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Money hacking


Well-known member
So, i make a lot of money in a short amount of time, this has caused an admin to suspect me of money hacking and (understandably) ban me, i thought it would be over after i was unbanned, but i guess not. There's multiple people a day messaging me on ts and coming into my gang's lobby to ask if i'm money hacking/duping. And it's getting really annoying, not only that, but it has also caused me to worry about getting banned again. So i thought i'd make a post about this. So: I bassicaly only do weed runs that explains why my weed level is currently at around 450 http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/395553315333545782/22FACCB44CC42603CEA532BAF6D4E19C613F4564/ Apart from that there's tons of people who i been in gangs like KCS, TLF or even LN with, who know i do at least 5 runs a day, @iNFiNiTE  @Fetty Wap @Muzzle  @Andreas Lykke just to name a few, i already did around 5 runs today, this morning i got caught near the weed processor by DSGT Remix and DI Stevie. I have been in TS with TheBlast and @Griceyall day and they have also witnessed me doing like 5 runs already. I've made a deal with the gang barely-legal regarding not shooting eachother at the multidrug processor, and the list goes on. 

I really enjoy just puting on some music and driving around in my HEMMT doing a run, this has even made me interested in becoming a truck driver. I don't really enjoy robbing people and i have a lot of time on my hands, this all adds to why i am doing so many runs, i do enjoy roleplaying, I've had an amazing RP sesh with @Muzzle pretty recently but yes, i am doing runs most of the time. I've also put in a lot of legit comp request while the servers were crashing, also proving that i am actually doing all these runs. I also don't really buy any vehicles, i have one Ifrit and that's about it in terms of luxury vehicles. The cops have already noticed that i have a house right besides the kavala drug dealer, @Neoeven helped me fill the house with weed once before the server was shut down. I get arrested by the police at least 2 times a day so there could probably be a lot more officers confirming all this. I really like this servers, i have set my sight on the #1 spot on the leaderbords and i really don't want to get banned again. 

I Can Add He was Selling Drugs at The Time We Were RPing xD I Just Had No Ground To Arrest Him For It 

I have a solution to your money problem, send some my way ;)

Just ignore them.

If people continually bug you, keep screenshots of this and ask an admin to warn them to stop harassing you because it's causing you distress. Hopefully then they will stop.

Don't worry Freebz, you have plenty of witnesses and hopefully the higher-ups will understand. You can easily see that his Weed Level is just mental so you will be fine.

There might be players who just don't know how much profit you can actually make when you are doing weed runs.
Full hemmit of weed is approx 1mil cash, (depends prices on market) you can easily make 5+ Mil/day and its 50mil in 10 days so it might look like money hacking but actually we got player who are working up to be scariest drug paroni on this Island!


Freebo I've seen u do weed since I joined the server the amount u do is insane u literally only do weed but if u find that enjoyable fair enough also he never gave any money away well harsh 

@Neoeven helped me fill the house with weed once before the server was shut down. I get arrested by the police at least 2 times a day so there could probably be a lot more officers confirming all this. I really like this servers, i have set my sight on the #1 spot on the leaderbords and i really don't want to get banned again. 
umm, yeah, that was before I was a cop.... and you were caught selling, and opened your door for us, lmao...

Who banned you?

You don't look banned on my system... I see you doing it all day long, you're fine mate. :)

Aye, people don't realise how easy it is to make money in the game.

I used to just do a meth run right at every restart, takes 35 minutes per run and usually made me about 2 mill a day.
After 3 weeks you've got yourself nearly £40 million... and that's doing about 4 runs a day.

Imagine doing 4 weed runs a day that nets £1 mill per run? easy to rack up £100 million in a few weeks. That's what NTesla did in the past to make all his money.
No issues from my part. It usually comes from lazy people who don't bother making money that much. Anyone who does, knows how easy it is to make that much money.

I've been in two gangs with him and in fairness he does a shit ton a runs. 

umm, yeah, that was before I was a cop.... and you were caught selling, and opened your door for us, lmao...

Who banned you?

You don't look banned on my system... I see you doing it all day long, you're fine mate. :)
Ah nah, i think i could have written that a bit better, I am not actually banned, i am just getting messages on teamspeak asking me if i am hacking etc. I'm not, so i wanted to make a post to clear this up, but thank you for that, i'm a lot less worried now.

Oh i also got banned long ago for "suspected money whatever" just cause some guy handed me 1 million and got unbanned seems like there no reading logs or idk.

I just got ingame and got banned for "teleporting" while i was afk ... that's cute. not gonna even bother to apply.

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Oh i also got banned long ago for "suspected money whatever" just cause some guy handed me 1 million and got unbanned seems like there no reading logs or idk.

I just got ingame and got banned for "teleporting" while i was afk ... that's cute. not gonna even bother to apply.

Oh i also got banned long ago for "suspected money whatever" just cause some guy handed me 1 million and got unbanned seems like there no reading logs or idk.

I just got ingame and got banned for "teleporting" while i was afk ... that's cute. not gonna even bother to apply.
I don't think there actually are logs for this, for the tonic framework anyway. (Would need a Dev/techy to confirm) but if there was logs they'd know who was duping with who and getting each duper one by one, EVERYTIME.

Oh i also got banned long ago for "suspected money whatever" just cause some guy handed me 1 million and got unbanned seems like there no reading logs or idk.

I just got ingame and got banned for "teleporting" while i was afk ... that's cute. not gonna even bother to apply.
To be clear a very different rule break.

@Resmurf Look at your other thread. Melrpm... your rule break here is more of trading real life money for ingame money
