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Mr.Jelly (Action: Ban Issued 29/01/2015)

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Avdanced Member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [HU] Trenbeast
Time & Date this happened: 2015-01-23 around 3AM
Which Server did this happen on: server 1
Description of what happened: Well we rolled up and decided to see what this hobo repairing his car was up to. He then called us "fucking cunts" so we decided to rob him. Then he said "Where is the RP", and decided to jump in his car and drive away. Didnt get very far though. Afterwards he said in side he was gonna report us for RDM and called us "easy to rile up nerds". 
What Rule Was Broken ?: Breaking roleplay in voice.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes but he was extremely rude and threatened to make up a report.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here
(This is almost a must! without this you have no solid evidence, If your report is about RDM then it must be a video leading upto the RDM and after)

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How would you suggest we roleplay a robbery then? Except for "Get your hands up", "Who are you calling cunts?" "Dont drive away!"?

Had he given us alittle more to work with, except for "Aww you guys are boring" and "Where is the RP?" When we had barely started talking to him, he might even had gotten away. Then he decides that its great roleplay to totally disregard his own life and just floor it. How are supposed to do ANY roleplay with that?

Yesterday we surprised a whole lot of people at a service station the exact same way, only difference was they actually roleplayed. And it ended up with me giving them my hat, letting them rob me and kissing their boots.

Do you see the difference? Had he actually RPed he migh thave had a great time, instead he decided to do this. And then in sidechat tauting us and saying that he'll report us and then calling us names. Its not the actions of a roleplayer, its the actions of a immature gamer whos only in it for the cash and the kills.

How would you suggest we roleplay a robbery then? Except for "Get your hands up", "Who are you calling cunts?" "Dont drive away!"?

Had he given us alittle more to work with, except for "Aww you guys are boring" and "Where is the RP?" When we had barely started talking to him, he might even had gotten away. Then he decides that its great roleplay to totally disregard his own life and just floor it. How are supposed to do ANY roleplay with that?

Yesterday we surprised a whole lot of people at a service station the exact same way, only difference was they actually roleplayed. And it ended up with me giving them my hat, letting them rob me and kissing their boots.

Do you see the difference? Had he actually RPed he migh thave had a great time, instead he decided to do this. And then in sidechat tauting us and saying that he'll report us and then calling us names. Its not the actions of a roleplayer, its the actions of a immature gamer whos only in it for the cash and the kills.
I didn't say what he did was roleplay, but instalnty knocking him out and not a word spoken isnt great either.. And u guys instantly shot him when he went out of the car.. 

True the guys that robbed tren also broke RP, they instantly knocked Tren out without any RP which maybe considered RDM ?

So you're basically reporting him for bad roleplay? Shall we open one about you and use your video? Your comrades just get out of your vehicle and knock him out whilst he's repairing, you say nothing, then he calls you a fucking cunt.

Okay, Ill remind all you guys that warning points will be issued unless you are the reporter or the reported, or have some evidence. And go ahead and report us, I put the video up you can use it anyway you want.

And what Im reporting him for is BREAKING roleplay, not BAD roleplay. 

I would like to request a forum moderator to clean this post up and then lock it, I refuse to turn it in to some free-for-all where every gangmember and his aunt tries to flood the report..

This is the way he acted, which is why I chose to report him for this:

I see him alot in side, threatening to report people and just generally complaining, and trying to make people comp him and rile them up. I must confess he managed to get me a little riled up.

so you drive up, say nothing knock me out. of course i'm going to say something. Ye maybe should of stood there but you moan at me for breaking rp, if i was in that situation id of drove off so not breaking RP, so thats bad RP. I typed in chat but you responded so that makes you as bad as me.

Also saying i'm always in side the majority of the time its when people ask for help. Your never on server 2 which is where i am 90% of the time which you never happen to be on when I am on so why bring up issues you have no clue about.

