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More Guns?

The cops are out gunned, every single OP i have been in we have lost due to the rebels supierior fire power. They have better range, better optics. Whilst we have a rifle with horrid range and a little red dot? Seems fair to me, out gunned and out numbered. As said above sometimes we are lucky to get a MX but thats rare itself! Even with lethals we are at a disadvantage.

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Okay, probably you already know that the trg-21 exist in real life search it up

The release of the Apex DLC soon will add in more weapons the devs have said also loads of other things I'm sure such as clothing, vehicles, and obviously a new map so be patient you never know what the next thing they will come out with.

To be fair, from a roleplay point of view I wouldn't mind seeing M4's or AK-47's or MP5's. This because the MXM and Katiba and actually a lot of weapons in Arma 3 are futuristic. And I do know that Arma 3's setting is fictional but I don't think Altis Life's story is.

But I am not sure how difficult it is to implement those kind of weapons into the server, through either mods or reskins so I won't suggest them. But I am saying I'd jump a hole in the roof if they came to Altis Life. ;p

I think we need Zafirs again!

Remember when we had them?

Best time on the server ever!

The Zafir was my go to weapon, and the Vermin when it was good.

more guns you say?


I think people are sharing a common misconception about adding in more guns, just because there's a larger choice does not mean that more people are going to have guns.

I think it would be nice to have more of a choice; some of the guns in default arma are really good like the Sting.

I think people are forgetting the aspect "Serious role play  server". Sadly I find more less likely for any new firearm to be added unless  Apex DLC  has civilian legal firearms within a reasonable addon. But we do not need anymore firearms since 7.62 proves to go through everything like butter.  

The cops are out gunned, every single OP i have been in we have lost due to the rebels supierior fire power. They have better range, better optics. Whilst we have a rifle with horrid range and a little red dot? Seems fair to me, out gunned and out numbered. As said above sometimes we are lucky to get a MX but thats rare itself! Even with lethals we are at a disadvantage.
It is not all about the gun it is mostly about the shooter. Now I'm not saying that I'm a god shot and everyone else sucks or the police force are all bad shots but there is quite a few "bad apples" so to say. Honestly you can easily kill/rubber a rebel that has a 7.62 if you play it smart and go for closer ranges instead of trying to counter snipe them. 

A question is how many OP's have you been in? Because I have seen police win a lot of times possibly even more than rebels.

P.S. Mk20 does not have horrid range you could shoot people over 1km with a Rco.( Not very accurate or damaging but you can.)

Apex DLC will probably bring some pretty dank weaponry, will be interesting to see what's in the framework :)
