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Make Fishing Great Again

Current state of Fishing

Hello everyone who may be reading this, I hope you're having a good day. Grab yourself a cup of tea and put on your seat belts as this is going to be quite the long read. (The thread wasn't big enough for my entire idea so I will post this thread then put the rest in replies).

I think we can all agree that fishing is very much dead on the server and has been for quite some time. Whether it be due to the fact that the sales price of sharks was nerfed over the years (down to 7.5k) or the fact that there seems to be a worse chance on catching them at shark pools as well as turtles/stingrays at their fishing pools as well. We could also fault the way they're sold with only one place to take them. Whatever way you look at fishing, the fact remains that it is a very dead activity within the player base.

Suggestions for ordinary fishing

1. Starting with the basics, I think instead of pressing the numbers between 4 - 8, we could use the skill check wheel that we use for pretty much everything else as not only would it be more efficient but I think it would require less work for the developers to implement. (Using the same numbers as our current skill checks of 1 - 4).

2. Another incentive we could add into the game to make people fish more would be the ability to actually cook the fish. We could have foods such as: Sushi (Salmon or Mackerel with the possibility of adding tuna in as a new fish we can catch as it's the most famous option for sushi). We could also have fried, baked, boiled or steamed fish... Cod being the best option to fry, carp being the best option to bake, crabs being the best to boil and trout being the best option to steam (Just like they are best cooked in real life). Now this also leans into the side of our "cooking" skill on the server, which is also very dead but I don't want to stray too far off my point here, which is that these ideas could bring people to the shores or seas of Los Santos to fish once again and have an incentive to actually do so.

As an Apostle/Christian role-player, it would also be beneficial to our role-play as Christians fast on certain periods of the year depending on your faith and denomination. As a Catholic, it is common for us to only eat fish on Fridays especially on Good Friday during the Easter week (Creating another RP scenario for us), so having the ability to catch and cook fish to eat on the server would add to that whole idea of being a Christian role-player.

3. Adding a fishing skill, at the lower end of the fishing skill when people are just starting off, you could make their yield of fish caught per cast lower emulating the fact that they can barely fish as they're technically only beginners and they should only be able to use 1 hook on their fishing line catching only 1 fish. Skilled fisherman in real life can use up to 3-4 hooks on a single fishing line, which we could make available to those that have a higher level in fishing thus they can catch 3 - 4 fish in a single cast (Which is already implemented on the server). When it comes to turtles, stingrays and sharks though, I think it should stay as it is currently in terms of how many you can catch in a single cast, which is 1. These are much larger animals, the idea of catching more than 1 in a single cast is very unrealistic.

The main reason I suggest a fishing skill is for my main idea on this thread, which I will talk about shortly after these points.

4. I was going to suggest the ability to make fishing rods but most fishing rods are made from fiberglass or a composite of graphite and carbon fibre. This in my opinion would be too much hassle for our developers to produce. Now what I'm about to suggest instead isn't something I myself even fully see as a great idea but still thought I should add it in here as it came to my head... What if as we were fishing with fishing rods on the shore or out at sea, that we had the chance to break our fishing line? This would create an avenue for the fishing shop/shops to sell an extra item (fishing line) and better yet, we could take our plastic sheets to Lester's factory where we make hemp wadding and use one of the spinning machines to make our line. Not only could shop owners order in fishing line but they could possible be sold fishing line from independent sources (i.e the people who make their own at Lester's textile factory beside the arcade). Again, it's an idea that I myself don't fully back as I can agree it would be too much hassle to implement but I still thought I should put it out there as a suggestion while I was hear writing my thread.

5. In real life you need to have a fishing licence to fish and I think this should definitely be the case for how fishing is done on the server, this would also create more RP scenarios for park rangers for those who fishing in places that aren't shark, stingray or turtle pools. Giving people more of a reason to patrol/play as a park ranger.

6. On my final suggestion to ordinary fishing (fishing with a fishing rod). I would suggest that the prices of the fish get increased every so slightly. For example, sharks should be increased back up to 10k per shark and for the rest of the fish add a small percentage increase on their sales price by at least 10 - 15%. This way it's a fair enough change but not something that would mess up the balance in the city in terms of where people work/their source of income.

