garage directly or to the garages personal storage for the garage to then do as they see fit with that. This supply chain could be expanded further. But also safe guards will need to be put into place incase players are not around to provide this service.
  2. Construction Workers: As @Astrid Belski mentioned above basically, but I'd just like to add something to it that was suggested, could tie into the housing overhaul further and be able to offer upgrades on homes to allow things such as adding an additional garage spot, increasing personal storage slightly and also just providing general maintainence.
  3. Train Drivers: I understand the use of trains can be somewhat limited but could be used within the logistical work chain to transport larger numbers of goods to businesses up north. Could work inline with the supply chain I mentioned above in the dock workers suggestion.
  4. Warehouse jobs: Once again a job suggestion within the logistics department, could provide AI jobs driving forklifts moving cargo from cargo area at the docks either onto trailers or into a warehouse. Instead of clogging up the docks with workers as well, these jobs could be dotted around at various distribution hubs around the city like the train stations, industrial estates in the city and even up north.

Just a few ideas I believe will add to the city, I know some of the suggestions I have made may feel like they have a negative effect on individuals but long term I believe they will create more player to player dependancies and therefore more player to player interactions and additionally as I've said in a previous thread, as well as some of these jobs can be RP'd I don't believe people will pay money for imaginary rp services, so adding the NEED to have these situations played out will open up doors for people to then pay for the services. Adding a necessity to have their homes repaired will create the need for players to come and repair them. Just as adding a NEED for a distribution for products will make people use those services.

Thanks to anyone reading this and I am completely open for discussions on these suggestions :)
Replace the system with a collection of payment - Remove the automatic payment by tick and replace it with people needing to go to the post office* Job Center* or Credit Union*. The total 24 hour payment should be divided into 3 and collectable from these places at every restart. If you want your welfare, you need to 'sign on' and collect it. People can do a lot more with a lump sum than they can with £20 every 7 minutes, especially if some can only play for a few hours a day.
are you suggesting people get paid whilst not on or am i misreading?
After reaching 0 on this maintainence bar the houses automatically get returned back to the government to resell as they see fit.
i think that's a bit too harsh, but i don't disagree

maybe instead, if the owner doesn't upkeep(aka actually RPs with other players) for another amount of time(2 weeks as a example) they get a final warning and then it could be repossessed.

Buuuut, i also then think those houses could be sold as "fixer uppers" or "håndværkertilbud" as we call them in denmark, where as the price of the property gets lowered(it's about 43% here in denmark) that the new owner would then have to fix, where as they might get a cheaper house, or they might not in the end, bit of a gamble i guess, just as IRL.

These things can be easily countered by once every set amount of days
i don't think it should be amount of days, but rather weeks/months, add a milage meter that also has a bit of a say in how often it needs checking and repairing

could also then add options to get old and wrecked vehicles for cheap, and fix them up just like with houses(could be done like the marketplace, but in sandy where people can sell broken down cars or something)

the above could also then add the ability to fake milage for car sales, which could probably add more RP to mechanics
Cigarettes/Cigars/Smoking: Quick easy quality of life feature, make smokeables purchasable items in stores with limited amounts. Could go further with this an create an addiction system that effects various things if you have an addiction ie. make you more hungry if you go without for too long, screenshakes etc. just for a bit of lols really, just thought it would be a fun addition.
i wouldn't say no to having to buy cigarettes/cigars to actually smoke them, add different brands/qualities and homemade stuff giving different varities even if it doesn't do much more than that, but i'm sure the rich people would rather smoke a expensive cigar than a 2 pound one lol
ATM robberies: I'm aware this isn't "civilian focussed" but this could exist in a multitude of ways, it could be as simple as the till robbery system works with somewhat of a medium pay off, to outright bonkers such as actually taking the physical ATM away, but would require having to take the ATM to a safe place in a truck, and actually being cracked to earn a larger payout.
don't see anything wrong in that and it's already been suggested before, could be fun.
Train Drivers: I understand the use of trains can be somewhat limited but could be used within the logistical work chain to transport larger numbers of goods to businesses up north. Could work inline with the supply chain I mentioned above in the dock workers suggestion.
could be good, only place that doesn't have a form of supply hub directly is sandy, but i suppose the nearby quarries train stop could be used for that, paleto could probably be the chicken factory(unless that's used for something else).

good suggestions, hope more gets added by people and some of them get added at some point in the future
i think that's a bit too harsh, but i don't disagree

maybe instead, if the owner doesn't upkeep(aka actually RPs with other players) for another amount of time(2 weeks as a example) they get a final warning and then it could be repossessed.

