A small group of the staff team have been working on rebooting the old milsim community and we're finally somewhat ready to see how much interest there still is after our original discussions. To do this we are planning on running an Open scenario to see what kind of response and how much interest there actually is.
Before we go into details it is crucial that the following is understood:
[*]Please set up your mods prior to Friday, if you need assistance post here and we will attempt to assist
Situation Update:
An unknown force has made land near REDACTED and has moved towards REDACTED and REDACTED. Several recon units have been sent to gather further intel. All forces in the closest FOB have been stationed on high alert and are currently awaiting confirmation of orders before departing.
Due to this threat being relatively new we do not anticipate a well dug in force and have decided to send some of our newer troops alongside some veterans to gain valuable combat experience. Further details will be released to those chosen for the mission at the time the orders are confirmed. As this FOB is well established and well stocked the armoury is open for all units to gear as necessary, we do expect professionalism at all times!
High Command expects no resistance to the local population, however, all units should be aware of civilians present in the AO.
If you intend to come let us know by commenting on the thread so we have an idea of numbers and if you have any questions post them below
This is being run by @Valen Bell @Yankee @Roberts and myself
Before we go into details it is crucial that the following is understood:
This is in no way an "official" part of RPUK, although it is being run by members of the staff team currently we are entirely separate to RPUK
- We are now official!!
Due to the above, the missions will not be hosted on official RPUK hardware, rather our own private servers.
- Now we're official, it will be hosted on RPUK Hardware!
- At this stage we are not able to commit to a "calendar" setting, missions will tend to be run "as and when" with notice given rather than an "Always held on X day at Y time".
- Date: 14th September 2018 @ 7:30pm UK Time
- Please try and be present at in the Milsim Waiting Room TS channel @ 7:00pm UK Time at the latest to ensure everyone can connect and give us time to hit out any last minute issues that may arise.
- All required mods can be found on the workshop here
If you subscribe to the loader, then on your Arma 3 launcher attempt to load the mod, it will prompt you to load all the other required mods. If you do not have them then it will automatically subscribe and download them for you.
- For assistance setting up the TFAR Teamspeak Addon (required!) see the description of the milsim waiting room
If you are on version 3.2.1 of Teamspeak (click your name when connected to the server, check the right-hand section for "Version") please switch to the BETA build (3.2.2) to prevent random crashing. (Tools -> Options -> Application -> Change "Update Channel" from "Stable" to "Beta" -> Apply/Ok. To force an update click Help -> Check for Updates)
[*]Please set up your mods prior to Friday, if you need assistance post here and we will attempt to assist
Situation Update:
An unknown force has made land near REDACTED and has moved towards REDACTED and REDACTED. Several recon units have been sent to gather further intel. All forces in the closest FOB have been stationed on high alert and are currently awaiting confirmation of orders before departing.
Due to this threat being relatively new we do not anticipate a well dug in force and have decided to send some of our newer troops alongside some veterans to gain valuable combat experience. Further details will be released to those chosen for the mission at the time the orders are confirmed. As this FOB is well established and well stocked the armoury is open for all units to gear as necessary, we do expect professionalism at all times!
High Command expects no resistance to the local population, however, all units should be aware of civilians present in the AO.
If you intend to come let us know by commenting on the thread so we have an idea of numbers and if you have any questions post them below
This is being run by @Valen Bell @Yankee @Roberts and myself

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