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Mining Upgrade


On A Spiritual Pilgrimage
Elite Donator
Los Santos Police
Florida, USA
Hello everyone,

I like mining and I know a lot of you do as well. I was thinking about ways that it could possibly be improved. The main one I've formulated some actually thought behind is using a drill to increase quantity mined or speed. We have different types of drill bits in the server already and these could have various impacts of the performance on the drills. Why drills? Well drills are actually used in mining and they're already in the game so best not to reinvent the wheel. The use of a drill could be locked until after achieving a mining level of note (the current cap for example or an expanded set of levels) and would help those who choose to make mining their career on the server.
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+1 using drills makes a lot of sense and increasing the level cap so you can use them is a great idea. Gives drills an alternate use and worthwhile buying.
Big +1. Mining/smelting is probably one of the only real things controlled in the economy by players. Demand changes and prices change depending on those that want it (I know in practise it’s only two factions that want large consistency) but I think lessening part of the afk strain on this would be a good thing especially to dedicated players. I also think material companies would become more of a thing focussing on smelters due to the benefit in having a higher number of smelters smelting more ores but also safety in numbers against robbers also making the criminal side of rp on that front harder to do and higher reward.
Yep +1 from me aswell. Mining could definitely use an upgrade or a change to give it more life. The drill idea sounds great and makes sense from a roleplay perspective.
as someone who ran a mining company a main reason people left was due to the mining side and how long and boring it was! so a BIG +1