I might as well join in, haven't got that much good stuff cause of some unlucky computer issues, but i can bring some pictures and videos
lets take a video from the good old Sofia (and pretend like we can't hear simpan in it)
and later on, after a good friend of The Crows decided to join the cops, we decided to have some fun with him..
One day the rebel leader called all rebels on the Island to arms, and we gathered in the city of Sofia to fight the police, this lead to an victory of the rebels and we captured the eastern part of Altis
And I believe this is my first day as a cop, at the prison, in Neochori, we had quite a laugh about it, since it was the first time we all saw it happen
Eventually I made PC and well, we met BRC in Kavala, where they were offering sky diving, from their nice helicopter, when something weird happened (sorry about my laugh)
One day ehm, NPAS tried to show off some skills by landing their helicopter ehm, on top of another helicopter, in the prison?
and a video of my former DI when we were stationed in Neochori..
And well, probably my proudest picture, me sitting with Mitch's cock
Cops were allowed to play as rebels, and we RP'ed with some cops (only one in the picture) and it lead to us having a police escort.
And as Chief MPU why not show this 2 week old video from an hostage operation?
and for who ever wants to know some secrets about the police, can watch this video of 35 minutes that shows some good police work, but ends with some sad role play

(if i remember correctly) - yes, i'ts a long video
I guess this is me signing out for this time, and hoping to get more good screen shots and videos in the future!