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Minigame | Rework

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Staff Team
Staff Team
Hello, so I wanted to throw an opinion out there for you guys to chime into, talk about or just flat out agree or disagree.

Subject: Mini-game

So I have been thinking back and fourth as of recent about the server and what demotivates me and a few other players with jobs like mining/smelting/fruit picking/panning etc.

And it kept leading to this one thing and that was having to do the mini-game over and over again until well it gets too repetitive and boring - it doesn't keep you engaged really and gets frustrating quite easily and I think I can say with confidence that we don't play the server to get frustrated, we play it to play a character, have fun and enjoy the server.

I and a few others miss the less grind version of RPUK, the relaxed sit back and be able to just chill after work or after working on a project for hours, back in the day you could sit up at the mines and talk uninterrupted but nowadays you have to complete a fast paced mini-game that requires your 100% attention every single time.

I am NOT saying remove the mini-game, I am saying we should have a mini-game that doesn't require much concentration.

Some questions that might be thrown my way after this I think will be:

"Why not play another game/server if the mini-game gets too infuriating or boring to you?"

I love RPUK it has been a server I have been playing for near on three years and so many other people would stay due to the community and it's staff and development.

"Why should Development change something that isn't broken?"

I personally believe that this yes isn't broken but also isn't needed 100% of the activities of the server, I get some are in place to prevent AFK farming like in the mines/smeltery however I do think it'd be an amazing relief and quality of life if we could just do the action and not have to worry about pressing 1-4 every single action we do.

Because I'll be honest if the server had less mini-games and more time to be able to do /me's and talk instead of panicking about the mini-game it'd make it less like a grind and more to do with role-play, less like a job more like a game.

This suggestion is to ask development if there would be a possibility to do different mini-games for different tasks, something much less than the mini-game we have now - I want to hear people's input whether they are happy with the current mini-game or if they would like to see some change!

All I ask is for some constructive feedback on this, by the time I post this it's probably super late but if you'd want to give it a read when you're having your morning coffee, tea, monster, redbull go right ahead.

This is my opinion - nothing to do with the staff team
I want all players to conduct a cutscene QuickTime event to do everything in-game. Picking an apple? Hope you can hit Q, M, T, and Insert in quick succession or you'll fail the event and get launched into the sun. I didn't even read your suggestion past the title but +1.
To allow for the talking why not do a timer per interaction. Similar to putting on armour. You click and it does a 0%-100% bar that works on a time. For skill you could do 0% skill takes 20 seconds for the interaction and 100% skill takes 10 seconds. Every 10% reduces the time by 1 second.

You get the same out of mining per interaction but it's timed instead of hitting a mini game. Allowing you to talk away and actually RP with the people around you
To allow for the talking why not do a timer per interaction. Similar to putting on armour. You click and it does a 0%-100% bar that works on a time. For skill you could do 0% skill takes 20 seconds for the interaction and 100% skill takes 10 seconds. Every 10% reduces the time by 1 second.

You get the same out of mining per interaction but it's timed instead of hitting a mini game. Allowing you to talk away and actually RP with the people around you
Go back to the arma 3 days of processing, scroll wheel, process, panick attack for 5 minutes while processing haha. But honestly massive +1 to that idea ive always been very against the server turning back to old arma mechanics like back on altis life but i do think this would make jobs like mining much more enjoyable as it lets you actually chill and talk to people instead of being locked in for an hour straight making sure you hit all the numbers
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I think big +1 from me for this i think it was much better back in the day when there used to be a bunch of people at the mine and all you had to do was either press 'e' and then you could chat away and talk, or maybe like commented above just do it in a way of so you use your third eye each time you want to mine but theres no mini game attached, not sure how it would work in terms of lets say lead where you can sometimes get 10 a hit maybe have them all just set at 5 per swing or something not sure on that end but 100% +1
As someone with dyscalculia i struggle real hard to differentiate the "2" and "3" as they have the same god damn snakey looking shape.
I've played on other servers that has a similar minigame however theirs was much bigger in size and for some reason it helped.
Way easier to tell what number was on my screen and the circle didn't move at the speed of light. Which was nice. Didn't have to kick my dog as much.. (PETA this was a joke)
And on top of that they weren't sadists and added the "4" to the game. I swear this key doesn't exist on my keyboard. I had to go across the hallway just to find the key so i could add it to this text.
But in my opinion this minigame isn't game breaking or ruining my life more than my addiction to country music and cut off jeans. Would i like it to change so i could be less aggravated when i play? Yes.
And for the love of God almighty either give us an option to mute that horrible Pacman death sound every single time we hit the number or just remove it. I'd rather listen to the moist wall in the mines than that loud high pitched sound.
Personally I don't mind the minigame, its just cause its basically the same thing for everything it gets boring pressing the same numbers LUL, +1 for something new!
skill game in my opinion needs reverting back to something dull and boring again. the skill game takes away a lot of social interaction. also the incentive to hit all checks for maximum gain takes a big part out of the social interaction due to cancelling and restarting the cycle
Huge +1 A priority if you ask me for the sake of a lot of RP. Could add to RP by using the already in game animations for a lot of the things we use the mini games for. Like fixing a car or bike. /e toolbox /e weld /e hammer and all the /e mechanics. Maybe for mining the pickaxe becomes a harmless weapon and when left clicking in the mines to hit the ores you're mining and after so many hits you get a random amount of ore. I know the Dev team will have many more better ideas but im glad you thought about this one Mark.
Glad someone suggested this tbh the amount of times I’ve broken a repair kit or delayed giving comms due to this mini-game requiring too much concentration, I prefer how it was before as it didn’t require my 100% focus and was more chill
A day in the life of a legal person in RPUK.

Wakes up and gets smoothies from Tiny Big Taco obviously

I get my van out of the garage?
Repair it = Mini Game
Body Kit = Mini Game
Wash Cloth = Mini Game

Do I go to the mine and smelt?
Mine = Mini Game
Smelt = Mini Game

Do I go and get plastic?
Oil = Mini Game
Making plastic sheets = Mini Game
Making bags or zips = Mini Game

Do I go fruit picking?
Apples, Oranges = Mini Game
Bananas = Mini Game

Do I make smoothies?
Smoothies = Mini Game

Do I make Hot Food?
Hot Food = Mini Game

plus many other things like Drills, panning, hotwiring just to name a few.

Thank you for the suggestion.
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