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Lupo aka ~Lupo~ - Worst server known to Altis

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For the love of reverend please link your youtube! I want to learn how you got so many subs!

You seemed to be enjoying yourself the other day in Kavala... But ... I also want to see that youtube :p


I am now on my knees begging to see your youtube, I've tried searching all the terms I can think of. Please please PLEASE don't tell me you lied in your first post of this thread.

Youtube link please!!!

You should take notes,

Also on the part where it is about training staff and perhaps not giving them the powers to forfill a role they do not know how to partake in.

Jaggeh was with me the entire time and witnessed the incident today and is just as pissed as I am about the incident.

However, Wilco, I commend you on creating a successful and vibrant community, I have nothing personally against you, or Cardoso, or Ciaran, but maybe the way that the recruitment process and training programme is executed. I notice Vladic hasn't said much on this topic.

All negatives aside, I wish you and your community the best of luck.

Immature? I don't think so, I think some of the things you have said are quite immature, even Ciaran, who is significantly younger than you shows more maturity than you sir.
You just don't stop do you ?

The recruitment process was spot on and we recruited some very solid admins, The way you are referring to this shows to me that your not happy because you was not chosen.

Instead of approaching me this evening... hey Wilco i wish to discuss the situation you have came here to cause issues and start leaving bad reviews about the community you haven't bothered to integrate with. as for your apparent following yet when people are asking you for that your avoiding supplying it.

A very very immature way of dealing with things.... Let me go and start posting about Lupo the admin it will rank higher in google that your poor attempts... but i am better than that.

Just heard from Ciaran you want to come in the admin room and discuss... a bit late for that!

Firstly, you're wrong


Secondly, good riddance

At least we're not named after out nan's car


I am now on my knees begging to see your youtube, I've tried searching all the terms I can think of. Please please PLEASE don't tell me you lied in your first post of this thread.

Youtube link please!!!
1 Subscriber... 19 twitch followers

Just to put you at ease George :) ... he is not going to supply it as it will prove he is lying.

Hahaha what a joke. I've already given him too much attention which is what he craves. Mommy issues suck man. You can pay people to give you hugs you know lol

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All i can say is wow..

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I was honestly surprised to see this kind of post, although I guess I should have seen something like this coming, considering you had problems abiding by the server rules.. and never returned the 500k you owe me.

I'm surprised to see the "I didn't know the rules because I'm too fucking lazy to read them" excuse, no pity points here.. rtfm.

So please do take your stupidity some place else, you could have left gracefully but decided to be an idiot, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

I feel the need, as the person who recruiting Lupo into PLF - to shed some insight in recent events.

Lupo, decided to join the PLF channels using his police name and enquire if we could open a slot for him, I obliged - we take quite a few applications from police and considering high ranks go through some very solid role play, we felt this couldn't harm our reputation at all. Oh, how I was wrong.

The first incident occurred in which Lupo (Or Rogain as he named himself) caused a shit storm in UNMC territory by robbing civilians within their zone. PLF and UNMC, although in no way alliance'd, has an agreement that we don't give each other shit. After actively saying on Teamspeak he's robbing someone and hearing him command someone out of the car, moments later a UNMC member asked to speak to me and informed me he's robbing people in their zone. Lupo denied, despite 2 PLF leaders hearing him say it over Teamspeak.

The second incident occurred in which Lupo managed (after being told to put his gun away) to pull out a gun, spray down a police vehicle and and get everyone from a The Increment shot by police, losing them £4,000,000. 

Third incident occurred in which Lupo clearly RDM'd someone outside of Cocain processing. A video was posted however, as the leader of PLF I took it upon myself to get him out of shit by compensating the person completely and apologising. 

Now, just a few hours ago a member of PLF reports to me that someone is using a jet and using it's weapons on the PLF base, I report it to Vladic who in return spectates this person, witnesses him using the weapons and bans him, as per the server rules.

Surely you can see Lupo, you've not done a lot of good things while you've been here yourself? It greatly upsets me to see this, I thought you were a fantastic addition to PLF at first. I really hoped it wouldn't have come to this, however I can only see the entire situation plagued with issues that have only been inflicted by yourself.

As for Vladic as an admin? Despite his filthy, filthy lust for being a police officer and of all trades, joining the RAF - he's a brilliant person who I wouldn't want to be banned by, kicked from or yelled at. But fantastic none the less.

Always wondered how you stayed in the police for long after playing as a rebel when you weren't allowed to. Even when I caught you red handed, you treated me as if you ran the server, bossing me around lmao. Looking forward to have a giggle at this supposed YouTube channel.

[insert EPIC EPIC Fail gif here]

Goodnight all

I was going to post a whole diatribe here defending the community, the admins, specifically referencing Vladic who is putting some serious time in trying to keep the server clear of trolls so we can all enjoy playing. Mentioning that we have ban appeal processes and Admins to approach if you feel unfairly treated... but then I thought "fuck it". Here's a gif. Gent bent.


Making threats and lying... Seriously. Just fuck off. 

EDIT: C**t.

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Ok so PC Lupo had a bad start to his career in the police. He was warned once for using an alternate name when playing as a civ.

Last night while I was on admin duty I had reports of a player shooting at ground targets with his jet so I spectate the player. I watch him do a few strafe runs with his cannons and then decide the safest thing to do is ban the player before he VDM's someone. Lo and behold its Mr Lupo again using another alias so that was scope enough to remove him from the force. I consulted his chain of command to get a feel for the guy as I didn't really know him and they agreed that he should be kicked.

24 hours later I notice a player with a strange symbol at the start of his name and as it was fairly quiet elsewhere I decided to go have a look. I pop into the middle of a robbery or so I thought. I am amazed by the seemingly endless role play situations and creativity we have here at altislife.co.uk so I teleported nearby so I could listen in. The guy was robbed of everything he had and then told he had a contract out on his head by PLF Vlad, which I thought was strange, and then murdered. I later asked Vlad if he was contracting people to kill others and he told me had not.

Then we get to my conversation with Lupo. I asked him why he killed the poor fella and he explained fully and colourfully and by the end of it I was pretty much 50/50 on wether I was going to take action. You can't just kill people and make up that you were contracted to kill them. Then he said, "are we done here?", and I said, "I don't know. Are we?", to which he replied with a huge spiel about how he was an admin elsewhere for 2 years and only missed out on getting admin here because of his age and then said "Have you made your decision Mr Admin?", so by this point I was feeling slightly annoyed and patronised and made the call to ban him.

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