Your In-game name: Matty
Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:78431994
Your GUID: da4e8176d81e0134d1eebaeb199c6f27
Your PlayerID: 76561198117129716
Date & Time you was banned: I cant remember, it was long ago
Please copy and paste the rule you broke: "Admins Ban(Matty - Trading Steam Items for ingame money - Wilco)"
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
1. I had no reason I couldn't do this and the guy who traded with me said it was okay
2. I have had a huge time period to think about breaking rules
3. We all make mistakes and I think I should be allowed back on
Your Steam Profile ID: STEAM_0:0:78431994
Your GUID: da4e8176d81e0134d1eebaeb199c6f27
Your PlayerID: 76561198117129716
Date & Time you was banned: I cant remember, it was long ago
Please copy and paste the rule you broke: "Admins Ban(Matty - Trading Steam Items for ingame money - Wilco)"
Please give reasons why we should give you a final chance:
1. I had no reason I couldn't do this and the guy who traded with me said it was okay
2. I have had a huge time period to think about breaking rules
3. We all make mistakes and I think I should be allowed back on
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