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Make Fire Service Independent of NHS

SGT Dean Hastings

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Los Santos Police Senior
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This is a community suggestion as opposed to a dev one. There is no need for dev work on this.

From speaking to many cops in LSPS and reading the dev chat in Discord there is a strong consensus that Fire service should be opened up. 

For those not in the know; Fire Service is already set up fully to operate as a faction. It has separate ranks, ts tags , ts channels, it's own hours trackers, it's own uniforms, vehicles, scripts and a separate ID (which looks very smart) all setup. The devs have done an absolutely amazing job on the Fire Service and despite it being in for a long time now it remains a subsidiary of the NHS, to get Fire you have to apply NHS, do an interview, do a first patrol with T&R and finally you have to then do a large amount of hours as AAP to get Paramedic to then be eligible to apply for Fire Sevice.

The process might be slightly more or less complicated then that but the consensus I'm getting from the people around me is that we all, want to join and RP as Fire fighters but have no interest in being NHS and don't have the time to committ to essentially for some of us may be 4 different roles: crimson, cops, NHS and then finally Fire.

I appreciate Fire has been put that way to try and motivate people to do NHS but being able to see the numbers of people I gdt the impression people would rather not join at all then go through that process.

Please comment below however you vote, I really want to hear your thoughts on this. 

-1 encouraging people to join the NHS in order to be a full time firefighter helps to boost numbers and otherwise you would likely see a greater fall in the number of NHS members.

I think there are other better solutions to allow people to be firefighters without being in the NHS.

@ZulufighterI would agree but I don't see that in the numbers transfer over ingame. I see a massive faction otherwise not operating due to this bottleneck. I am lucky to see one fire unit once every three days, and when fires get left unattended Police end up dealing with these fires.

100% +1 and im sure the last time i called for the fire dept to turn up im allmost certain they were staff

+1 having to do something you have no interest in just to be able to join what you want seems very bizarre to me

-1 for me

Don't see why it needs to be more independent then it already is, it has it own meeting, own clock in system, if it should be split then that should be something for NHS and Fire Command to bring up. 

For some players who only wants to play as fire then that could be something to look into, don't know if it is set up a prosses to join fire without becoming a Paramedic as I believe it was set up as such to "vet" a player.


Doesnt need to be connected to NHS for any reason as it has nothing to do with them.

No one wants to go through the NHS trainee stage where you sometimes have to wait for 7 days to get an interview and then need another 30 days of effort to get to the next rank in order to cross over to fire resulting in it being severely underused.

I suppose the glaring issue here is that nearly all current NHS staff are also Fire staff, if you separate them and force people into one or the other it cripples an already struggling ambulance service.

I think if this were to go ahead, players should retain the ability to be in both services simultaneously so we don't see a mass exodus of staff from one or the other.

Personally, I think the real problem that needs addressing is people having absolutely no interest in the NHS in the first place. What I wouldn't give for a GTA version of ACE Medical from ArmA 3 or something similar to really immerse in and present some actual risk instead of the shitty expectation that we are revive bots that can fix 12 GSW's at the roadside, but I suppose that's a totally new suggestion altogether.

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Like I mentioned in the discord, there should be the choice for players to join the fire service but not have to go through all the work of being part of the NHS, like having volunteer firefighters that don't have to do all the NHS training they can go out and fight fired but if they aren't trained as part of the NHS then they can't do the full medical assistance, they could do the basic /me applying bandages and that kind of medical but won't be able to actually heal players, they can still assist and wait for actual medical to arrive or help transport the injured to hospital

It's like how you have the rangers you can be a full ranger or just get a permit it works for them so I don't see why something similar can be setup for fire service, apply then if your accepted you go for training on how to use the equipment and such

If there was this option I would go for it, at current I don't want to go to NHS and do all that training and promotions and such as I don't have the time with running my other buisness but to be able to run my buisness and part time fire that would be perfect

-1 for me

Don't see why it needs to be more independent then it already is, it has it own meeting, own clock in system, if it should be split then that should be something for NHS and Fire Command to bring up. 

For some players who only wants to play as fire then that could be something to look into, don't know if it is set up a prosses to join fire without becoming a Paramedic as I believe it was set up as such to "vet" a player.
Hi Newlyunknown. No you cannot join fire unless you join NHS, you must join NHS and then get through two ranks in NHS before you can apply to do fire. It isn't about vetting a player, its not hard to do, I do it for my faction, its a none issue. 

I suppose the glaring issue here is that nearly all current NHS staff are also Fire staff, if you separate them and force people into one or the other it cripples an already struggling ambulance service.

I think if this were to go ahead, players should retain the ability to be in both services simultaneously so we don't see a mass exodus of staff from one or the other.

Personally, I think the real problem that needs addressing is people having absolutely no interest in the NHS in the first place. What I wouldn't give for a GTA version of ACE Medical from ArmA 3 or something similar to really immerse in and present some actual risk instead of the shitty expectation that we are revive bots that can fix 12 GSW's at the roadside, but I suppose that's a totally new suggestion altogether.
I agree completely with both points. Firstly people should be allowed to be in both if they want to, not because they have to. Secondly I agree the medic system is kinda boring but that is another suggestion entirely, someting I'd be well up for. 

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Hi Newlyunknown. No you cannot join fire unless you join NHS, you must join NHS and then get through two ranks in NHS before you can apply to do fire. It isn't about vetting a player, its not hard to do, I do it for my faction, its a none issue. 

I agree completely with both points. Firstly people should be allowed to be in both if they want to, not because they have to. Secondly I agree the medic system is kinda boring but that is another suggestion entirely, someting I'd be well up for. 
Its 1 rank, you have to be promoted once and then you can join fire and never have to do any NHS Work after that.

Right SO Ive spoken to NHS about this and I thought I would share my thoughts on this as I have been thinking quite heavily about this

Fire / NHS is a full time job. Even in some event (that I dont see happening) Fire was to split from NHS it would still be a full time job. (im hearing that people want to be Police and Fire but I can say now that will never happen due to G5.2)

This is a Dev Suggestion as alot of work went into putting NHS and Fire into the one job instead of two (it would take a good bit of work to seperate the two)

Inorder to join fire as I have seen some inconsistancys in the responses here

you need to do

  • Application
  • Interview
  • First patrol as a medic
  • assed patrol (its just basics on medical)
  • Patrol as a medic for about a week or two at which you will be promoted
  • after you have been promoted you are free to join fire and never do any medic patrols once you meet the activity guidlines

It really isnt alot to go through having gone through it myself when we moved over from Arma to GTA (I even was the head of T&R and helped put alot of the foundations of some of this stuff in place)

Fire is a benefit of being a member of the NHS and it would be unfair to take that away now. its been like this since the start of the server its always been NHS/fire

to Say its unfair to have to go through the medical stuff to get to fire is the same as saying to the police it is unfair to do the ODP or other trainings set in place
