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MAN News (new-island interviews)


Active member
United Kingdom
 Just to let everyone know AAN has re branded to MAN and will be performing interviews about the new island, malden. (informed by Shadow previously)

If you wish to participate in said interviews, please reply to this post! Me, simon and shadow would like as many people as possible for this. (Also say a time you will be on the island, as then we can contact you at said time!)

(Unfortunately we will not be in news vans because at the current moment in time it is impossible to get them.)

Without further ado, here's our 'in depth' interviews with 2 sides; a police officer and a civilian.

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Lead Anchor - Shadow @Havock

Editor - Joshua @Josh0733

CEO - Simon Muyijtafung @Simon Muyijtafung
Hey there Mr Josh, i would like to speak with you about business, i would like to discuss this with you in person so whenever you arrive to the island you contact me!!
Best Regards
The best Mayor of all time Pupss

Hey there Mr Josh, i would like to speak with you about business, i would like to discuss this with you in person so whenever you arrive to the island you contact me!!
Best Regards
The best Mayor of all time Pupss
Sure. Just give me a time you will be on.

In about an hour ill be on, in case its not possible for you, ill be around tomorrow afternoon