Buuuut, i also then think those houses could be sold as "fixer uppers" or "håndværkertilbud" as we call them in denmark, where as the price of the property gets lowered(it's about 43% here in denmark) that the new owner would then have to fix, where as they might get a cheaper house, or they might not in the end, bit of a gamble i guess, just as IRL.
Yes great ideas! I know somethings may appear quite harsh to begin with but that would push players to seek other players to fix those issues, in the short term harsh in the long term will make for business interactions and player interactions which are all good! As for the purchasing fixer uppers thats a great expansion for consideration also!

i don't think it should be amount of days, but rather weeks/months, add a milage meter that also has a bit of a say in how often it needs checking and repairing

could also then add options to get old and wrecked vehicles for cheap, and fix them up just like with houses(could be done like the marketplace, but in sandy where people can sell broken down cars or something)

the above could also then add the ability to fake milage for car sales, which could probably add more RP to mechanics
Yes! Excellent ideas! Yes when I say days I don't mean like 3 or 4 I was thinking larger, but yeah I should have used weeks/months as a timescale rather than days :ROFLMAO:

Thank you for the feedback 😅
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These ideas here are amazing. i'd like to bring a focus to one idea you've raised:
  • Glass bottom boat tours- Purely for RP purposes, introducing a glass bottom boat to the server can open a pathway of not only a job opportunity but enhance civilian life. Tours can be given around the seas where people can see dolphins, hammerhead sharks and orcas as well as the coral reefs we have in a fun and interactive RP setting rather than just swimming out and seeing it in passing any time you like.

Currently, the Marina and its staff are working behind the scenes to create something similar to offer citizens as an experience, in the form of Scuba Diving. We believe that below the surface of the City Waters are a vast amount of RP potential, whether for tours, events or toying with history to create a narrative.

Our long-term goal if this proves successful is to enquire about Submersibles, especially the 4-door local Submersible already in the GTA5 game, named the Avisa, allowing the Marina to provide more roleplay to the City and its employees.


MOT's have been something roleplayed out previously, however the City interest wasn't there. However, this would give mechanic shops, such as Otto's and FlyWheels, more mechanical roleplay opportunity. Given vehicle points and licence expiries are a thing, havingMOT's/insurance expiry on a vehicle I could see as a roleplay positive.

  1. Cigarettes/Cigars/Smoking: Quick easy quality of life feature, make smokeables purchasable items in stores with limited amounts. Could go further with this an create an addiction system that effects various things if you have an addiction ie. make you more hungry if you go without for too long, screenshakes etc. just for a bit of lols really, just thought it would be a fun addition.
I would +1 this and suggest the additional feature of STAMINA LOSS. A repercussion of smoking causing the player to lose IQ in Stamina.

You could also think about giving certain food items in the city a "Fat" system, or value. eating certain foods holds certain nutrition that also causes STAMINA LOSS.

These are a lot of positive suggestions in this thread.

A massive +1.
are you suggesting people get paid whilst not on or am i misreading?
Somewhat, but it's not that black and white. What I'm suggesting is that the total sum of what unemployed players can make in a full 24 hours is split into 3 and divided between each restart and needs to be collected. It's possible that SOME players will be able to be present for all 3 restarts so in a way would be given 'free money' IF they make the restarts and not play for 24 hours straight. But they would still need to go and physically collect their welfare, it wouldn't be an automatic payment.

However, that suggestion was to keep it simple for the devs in dividing payments. The amount of 'free money' a player COULD get is approx. £1,300 the price of a smoothie in some places.
I don't think the price of a smoothie will break the economy too much and will still push players for employment as that would pay a lot more.

24hrs / 7minutes = 205.7143
£20 X 205.7143 = £4,114.29
£4,114.29 / 3 restarts = £1371.43 per restart

So a player can potentially collect £1371.43 per restart if they're able to sign on.

Or another way to look at it - Welfare is replaced by a lump sum each day and not per minute - just like real life. You don't get paid welfare per hour here in the UK like you do for a job - you get a lump sum monthly.
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These ideas here are amazing. i'd like to bring a focus to one idea you've raised:

Currently, the Marina and its staff are working behind the scenes to create something similar to offer citizens as an experience, in the form of Scuba Diving. We believe that below the surface of the City Waters are a vast amount of RP potential, whether for tours, events or toying with history to create a narrative.

