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[LRG] Harry - Breaking General Rules

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If you had removed me then, then there would be no report at this point in time... So if you felt as though I was trolling you, you would have saved us all a lot of time by moving me out of the bounds of the HQ
Well unfortunately a few seconds after that you stood up and Bob initiated his role play so tough luck.

I am in total agreement with the fact that my role play was atrocious. This would have been a perfect time for me to increase my role playing skills also. I was not playing how I should of played but I want you to know that although what I was portraying there was extremely terrible, it is not how I normally role play. I only acted in such a manor due to the fact that I was tased in the back at the police HQ for no crime what so ever; this led me to believe that you were in fact breaking the rules. Now, I now fully understand that I was not in fact allowed to proclaim that you were breaking the rules out load, as this is also breaking role play. Although it is no excuse for no role play, I did not want to continue with what was going on due to me being tasered and arrested for no reason, I was also seeing if I was able to contact anyone who knew if the situation that was going on was not breaking any rules, this is why at some points I would talk (assuming rules were not being broken) and some points I would not (assuming rules were being broken).

I do now fully understand what rules were broken and I really hope that we meet in game again sometime and I can show you that I can in fact role play and am not a player who goes around trying to break rules, but instead, I am a player that enjoys the server and 99.9% of the people who play on it and does not go around trying to break rules and ruin everyone's fun.


I am a bit fucking pissed right now.

If I remember right Vacatio had a word with the LRG Guys saying that this is their LAST CHANCE to improve their RP.

& now you are even saying that you "agree" on your poor Roleplay?

I will Approve this Report for now and will hand it over to Vacatio so he can have a look into it.

Approved - Awaiting Action - 21/11/14

Rejected > Reason(There is not major rule breaking here. I am surprised it has come to this considering the evidence given is "week" in my opinion. Yes all LRG are on there last warning but i see no reason for this to result is a perma ban in any way. He stopped talking when you put your hand up his back-side. If he wants to remain silent he can. He then talked when you started

the official processes again. He said he will put it on youtube....so what. Lots of people said that when i was a cop. YouTube is not a major breach of rp.  ) > Date 23/11/14


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