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Lost all my money, drugs etc (compensation request)

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Chelmsford, Essex
In-game name: Fuski

Your player ID (copy from your arma 3 profile): 76561198040155110


What was lost: 2 Covered Trucks (1 stolen), $860k worth of heroin, 200k in wallet

Value of item/money lost: £1000000 to £1500000

Quick description of what happened:

Around 10 minutes ago I lost a covered truck that I had stolen, and mine (not too worried as it will return on a reset) but I lost 860k worth of heroin which was in the trucks. I lost around 200k that was on me at the time aswell. Clothes, backpack etc are not a problem due to how cheap they are but I'd definitely like to have all of the rest returned (or it's worth) to me. This is report is the result of the fact that I have spent a long time playing and it all go just because of a weird bug. 

This was all due to a bug/hack/event or something, but alot of us were teleported high above the sea and we fell to our deaths. (I assume some people can confirm this)

(if you are wondering why I am part of the Altis Police, I request to be removed from the whitelist as it is not for me. I have resumed criminal activity and removed the P.A.T and rank tag from my name in-game in the mean time.)

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They were indeed, they were at the heroin field at the time the bug happened (as was I)
(£100k ones)

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Sucks that that happened to you but you do know when you "steal" a car or whatever you don't get to keep it right?

Why was you carrying 200k in your wallet too? That's crazy man I don't run around with more than 1k let alone 200k that's just stupid. Lol

How much can a zamak normally carry full of herion then? Seems like a pretty big amount for a zamak. I know a hmmet full of coke normally pushes around 400k I think. And coke is the best illegal trade to take up. That's rough figures but I'm pretty sure I'm not too far off.

Yeah, that's why I included because me and my friend drove two trucks to the heroin field (heroin is like 7.5k each right?) and each Zamak covered has 250 weight, each heroin weighs 6. I may be wrong about the value of heroin and am open to any corrections and will edit the initial report accordingly.

last time i did illegal runs, i got 5.5k for one proccesed coke, and that was the best you could get what so ever on the server, i think you got your prices wrong

The most you're getting from a Zamak full of Heroine is £130,000. Where ever you got 800k from I'll never know. It's doubtful you'll get comp'd for this as there was no garuentee you'd actually get away with selling it.

but if you are able to get 7.5k from herorin, i need to be introduced to that dealer!

I second that crazy one! Lol.

It's ok fuski mate its easily done and like I said it sucks that it happened to you. Hopefully I'll see you on the server soon we can go pick some peaches together ;-)

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I think Heroin goes for ~4k ea or something. You got dem prices wrong bro! haha, no worries - happens. As grumpy said, I'll gladly join picking peaches together with you! 

As for grumpy. I'll do it with you aswell. Any day <3

My mistake. My friend calculated that we'd get around 860k from 2 trucks (and 3 people) full of heroin because we thought it was 7.5k each, I'm happy for the compensation to be lowered but I definitely want to see a result of the time I've spent playing rather than just a fucking empty wallet and a naked guy just because of some silly skydiving bug.

Jay, you're right that we might not have returned the heroin. But chances are we would of made at least a bit of cash as there were 3 of us with 64 space each, and 2 Zamaks full of heroin.

I just worked it out and that totals nearly 500k. Not to mention I had 200k cash on me, so it doesn't fall all that short of my initial request. Thanks for your input everyone and I fuckin hope I get this cash because I can't play much today! :p

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bump, still recieved nothing and I also have lost alot more since this due to VDM etc. however I will not post another report due to the money from this apart from the VDMers names that I have caught.

On this occasion I have refunded 1.5mill back into your bank account.

Moving to approved.

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