Our long-term goal if this proves successful is to enquire about Submersibles, especially the 4-door local Submersible already in the GTA5 game, named the Avisa, allowing the Marina to provide more roleplay to the City and its employees.
This is great and I know how fun it is to do that, we used to do that back when we were rangers hosting 'day trips' so I know the RP potential is awesome on this. I think adding in a glass bottom boat that the Marina can have would just give another layer to the awesome work you're already doing!
Ok, so after the other one didn’t go to plan and I definitely learnt a lot. I was thinking of a few cool suggestions last night! I know there’s no point suggesting unpractical suggestions, which only take up space on the City and leads to unnecessary assets.

I’ve seen these around, and have personally worked with developing them before and they’re super fun and developers can play around with them.

Traffic warden / parking tickets.
Now, I’m pretty sure it irritates a lot of us when there’s so many unpacked vehicles lying about, especially when people need to have the roads clear. Now I’m aware currently, the parking meters aren’t useable. Not from my knowledge anyway. Say we don’t want to park our vehicle but want to quickly run into a shop. Or, someone’s house. But know we’re going to be a little while. What about paying for a ticket! Doesn’t have to be expensive at all. Mainly just for the roleplay aspect. And then police, or mechanics if the car is still out past its time. Can give the person a parking ticket from the meter. It could potentially give people an incentive to not leave their cars out for ages.
As well as an incentive to bring in a job for someone to be a traffic warden.

Grave Robbing
Personally, I loved this! You can grab a shovel and then go to the cemetery at a certain time and dig graves. The developers can decide what people will receive and the percentage they may receive it.

Maybe a library of some sort.
I don’t know if there is anything out there for this, but potentially a library with working computers in and books to learn about things within the City.

Happy to make another suggestion post in a few days highlighting some more I have. Disheartened it got closed down due to being taken off track but I have lots of ideas to come! 😀
Waste of time for that much.
That's based on the *current* payment you get in game. I'm sure tweaks could be added. But again. The idea of welfare is to make it not comfortable enough for people to stay on right? Even more of a ball ache if you have to go collect it, thus hopefully prompting people into work! Which is what the welfare system is for really. Just an idea to take away the mechanical auto payments for standing around doing nothing really.
Traffic warden / parking tickets.
Now, I’m pretty sure it irritates a lot of us when there’s so many unpacked vehicles lying about, especially when people need to have the roads clear. Now I’m aware currently, the parking meters aren’t useable. Not from my knowledge anyway. Say we don’t want to park our vehicle but want to quickly run into a shop. Or, someone’s house. But know we’re going to be a little while. What about paying for a ticket! Doesn’t have to be expensive at all. Mainly just for the roleplay aspect. And then police, or mechanics if the car is still out past its time. Can give the person a parking ticket from the meter. It could potentially give people an incentive to not leave their cars out for ages.
As well as an incentive to bring in a job for someone to be a traffic warden.
This is already a thing!

You pay 20 pounds for (I believe) 5 minutes, which you can stack up to 60 minutes total. It should be every parking meter in the city that is functional. I don't know about police, but I know G6 does often check these and impound based on them, especially a specific senior. I'm not so sure about letting a random civilian sign on as a 'traffic warden' and purely do this, seen as there just aren't that many parking meters to check, so it'd get very boring very fast.
Grave Robbing
Personally, I loved this! You can grab a shovel and then go to the cemetery at a certain time and dig graves. The developers can decide what people will receive and the percentage they may receive it.
I like this idea for crims, not sure I want to get caught as a civilian looting someone's dead nan though :oops:
Maybe a library of some sort.
I don’t know if there is anything out there for this, but potentially a library with working computers in and books to learn about things within the City.
I really like this! Big up the book worms :geek:
I like some of these suggestions however there are some I would like to voice some concern on.

  • Being able to cook inside your home - Restaurants and businesses should still be able to sell the best foods to benefit them and the player. However, it does seem a bit of a missed opportunity that you can't cook inside the home. This would open up pathways for those people who like the 'domesticated' side of life - You could purchase a taco truck and cook on your driveway sure but it takes away any 'realism'. If you can cook in a taco van outside your front door, you should be able to cook on your cooker top inside your £2mil mansion.

With being able to cook in your house as much as yes it would add some realism, it would also render restaurants useless in my honest opinion, especially ones that use a taco van, because in reality all you would need is a connection to a business and you would be able to cook dishes at home, mass make food and never really have to go to a restaurant again.

As much as it is a good idea, it would make restaurants quite useless.