What Rule Was Broken ?: Breaking roleplay in voice.
Breaking RP in voice i called you a stupid cunt if someone went to knock me out i'd say that.
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes but he was extremely rude and threatened to make up a report.
YOU HAVE NOT tried to resolve any issue. If you had text me this would of been sorted i would of apologised and that would be an end of it yet as you stated you failed RP from the start and I added to it. Nor did i threaten to MAKE UP a report I just said I would (ye shouldn't of) as did you. And ye i have my pov and didn't report because didn't want to only bad RP and side flame on both sides
But instead you take it to the forum all it would of been was a ye both in wrong end it at that.
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Okay, Ill remind all you guys that warning points will be issued unless you are the reporter or the reported, or have some evidence. And go ahead and report us, I put the video up you can use it anyway you want.

And what Im reporting him for is BREAKING roleplay, not BAD roleplay. 

I would like to request a forum moderator to clean this post up and then lock it, I refuse to turn it in to some free-for-all where every gangmember and his aunt tries to flood the report..
Erm i'm not a HU gang member i just gave my opinion you reported him for breaking RP but you guys also broke RP/RDM.

RULE: RDM = Ban if no role-play, Remember this is a serious roleplay community therefore shooting people on sight with no roleplay is RDM, engage in roleplay at all times.

I believe i'm allowed to post a opinion ? After all this is a public topic.

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Hello there!

Im sorry to post in here even though i may not give my opinion on this topic.

I played a long time on this server, and i see these kind of robberies happen more and more. Its annoying me and i can not read this and just let it pass. Trenbeast was repairing his car and you guys jump out and knock him out and no words were spoken. Bad RP from your side. Also you guys started searching his car without any reason. You could have told him that it was a robbery and not just jump out and knock a defenseless man out. You guys is either afraid of unarmed civs that is repairing their cars, or just bad roleplayers. Option two is my opinion in that.

Anyways sorry, i had to give my opinion...

You all keep saying this is bad rp, but to be honest im of the firm belief rp doesnt have to come before knocking him out, as long as its There. I mean lets be honest he would have been robbed anyway as he was surrounded. Its one thing to knock him out an say nothing but we would have rp ed. Its not like in real life you announce knocking someone out. Also again, warning points...

mid repair. In "real life" no body really would run up to someone and knock them out if they had a gun i was clearly repairing and you just drive up jump out and knock me out. That would never happen would be like get on the floor give me x y z etc etc. absolutely 0 rp

Yes, 0 RP on YOUR part. Yes, we might have knocked you out, but that wasnt the end-game. We didnt even rob you until you called us "cunts". And the only reason you were killed was because you made no attempt to RP and just tried to drive off, which was the most stupid thing Ive ever encountered.

And the way you acted in side after was so immature, and so provocative I just felt that "Yes, he NEEDS to be reported". Trying to flame and agitate us, after you acted THIS stupid in an RP-situation. Now I wont answer anymore as it only floods the post with unnecessary info.

I have wrote 3 times with info  - you quoted about side chat yet you have done the same thing here.

Ye the difference between bad rp and breaking rp is i RP'd by calling you cunts and as my door was open i found an opportunity to drive off.

Yet you drove up said nothing while i was repairing my car knocked me out then 5 people opened fire technically without warning all the voices you hear are of you speaking in TS not in game. the only thing said to me was "ooooooooooooooo" not we are robbing you dont be stupid. As you can see after you knock me out i am still repairing my car. And you take the stuff out my car. So yes i did RP except it wasnt great you didnt end of

We shall see what the admins says. We did however say "hands up", "who you calling cunts" and then "Dont drive away". Should be pretty clear. Now stop making excuses. YOU broke RP, YOU were a dick in side. YOU got yourself killed.

YOU broke RP 
YOU were all dicks in side
therefore YOU also did exactly what YOU said I have done

Double edged sword.

And actually you said get on the ground as i got into the car does't really work, at no point diud you say put your hands up just who you calling cunts and as i am drving away get on the ground so
YOU did what YOU said I have done

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Where did we break RP? :p Point out the time and place in the video please. And how were we dicks? We said we bet there wont be a report and that you should go ahead as we had done nothing wrong and know that you always whine about it. This will actually be my last post here.

You broke rp the second you hit him with out saying anything try to rp e.g. speak BEFORE YOU KNOCK SOME ONE OUT. 

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