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Milos time to leave

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Sad to see you leave, ALUK lost one of it's finest RPer's , it was a honor to RP with you, fare well

we'l meet again don't no Where ...don't no Where ...but i know we'l meet again Some sunny day

Dear Jimmy, 

can you fix it so Milo comes back please

yours truly Newt kisses 

You will be missed you lovely man you!

Milo i have to say you were and always will be one of the most fantastic Rpers on the server i am very sad to hear you are going i fear the MM will never be the same, I wish you all the very best in the future with whatever you decide to do. Best of luck buddy !

It is a shame all of the good people in this community are leaving, you will be missed.

Goodbye Milo, I enjoyed discovering the sea with you near Kavala HQ, Finding out if the world was flat, Shame to see great roleplayers go :(

Think i only met you once and that was in TS, i remember it being a pleasure to talk to you and all i heard of you was great recommendations from your RP. Will be missed :)

Goodbye @DR Miloyou were one of the best friendliest guys on the server and a brilliant roleplayer!

Had the best of fun with you on the server!

Best wishes for the future :)

-Sam Seeley-

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