Usable sinks - Again much like above

Usable sinks would probably again make it so restaurants/taco vans are useless in that regard.

Estate Agents - This one has been a very popular suggestion in the past and I still think it makes complete sense. Remove the ability to walk up to the door and buy a property and instead go through an estate agency. Players have tried to RP this in the past but it always fell flat because people weren't willing to pay extra for the service when they could just drive around aimlessly and check door to door what was available. It also made it extremely difficult for players who tried this to keep up with what they'd found to then find the next day it was sold. There 100% is a gap in the market for a legitimate estate agency.

I can see where you're coming from with this as I have had a few friends try to do a estate agency type of business however people do often take it into their own hands to find a house because of the excess fee, sometimes they pay it sometimes they don't, but I feel like an official job for this won't make a difference, also if you had to go through an agency to get a house it would require people to keep it actively running otherwise it'll fall inactive, people lose out on housing, it'd be a massive issue.

Parcel deliveries- essentially work the opposite of collecting bins. Instead of collecting at determined locations, you deliver to locations instead. Opens doors for character driven jobs in that if people want to buy a certain item from a certain shop somewhere. Jimmy pays Steve money to go and collect 5 drills from sandy shores. Simple as that. There are places around the city that can be used as postal hubs to start the jobs.

This would in my opinion just be a new food delivery job just with a different texture and not having to go to a restaurant to collect the food, good idea but would just be another job, what could be a good job that'll involve delivering stuff to houses is truck/van jobs from YouTool to the house needing the furniture instead of it magically appearing in the house inventory.

Either way I love the ideas in this suggestion, I have always been one to add more to the server that makes it more immersive and fun for others, and these ideas are amazing, I would love to see stuff like this in the future.
After reaching 0 on this maintainence bar the houses automatically get returned back to the government to resell as they see fit
I personally woudn't have this end with the goverment taking your property if you don't upkeep it. If someone gets sick irl/goes on vacation/has surgery/can't log on for like 6/8 weeks and comes back to their 2 mill house being gone, all the items in the house being gone of which there could be very rare items in there that just kicks someone that is already down. it's realistic sure. but this is a game that needs to stay fun.

In my opinion adding things to make the game more fun is always good, but adding irl ''stresses'' like more taxes/payments and other monthly obligations will make the game feel more like a chore then a fun way to destress from your everyday life.

I do like most ideas like adding pets (lot's of trolls will go around killing them though) and adding more civilian jobs.

I just don't know if there is a demand for it as we don't see people advertise on tweedle as landscapers even though we have prop emote's for it etc. when making suggestions i recommend looking at the cost/time the dev's need to use and the amount of lagg it will add to the server compared to how many people will use these new jobs as well.
Not sure how difficult it would be, but Roulette and Poker in the Casino would be a win.
This I love.

Best way to get your suggestion into the city is if you can add a link to a free MLO so the dev's don't have to spend hours looking for an MLO that might not excist yet.
Cigarettes/Cigars/Smoking: Quick easy quality of life feature, make smokeables purchasable items in stores with limited amounts. Could go further with this an create an addiction system that effects various things if you have an addiction ie. make you more hungry if you go without for too long, screenshakes etc. just for a bit of lols really, just thought it would be a fun addition.
Love this, would be good to add the coughing emote if you smoke to many sigarettes and over time might get an injury that you will need to buy nicotine plasters or gum for to heal if not you will slowly lose health due to lung disease.
  • Being able to cook inside your home - Restaurants and businesses should still be able to sell the best foods to benefit them and the player. However, it does seem a bit of a missed opportunity that you can't cook inside the home. This would open up pathways for those people who like the 'domesticated' side of life - You could purchase a taco truck and cook on your driveway sure but it takes away any 'realism'. If you can cook in a taco van outside your front door, you should be able to cook on your cooker top inside your £2mil mansion.
  • Usable sinks - Again much like above
as someone that's decorated houses a lot I NEED THIS.
Usable sinks would probably again make it so restaurants/taco vans are useless in that regard.
Could make it the same as the water dispensers where you need to pay £50,- to fill up your water bottle as ''water housing tax''
With being able to cook in your house as much as yes it would add some realism, it would also render restaurants useless in my honest opinion, especially ones that use a taco van, because in reality all you would need is a connection to a business and you would be able to cook dishes at home, mass make food and never really have to go to a restaurant again.

As much as it is a good idea, it would make restaurants quite useless.
Could make it where you can only make sandwiches & omelette's or would need to be cooking level 4/5 to be able to cook in your home.