My main idea on how to make fishing great again

The main reason I made this post was to suggest the following: We should be able to fish from boats properly using tools like handheld nets or nets that are attached to the boats themselves!

One of the many great things I can say about the new sanitation job is the fact that it can involve teams of 2 - 4 people to actually work and do the job together as part of a group. One of the best things about working as part of a group is the sense of community, I've found myself in positions over the years doing taxi jobs, fuel delivery jobs, mechanic jobs or even fishing is a very solo thing to do and I don't think I'm speaking for all people when I say this but I've found myself getting either very bored on my own or just straight up lonely while working alone for long periods of time.

What if we brought in a new style of fishing? A type of fishing job that is similar to the sanitation jobs? Making use of some of the boats already within the GTAV game files such as the Tug and the docks (Southern side of Los Santos) to sell our fish in bulk, the very same docks that pretty much doesn't get used for anything on the server other than taking people there to execute/dump them.

Group/Commercial fishing suggestions

1. As I mentioned above for ordinary fishing, the idea of bringing in a fishing skill. A skill that at first we could only increase with a fishing rod itself (maybe level 0 - 1 or 0 - 2) and when level 1 or 2 fishing skill is achieved, these players with this skill could get into commercial fishing as part of a group, similar to the bin jobs by going and signing on at a dock somewhere in the vast dock area south of Los Santos allowing them to take out a boat to fish in certain areas of the ocean to fish for large quantities of fish (earning more money than ordinary fishing). Once they "start a job" they could get icons on their minimap etc to tell them to go to certain areas.

2. Depending on the player's fishing skill/level they can only do certain jobs, for example: Level 0 -1 will only allow the player to fish with a fishing rod on the shore or off the side of a boat at sea... Level 1 - 2 will increase the amount gained while fishing with a fishing rod.... Level 2 will grant them access to the group jobs at the docks but they'll only be able to hire out certain smaller boats such as the Dinghy, Tropic or Suntrap... Level 3 - 4 will grant access to the Tug allowing players to do much larger jobs (I don't know how to add pictures so please Google "GTAV Tug boat"). The Tug should have the ability to go to certain areas of the ocean to cast a net to catch large quantities of fish similar to when we start bin jobs, we get the little icons on what bins we need to go to. Level 4 being the max level will increase the speed on which you can catch the fish using the net of the Tug.

Now lets get more in-depth with how these jobs will work - On the lower end of the scale, we will have the jobs involving the Dinghy, Tropic or Suntrap (Or any other smaller boat you developers can think of, I'm open to suggestions). These lower end jobs should give out the either the same or nearby icons to the icons given when starting a job on the much larger boat, the Tug. Also to create an incentive to push further and achieve max level fishing, we either only allow these smaller-scale fisherman to use their fishing rods at these "pools" or to implement a handheld net tool that can catch more fish than the ordinary fishing rod but less that the fishing net/trawler net attached to the tug boat. This will help achieve a few factors: 1. it will make people want to push on through these jobs so that they can use the bigger boat (Tug) for a better income and 2. it will create a bit of diversity in the job itself, having a variety of different fisherman in the city rather than everyone doing the exact same thing. 3. Different levels should give out different rewards and having level 2 fisherman only being able to use a fishing rod/handheld net at these "pools/job icons" will mean those at max level will gain a better reward/pay slip for their hard work + the obvious ability to use a bigger boat...
3. Just like the bin jobs where people buy the Rat Loader truck so they don't have to rent one, people who already own a Dinghy, Tropic or Suntrap can bring their own boat down to the docks, sign it on and use that instead of renting one. Making their investment in the boat itself worth their while in the long run and not only that but also giving the Marina boat dealership a little more custom, creating a better and wider sense of economy on the server.
In terms of whether a player can own the large Tug boat or not is up for debate, either make it like the Trashmaster is where you have to rent one or make it very pricey (Millions of pounds to buy one, maybe between 2 - 5 million).

