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Medics Not Being On


New member
Does anyone else think its stupid that some times there's no medics online and it takes away the role play factor because I'm pretty sure that there wouldn't be medics sometimes in the real world do you.

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Does anyone else think its stupid that some times there's no medics online and it takes away the role play factor because I'm pretty sure that there wouldn't be medics sometimes in the real world do you.
Depends where you are; in a third world country they may not have public health services etc, and I know that Detroit, America has an average time of like 30+ minuets for any kind of public service.

What I always say when people Critise the NHS in-game; play as on yourself, see if you'd like to do it every restart everyday and then Critise it.

Its a roleplay ONLY group; no weapons, robbing,protecting, money farming, no self defence weapons or hostile/defensive interactions, just pure roleplay.

I'd just like to comment here, most medics are students which means they have to go out with a higher ranking NHS member (medics+) You'll find that most medics are on during peak times/ when they can. I can understand that it is a pain to wait, but you should see what it is like from the other side. Join the medics if you're not happy with the service.

I agree with Samat, rather than complaining about a group of people that volunteer to help you out, you should instead think about joining the nhs and getting a first hand experience of the dedication and hard work these guys put in to help our community

Oh yeah I will be applying for the nhs once I get better a RP not played much I will be putting the work I will donate aswell after the month that's leaves our bank accounts dry hahaha

As said there's a lot of students at the moment, which mean that even if we're 3-4 people online, we are usually in the same car.

Another thing is that it takes a lot of time to get to people when you're in only one car. We focus on RP and one patient can take between 5 minutes to 2 hours. We are not doing NHS to revive as many people as possible, in as little time as possible. 

During the week I've heard a lot of students say "wow I didn't know it was this stressful and time consuming, I understand why you have to wait a while sometimes.". I wish everyone knew how hard it is to plan a route and make a revive priority when people keep dying close to you, officers writing in chat, people stopping you and you have a guy you been planning to get to that has been down for 30 minutes (no offence to anyone just trying to explain the complexity we have sometime).

Two other notes:

  • It's enough to press "Request medic" once. Pressing it several times doesn't make any difference, other than we get a pop-up which is a bit frustrating after getting the same guy popping up 10 times. One time is enough for us to see you on the map and plan our route.
  • Don't send rude texts to us requesting help. During this week a got 3-4 people being very angry and rude that we are not coming to them or their friends. We do the absolute best we can to get to you as fast as possible.
  • It's enough to press "Request medic" once. Pressing it several times doesn't make any difference, other than we get a pop-up which is a bit frustrating after getting the same guy popping up 10 times. One time is enough for us to see you on the map and plan our route.
On this note, if you have been down for a long period of time, it can be useful to push it again. Don't however push it every time you are given the opportunity to.

On a side note, about a month ago, I crashed my car and died, and requested a medic. I waited a total of about 2 hours, in which medics came closer, further away, and at one point, actually came to me, crashed and blew up. This was annoying, and out of order. I brought it up in the meeting, and since then I think I've waited at max for about 15 minutes for a medic.

As a new medic, I'll put in my two pennies worth.

Student medics are not allowed to log into server without higher ranked medic, so even when I want to go out I can't.. This is done to protect people on the server from bad RP from people who are still learning how to RP as medical personal, so when it say 4 medics online it could be 3 students and 1 medic in one car.

There is a kinda waiting system unofficial and official, Some medics do things different ways, I try to navigate to longest waiting after NHS members and police members are up but will also try to help people in car wreaks or dead near my route.

Being a medic is hard work, like it's unrewarding 40% of the time with people unwilling or unable to RP back with me, even doing a basic revive I try to give at least a revive, some RP about treating wounds, so RP about after care, motor-function tests and after that try to give them some fun RP about how addictive the NHS cocaine laced lollipops are, This takes about 10-30 minutes that's on 1 revive person, if its a serious crash or a house fire (police station fire lol) it can take longer as maybe multiple people need care.

If you want to try out for NHS go for it but most people I noticed seem to burn out and go to the police within a month.

Hell why not RP as a reporter and come for a ride along with NHS staff and see the job that way, Talk to a GP or higher ask for permission to write an page for BBC and post your findings on the forums, That way you giving people true idea about the work NHS guys put in.

Altis has a poor nhs service history the police stood and watched my friend die shocking
Become a medic and see how difficult it is. Stop bashing medics, it's much harder than you think, especially with all the whining from people such as you.

I must say the last few weeks the medics have been really active on the server.

And also what everyone else says , be happy they're around.

Become a medic and see how difficult it is. Stop bashing medics, it's much harder than you think, especially with all the whining from people such as you.
Haha I'm not whining I was actually RP on here like social media all I will say is it like our nhs understaffed and altis is big and I would like to play as a medic copper arac bounty hunter but I've not been on long so for now I will carry on as Iam until I'm used to life ?

Haha I'm not whining I was actually RP on here like social media all I will say is it like our nhs understaffed and altis is big and I would like to play as a medic copper arac bounty hunter but I've not been on long so for now I will carry on as Iam until I'm used to life ?
Your first post was a whine post at least that's the impression I got, Anyway as I said in my post do a reporting job on the NHS I'm sure the GP's would say it would be okay and you can see the pressure medics are under.

Playing as a medic, the only thing you can be sure of is people are going to moan at you, in game and out of game. Seriously just message a GP saying you want to do a ride along with a medic for a day, You can report back your findings on the forums. It's opening RP for medics as well as yourself so I'm almost positive it would be allowed.
