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Mayor announcement: A few new laws

Looks like I have more laws to break! Thanks Lecter :p 

How to get voted out of office as quick as you got in: Piss off rebels.. check!

Shemags and balaclavas mostly, anything that makes you "unknown", helmets outside vehicles. Fines from my understanding would be the same as disturbing the peace.
Interesting, i was in an interaction with yourself and a cop tonight while the cop was enforcing this law, i had a balaclava on under my helmet and he asked me to remove my mask, so i removed that and asked if that was ok and was then forced to take my lovely golden helmet off that i love wearing even though i was no longer "unknown" as you say this before, so i just want to check for future reference, can i wear my golden helmet aslong as i'm not "unknown"?

As i mentioned to you OOC aswell, i mean the main reason i wear a balaclava and i think it may go for most people, is so that noobs or metagamers don't just see our name or gang above our head and then run up to us shouting either of those names, literally 20 minutes after i was forced to remove my balaclava by you and an officer "theweesniper" came up to me and name dropped my gang name asking if i'd heard of them. If this server did what other servers did and made it so there was no names above the heads of the plays or "Speaking" that would be great as it would reduce alot of metagaming and i would never even bother with a balaclava, but there you go that's why i wear one not to be a "criminal" although i am a criminal, taking my balaclava off isn't going to stop me breaking laws lmao.

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Interesting, i was in an interaction with yourself and a cop tonight while the cop was enforcing this law, i had a balaclava on under my helmet and he asked me to remove my mask, so i removed that and asked if that was ok and was then forced to take my lovely golden helmet off that i love wearing even though i was no longer "unknown" as you say this before, so i just want to check for future reference, can i wear my golden helmet aslong as i'm not "unknown"?

As i mentioned to you OOC aswell, i mean the main reason i wear a balaclava and i think it may go for most people, is so that noobs or metagamers don't just see our name or gang above our head and then run up to us shouting either of those names, literally 20 minutes after i was forced to remove my balaclava by you and an officer "theweesniper" came up to me and name dropped my gang name asking if i'd heard of them. If this server did what other servers did and made it so there was no names above the heads of the plays or "Speaking" that would be great as it would reduce alot of metagaming and i would never even bother with a balaclava, but there you go that's why i wear one not to be a "criminal" although i am a criminal, taking my balaclava off isn't going to stop me breaking laws lmao.
They asked you very nicely for over 10 minutes to remove your face mask, while you continued impersonating being mayor. It is not your job or mine to ensure that new players do not metagame or read the names above our heads. I understand your fustration with the law but as I showed you earlier a lot of countries have anti-mask laws and I do not find it unbelievable that a country with such high crime rate would employ the same laws.

Furthermore I do understand that taking your balaclava off will not stop you from committing crimes, but that can be said with all the others. I have yet to meet a rebel saying "Because weed is illegal I should stop selling it". Thank you for your feedback. If anyone else has issues with any mayoral-laws please inform me, I would also like new ideas for other laws if anyone gets an idea for one.

Thank you for time,

Dr. H. Lecter
Mayor of Altis & Owner of FYC