4. In relation to the beginning of suggestion 3, having the Marina docks as pretty much the only place within the city to park your own boats leaves very few options in terms of logistic availability. I suggest that we could maybe have somewhere to park our boats at the Commercial Fishing office where people both sign on and receive the jobs or close to it.

5. If handheld nets were to be developed, I suggest that they should be used as a tool along our hotbar, just like the fishing rod is.

6. Back to the topic of the Tug and how we would fish with it - Now I have thought whenever we get these bigger jobs involving the Tug that we could go to a certain "pool/job icon" out in the sea, we could park the Tug, anchoring it on top of these pools, the men on deck could use their third eye on a certain part of the Tug (probably the back end) and deploy the net and after a certain amount of time, that pool is done with so they move onto the next one until all their job icons are gone then they return to the Commercial Fishing Office to unload their catch/get paid.

7. One thing I've failed to mention, is the size of the crews involved in these specific operations. For the smaller boats (Dinghy, Tropic, Suntrap etc), I would suggest limiting the crew to a number of 2. For the larger operations involving the Tug, I would suggest a crew of 3 but what puzzles me in my idea is other than the driver and the crew mate that deploys the net, what would the other one be doing? Surely they can't just come along for the ride and receive a payday from the efforts of the other two who are actually doing the work.
Suggestions for this:
The remaining crew mate could be what fisherman call a "Boatswain", the man in charge of deploying and raising the ships anchor (Although the driver would likely have this option already). They could also be the ships engineer or lastly, they could be the man who throws chum into the areas of the job icons/pools of fish when they arrive. The last two ideas being less seriously thought out than the first of course (the idea of a Boatswain). At worst case scenario, the 3rd man could simply be a spare deckhand if anything where to happen the driver or first mate (player who casts the net), whether they fall into the water, get downed or even disconnect).

8. We also have the topic of where exactly would the fish be unloaded, if the Commercial Fishing office was to be in a narrow part of the docks then could you imagine the sheer mayhem of multiple tugs trying to pull into it? It would be the same madness that we seen whenever the bin jobs first released, boats getting stuck, blowing up and people losing their shit.
To counter this I suggest we could have the police/harbour police around to help, not only patrolling our streets but patrolling our seas. At least the shorelines/docks as patrolling the wide ocean would definitely be an enormous task for even a large team of police. Although I think this is a great suggestion to help with the congestion of boats at the docks, I also think it would take resources away from an already few-in-number police force. Another idea that doesn't involve police would be to use a wide open area to unload the fish from the boats.

9. Lastly I would suggest that the money gained from commercial fishing be reflective of the bin jobs in order to not take everyone off our streets, creating a dead environment because everyone is out at sea... Have it somewhat the same or if it is a better paycheck, then make it the case that it takes longer to actually do the job so that in terms of time converted into money, people would still prefer to do bins, taxi work or selling drugs to locals. I think its very important that if this idea gets accepted and implemented that it be done with extreme caution as again, we don't want to empty our streets as it will create a dead city in terms of activity. One major pro on this is that I've used a tug boat both on GTA4 and GTAV, they're extremely slow so hopefully this would make the job very long to accomplish completing.

Thank you to any of you that have taken your time to read all of this, I'm very fond of fishing both IRL and on the server so I tried my best to put together a plan that would revive the fishing side of things. I'm open to any suggestions or modification ideas on the suggestions I've made above.

Let's make fishing great again!
8. We also have the topic of where exactly would the fish be unloaded, if the Commercial Fishing office was to be in a narrow part of the docks then could you imagine the sheer mayhem of multiple tugs trying to pull into it? It would be the same madness that we seen whenever the bin jobs first released, boats getting stuck, blowing up and people losing their shit.
To counter this I suggest we could have the police/harbour police around to help,
i would like to see more action arround the docs close to the import warehouse where mr whites has been a long time ago.
and than after unloading it over there be payed at the station where u ve got ur job vehicle "tug boat" from.

all in all
make fishing great again