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Moving on up!


Staff Lead
Staff Lead
Dev Team
Staff Team
Los Santos Police Command
Los Santos NHS
Los Santos Police Trainer
Gruppe 6
In Gordon's Cardboard Box

Well... Here we go, a long time coming, but absolutely a due change.

Being a staff lead is tough, there's so much that goes on behind the scenes that very VERY few people fully understand and appreciate. It's for the most part a thankless job but one that Stavik has aced. Stavik became the unofficial "lead" of the Staff Leads and has contributed a LOT. All that being said...​

It's an absolute honour to formerly announce, that @Stavikis moving up in the world to the RPUK Management Team. ​

Please join me in congratulating Stavik and thanking him for all of his time, effort, work and determination in the replies below!​

So. From myself, @Bowen, @Drew& @Stuart, Stavik...


Much Love ❤️
Congrats Stavik, it's definitely well deserved and well earned!

Congrats big man! You deserve it!

Congratulation Stavik!

So well deserved! I am so proud of you Stavatron! ❤️

About time, you're the most hard working individual who tries to make big changes for this server. @Stavik

Thank you 💛

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