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[LPH] Shaggatron (Community banned)

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Well-known member
Name of the person you are reporting (in-game name): [LPH] Shaggatron
Time & Date this happened: 4/07/2015 15:20 and again at 15:32
Which Server did this happen on: #1
Description of what happened: We stole 3 of LPH's trucks. In doing so I and another EXP member had them all killed. Then I catch Shaggatron following me in a red offroad. This is obvious metagaming as he is using the keychain/tilde key to find his truck and NLR as he was headed back to get his truck after we killed him). I tell him to leave, he starts talking to the heli so I kill him after several warnings. He then comes back again within 6 minutes of me killing him to Kavala drug dealer where he proceeds to get in his truck and drive off. We all open fire on his wheels but his fuel was hit and the truck and his exploded. He also begged us in side chat to leave his truck. I know for a fact, 2 Members, Salty and Krawly warned him not to come back after respawning.
What Rule Was Broken ?: NLR Metagaming Fail RP VDM
Have you tried to resolve with the player before posting?: Yes we spoke to him on teamspeak, he came in yelling what rule did I brake?!?! . Once we had explained to him his gang offered us money to not report him. We obviously said no and the player told us do what you have to do, we have had other problems with his gang already and decided it was time to go to the forums.
Please post video evidence/screenshots here The Videos are currently uploading. They could take a few hours knowing my internet. Sorry about that.
The videos carry on from each other. It is all one video split into two. The third is a more recent event separate to the first.
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can I just say that the second time I was revived by the medic therefore I do not think that that is nlr as I was revived. also I do not know when I said that I will offer you money to report me, in fact I did not say that

you say that I came in the ts 'screaming like a child' well I did not. I was not happy because you did not get me into the ts you decided to get one of gang members into the ts and it was later on that I found out that I was getting reported that is why I was angry because you did not as me to come to the ts you made one of my gang members come.

also you say you have had other problems with me and think that it is no true as you may have had problems with my gang and I have been in the ts to help out my gang members and the problems have not been with me

also could you please tell me when I vdm you as I do not recall doing this?

I understand that I was in the wrong and due to this I have gone and read the rules in great detail and it will not happen again



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I would  like to ask you for some proof of the medic reviving you? And even if the medic did revive you, you still came back to your truck, obviously using the keychain to find it and proceeded to steal it back. This isn't allowed.

Great you have read the rules. Hopefully doing this and the punishment of which the Admins will decide for you will kick you into gear and shape you up to actually obeying them too. This will only improve your experiences.

Don't bother replying further, there will be no resolving this. I personally gave you several warnings and you carried on. Other gang members did too. You need to be shown how this community works. The rules are there for a reason, for keeping the community a fun place with great RP and not just one huge mess.

Ok I agree with you completely but sorry I don't have evidence of the medic but I can promise you I did get revived

when you killed me in the second video that is when I was revived



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I know medics were present so that is quite possible however it wasn't the first time.

I have been banned once. It got me to sort my act out and now 600 off altislife hours later, I'm still here and loving every second.

Hopefully you can experience something similar.


EDIT: He continues to fail RP. Can someone in his gang please explain what 100% Roleplay is.

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after the vdm event I did instantly get off my go kart explain what happened and I did say sorry and also did repair the vehicles and It was pure accident

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